Here’s Your Russian Collusion: Biden Working with Russia on New Iran Nuke Deal


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Here’s Your Russian Collusion: Biden Working with Russia on New Iran Nuke Deal

Why exactly is Biden getting Russian help to appease Iran?
7 Mar 2022 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Just when you think the Biden administration couldn’t possibly get worse, it finds a way. Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department official, tweeted Wednesday that State, NSC, and European Union officials are warning that “what’s happening in Vienna,” where Biden’s handlers are negotiating a new nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, “is a total disaster,” and that they’re hoping that “Congress will act to stop the capitulation.”
It’s about as likely that Congress will stop this, of course, as it is that Biden’s handlers will send Donald J. Trump himself to Vienna to handle the negotiations, but there are abundant signs that the new agreement will be far worse than the old one, and directly endanger America and its allies. For one thing, even amidst ever-rising tensions with Russia and punitive sanctions, the administration has turned over leadership of the negotiations to a Russian diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov. Yes, that’s right: Putin’s man is going to get us a new deal with the mullahs.
Biden’s handlers show no sign of relenting on this. To all appearances, they’re rushing headlong in to a deal with Tehran that would, surprise of surprises, place Russia in a key role, as did the original Obama nuke deal. NBC News explained that “Under one draft interim agreement that sources said Russia presented to Iran, Tehran would be required to stop enriching uranium up to 60 percent purity and dispose of its current stockpile, possibly by exporting it to Russia, along with other restrictions. In exchange, the Iranian government would receive access to billions of dollars in oil revenues frozen in foreign bank accounts, including in South Korea, the sources said.”
So, the Russians would get uranium at a time when Vladimir Putin has raised nuclear tensions to a level we have not seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Islamic Republic, whose leaders finance not just jihad terror groups, but also Leftist groups that work to destabilize Western societies would get billions. What could possibly go wrong?

Once Biden and his handlers strike another really bad deal, the media will tell the American morons that it’s a good thing and will mean peace in our time. The public will believe it, because they can’t focus on more than 15 seconds when the media tells them it’s good.
The key to the plot is Biden's plan to bypass the Senate, which legally has to approve real treaties by a two thirds majority. The last time we had an Iran deal, the Senate itself shirked its responsibilities. As I recall, McConnell was a party to that. Then the Iranians wouldn't even sign off, but our Treasury still buried them in nice crisp money. Which side is our government, the one that lets Russians do the new Iran deal, now on? Biden won't even dip into his amazing stash of bribe money to finance this mess; it's all on we the taxpayer.

Here’s Your Russian Collusion: Biden Working with Russia on New Iran Nuke Deal

Why exactly is Biden getting Russian help to appease Iran?
7 Mar 2022 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Just when you think the Biden administration couldn’t possibly get worse, it finds a way. Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department official, tweeted Wednesday that State, NSC, and European Union officials are warning that “what’s happening in Vienna,” where Biden’s handlers are negotiating a new nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, “is a total disaster,” and that they’re hoping that “Congress will act to stop the capitulation.”
It’s about as likely that Congress will stop this, of course, as it is that Biden’s handlers will send Donald J. Trump himself to Vienna to handle the negotiations, but there are abundant signs that the new agreement will be far worse than the old one, and directly endanger America and its allies. For one thing, even amidst ever-rising tensions with Russia and punitive sanctions, the administration has turned over leadership of the negotiations to a Russian diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov. Yes, that’s right: Putin’s man is going to get us a new deal with the mullahs.
Biden’s handlers show no sign of relenting on this. To all appearances, they’re rushing headlong in to a deal with Tehran that would, surprise of surprises, place Russia in a key role, as did the original Obama nuke deal. NBC News explained that “Under one draft interim agreement that sources said Russia presented to Iran, Tehran would be required to stop enriching uranium up to 60 percent purity and dispose of its current stockpile, possibly by exporting it to Russia, along with other restrictions. In exchange, the Iranian government would receive access to billions of dollars in oil revenues frozen in foreign bank accounts, including in South Korea, the sources said.”
So, the Russians would get uranium at a time when Vladimir Putin has raised nuclear tensions to a level we have not seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Islamic Republic, whose leaders finance not just jihad terror groups, but also Leftist groups that work to destabilize Western societies would get billions. What could possibly go wrong?

Once Biden and his handlers strike another really bad deal, the media will tell the American morons that it’s a good thing and will mean peace in our time. The public will believe it, because they can’t focus on more than 15 seconds when the media tells them it’s good.
The key to the plot is Biden's plan to bypass the Senate, which legally has to approve real treaties by a two thirds majority. The last time we had an Iran deal, the Senate itself shirked its responsibilities. As I recall, McConnell was a party to that. Then the Iranians wouldn't even sign off, but our Treasury still buried them in nice crisp money. Which side is our government, the one that lets Russians do the new Iran deal, now on? Biden won't even dip into his amazing stathissh of bribe money to finance this mess; it's all on we the taxpayer.
this is to court the ruskies to lower gas prices to get reelected
definitely collusion

Here’s Your Russian Collusion: Biden Working with Russia on New Iran Nuke Deal

Why exactly is Biden getting Russian help to appease Iran?
7 Mar 2022 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Just when you think the Biden administration couldn’t possibly get worse, it finds a way. Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department official, tweeted Wednesday that State, NSC, and European Union officials are warning that “what’s happening in Vienna,” where Biden’s handlers are negotiating a new nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, “is a total disaster,” and that they’re hoping that “Congress will act to stop the capitulation.”
It’s about as likely that Congress will stop this, of course, as it is that Biden’s handlers will send Donald J. Trump himself to Vienna to handle the negotiations, but there are abundant signs that the new agreement will be far worse than the old one, and directly endanger America and its allies. For one thing, even amidst ever-rising tensions with Russia and punitive sanctions, the administration has turned over leadership of the negotiations to a Russian diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov. Yes, that’s right: Putin’s man is going to get us a new deal with the mullahs.
Biden’s handlers show no sign of relenting on this. To all appearances, they’re rushing headlong in to a deal with Tehran that would, surprise of surprises, place Russia in a key role, as did the original Obama nuke deal. NBC News explained that “Under one draft interim agreement that sources said Russia presented to Iran, Tehran would be required to stop enriching uranium up to 60 percent purity and dispose of its current stockpile, possibly by exporting it to Russia, along with other restrictions. In exchange, the Iranian government would receive access to billions of dollars in oil revenues frozen in foreign bank accounts, including in South Korea, the sources said.”
So, the Russians would get uranium at a time when Vladimir Putin has raised nuclear tensions to a level we have not seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Islamic Republic, whose leaders finance not just jihad terror groups, but also Leftist groups that work to destabilize Western societies would get billions. What could possibly go wrong?

Once Biden and his handlers strike another really bad deal, the media will tell the American morons that it’s a good thing and will mean peace in our time. The public will believe it, because they can’t focus on more than 15 seconds when the media tells them it’s good.
The key to the plot is Biden's plan to bypass the Senate, which legally has to approve real treaties by a two thirds majority. The last time we had an Iran deal, the Senate itself shirked its responsibilities. As I recall, McConnell was a party to that. Then the Iranians wouldn't even sign off, but our Treasury still buried them in nice crisp money. Which side is our government, the one that lets Russians do the new Iran deal, now on? Biden won't even dip into his amazing stash of bribe money to finance this mess; it's all on we the taxpayer.
No question that Quid Pro Joe is colluding with Putin and The Ayatollah in a Nukes for Oil dirty back room deal.
Yet more proof that the man pulling Joe's strings is his former master, Barack Obama.

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