Sponsors of Anarchy: The violence and mayhem that lies ahead this weekend.


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
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Sponsors of Anarchy
The violence and mayhem that lies ahead this weekend.
January 18, 2017
Michelle Malkin

Hoodlums will be out in full force this Inauguration Day weekend. Count on it.

I've covered the left's criminal anarchist element for more than 20 years — from the animal rights terrorists who have harassed, threatened and firebombed scientific researches across the U.S. and Europe to the anti-capitalist thugs who wreaked havoc on downtown business owners at the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle and the 2010 G-20 summit in Toronto to the ANSWER Coalition and Code Pink's not-so-peaceful peaceniks who disrupted congressional hearings and menaced veterans memorials and military recruiting stations throughout the George W. Bush years to the Occupy Wall Street vagrants and rapists of 2011-12 to the rent-a-rioters who hijacked Ferguson, Baltimore and other Black Lives Matter demonstrations against police.

My favorites over the years? I'll never forget the seditious mother in Olympia, Washington, who tied bandanas over her kids' faces and recklessly planted them in the middle of a street 10 years ago to block trucks carrying military shipments. She was so caught up in the excitement of her "direct action" that she dropped her baby on the ground as her anarchist compatriots threw rocks at police and soldiers driving around them.

Then there were the "progressive" nitwits who handcuffed themselves to concrete-filled barrels in January 2015 and shut down traffic in the Boston area (risking the lives of crash victims waiting for an ambulance that was blocked) to protest ... something or other.

Clenched-fist troublemakers will use any mass gathering as an excuse to undermine civil society. Social media and the irresistible lure of virality have only strengthened their incentive to "FSU" (f—- s—- up). Here's another thing you can take to the bank: "Mainstream" protesters on the streets of D.C. will look the other way at these lawless vandals who leech onto any available cause. Their common goal is not "social justice." It's destabilization and disorder.

In Oakland, California, far-left "activist" Mayor Jean Quan groveled to Occupy agitators and refused to crack down as small businesses were destroyed and cops were attacked.

Oberlin grad Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Democratic mayor of Baltimore, infamously created a safe space for rioters sabotaging inner-city businesses.

The American Civil Liberties Union has written the literal playbook for redefining violent protest as "free speech" and obstructing police planning efforts to defend cities against left-wing chaos.


Opponents of President-elect Donald Trump's have accused him of "inspiring violence" and bringing out the worst in people. Wrong. The active and passive sponsors of left-wing political mayhem are the ones guilty of enabling it over the past quarter-century. Restoring peace and justice starts with restoring law and order. Either you're against the rule of the mob or you're with it.

Sponsors of Anarchy

I hope the police have plenty of tazers and bean bag shot, and that they bring in handcuffs and manacles by the crate.

How about a $10,000 - $50,000 bond, non-refundable and before release, for each violent offender put in custody?


ahhh i hit my hubby up with ...i wanna go to dc....with the women's march...he said no....i was taken back by that....and questioned being told no by a man ...etc and so forth...as one might imagine the whole discussion got loud and hateful....esp when he said it was his job to protect me...even from my own stupidity....we tabled the whole issue due to the ugly nature it kept bringing out in him...
I imagine that there will be peaceful protests in every city in this nation on Friday. Never have we had a President that takes office while being held in contempt by so many Americans.
I have been DESPERATELY searching the net for INAUGURATION recipes.
------what shall I put on the table? what food? what wine? nibbles?

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