Sports Illustrated celebrates the life of a Murderer


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Black privilege at work again in the corrupt media.

If a white guy calls someone “gay” in an email ten years ago, he’s fired immediately.

If a black guy confesses to a killing, he’s stunning and brave.

This is how warped the brainwashed morons are on the left.

Black privilege at work again in the corrupt media.

If a white guy calls someone “gay” in an email ten years ago, he’s fired immediately.

If a black guy confesses to a killing, he’s stunning and brave.

This is how warped the brainwashed morons are on the left.

Waaaaaaah, waaaaaaah. get a life, moron.
Not sure what about this story bothers you so much, other than it is about a black man. Not sure what that says about you, but hey each to their own.

You have a person that made a horrible choice as a teen and paid his debt to society over it. He could have let it control his life, he could have been one of the multitudes of a kid gone bad who never did anything with his life.

Instead he turned his life around and became a hugely successful business man. I think it is one hell of a story and hopefully it can motivate some other kid in the same starting position to do better.
Nice story.

But, he should have been put to death for murder.

Lenient sentences are a huge part of our problem with crime today.
Nice story.

But, he should have been put to death for murder.

Lenient sentences are a huge part of our problem with crime today.

Those lenient sentences sure drove him to a life of crime.
Let's be understanding.

Print magazines are becoming toast.

So they are desperate to attract readers.

That magazine recently put a transgender lady on its cover.

Now it is celebrating a murderer.

What's next?

That mag will go to any lengths to stay in business.

I cannot blame them. They have to earn a living like everyone else.
Let's be understanding.

Print magazines are becoming toast.

So they are desperate to attract readers.

That magazine recently put a transgender lady on its cover.

Now it is celebrating a murderer.

What's next?

That mag will go to any lengths to stay in business.

I cannot blame them. They have to earn a living like everyone else.

you may not know this, but SI does have a website as well.
Black privilege at work again in the corrupt media.

If a white guy calls someone “gay” in an email ten years ago, he’s fired immediately.

If a black guy confesses to a killing, he’s stunning and brave.

This is how warped the brainwashed morons are on the left.

Let's be honest and acknowledge it's not black privilege but liberal/MSM privilege. If someone like Herman Cain shot and killed someone at 16 he wouldn't have had the option to keep it a secret to reveal on his terms.
The point being, if you are white, your sins from the past can come up and bite you in the ass FOREVER. If you are problem at all.
waaaah ,waaaah. it's so unfair, those negros have it so good. why is it always the fat old white fucks who are so oppressed.
Let's be honest and acknowledge it's not black privilege but liberal/MSM privilege. If someone like Herman Cain shot and killed someone at 16 he wouldn't have had the option to keep it a secret to reveal on his terms.

True, as a politician it would have come out long time ago.
Black privilege at work again in the corrupt media.

If a white guy calls someone “gay” in an email ten years ago, he’s fired immediately.

If a black guy confesses to a killing, he’s stunning and brave.

This is how warped the brainwashed morons are on the left.

Doesn't sound stunning and brave. Does not even sound like it was hidden if he spent years in jail. Nobody in his right mind comes out of prison bragging about what they did to get thrown in prison or they get a shitty life, guaranteed. It just sounds like he wants to parlay the act that he went to jail for, into making profit on a book deal, at the age of 72, to me.
The USA was and still is founded upon Judeo/Christian principles...(Even if the anti religious faction doesn't like it or acknowledge it)

One of the main tenants of these religions is the principle of forgiveness.

We have forgiveness of debts in the form of bankruptcy and other high crimes and misdemeanors... including presidential and Governorship pardons. Even parole.

That way stories like this can happen. Even habitual and career criminals get a chance at forgiveness. (They only get one though)

Because of this we get some incredible stories and highly talented people doing great things. These stories are NOT the norm of course... ne'er do wells usually never do good. But it's OK to celebrate the successes.

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