SPLC calls Army bases confederate monuments that must be taken down

Ludicrious ... but then, just like stupid opinions, everyone is allowed their own perversion of history.

Lacking any substantive response, you choose to resort to a sophomoric little gainsay word "ludicrous"?

How childish.

Well now you just point out to the class anything I posted up there that is inaccurate, Spunkles.

Aaaaand GO.

You're the one who is trying to pervert history - not to mention historical context.

Frankly, we can get better from the local junior high.

You're right ---- "ludicrious" DOES seem to be exactly the right word.

So you have no refutation at all. You concede my facts, yet want to cry the blues because you didn't have them.

What a surprise that is.
Apparently, you have failed to realize that you have no facts - you have simply put forth your opinions (and we all know about opinions, don't we?).

The closest you came was your pathetic attempt to somehow correlate the rise of the KKK with the names of different army forts - a damn poor attempt, by the way.

ALL of this happened at the same time ---- the Lost Cause movement....... the spike in lynchings..... the orgy of Jim Crow laws..... "The Clansman" novel.... "The Clansman" play"..... "The Clansman" movie (renamed "Birth of a Nation")... the re-founding of the Ku Klux Klan which had been dead over 40 years..... mass segregation of public facilities including schools, restaurants, even bathrooms and water fountains..... . the erection of hundreds of statues, monuments and plaques by the UDC including one commemorating the original founding of the Klan, the very same statues and monuments deliberately erected in public places and adjacent to government buildings for their propaganda value, which is exactly why they're under review right now .... blackface minstrel shows begetting "Amos 'n' Andy" and "Steppinfetchit" ..... a spike in devastating race riots..... souvenir postcards and body parts bought and sold from these ongoing lynchings.... Klan-elected state and local officials ..... the banning of blacks from baseball...... segregation of the government and military ...... and the naming of these military bases I listed, which includes Fort Gordon, named after the reputed head of the Georgia Klan in its postwar iteration.

THERE is your revisionist history. It's already been here and gone, and left its lingering effects. Your job now is to recognize and acknowlege it.

Or, you can just post "ludicrous" and walk away in a huff going :lalala: That's up to you. All depends whether you can handle it.

Your revisionist history is that Senator and Governor Gordon founded the Klan, there is only one known member of the Klan to serve in the Senate and that was Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd the mentor of Hillary Clinton.
Yours are aborting babies dipshit and DACA go bye bye.

um, sorry, man... check out the demographic numbers... your side is losing people much faster than ours. And that's before Trump fucks up the economy and all the dumb white people turn on him.

No we're not blacks and Hispanics have a far higher abortion rate and once the southern invasion is ended you won't be able to replace them with illegals.

Point is, in raw numbers, there are more white people on welfare even with the vast advantages of being white in this society.

Raw numbers mean jack and shit for this scenario.
3) The SLPC does fantastic work identifying hate groups.


They themselves are a hate group. This is on their "Hate Page" Hatewatch is a blog that monitors and exposes the activities of the American radical right.

So they do NOT identify Hate Groups, they only identify groups THEY HATE.


The SPLC certainly does nothing to improve its credibility when it specifically focuses on the "radical right" in two if its five listed resources (I don't count the #reporthate area as a resource in this context because it doesn't provide information, but rather asks for it). Pointing to a particular "side" of the political spectrum doesn't scream objectivity, even if more hate groups are affiliated with that side.
No we're not blacks and Hispanics have a far higher abortion rate and once the southern invasion is ended you won't be able to replace them with illegals.

Hey, guy, I know that you probably have never had contact with female genitalia after birth, but there are other ways to prevent/end pregnancy besides abortion. The birth rates speak for themselves. Whites will be in the minority in the country by 2050.

Raw numbers mean jack and shit for this scenario.

You keep telling yourself that...

Whites will be in the minority in the country by 2050.

One should note that the predictions which place whites in the minority by 2050 still have whites being the single largest racial group at that time. It is just predicted that whites will be less than 50% of the population.

It isn't something I think should matter too much one way or the other, though.
One should note that the predictions which place whites in the minority by 2050 still have whites being the single largest racial group at that time. It is just predicted that whites will be less than 50% of the population.

It isn't something I think should matter too much one way or the other, though.

I think it should because we are all going to have to learn to get along if we want to keep having a country.
One should note that the predictions which place whites in the minority by 2050 still have whites being the single largest racial group at that time. It is just predicted that whites will be less than 50% of the population.

It isn't something I think should matter too much one way or the other, though.

I think it should because we are all going to have to learn to get along if we want to keep having a country.

Tragic that we had a racist president for eight years that did all he could to divide this country. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has a terrible legacy.
No we're not blacks and Hispanics have a far higher abortion rate and once the southern invasion is ended you won't be able to replace them with illegals.

Hey, guy, I know that you probably have never had contact with female genitalia after birth, but there are other ways to prevent/end pregnancy besides abortion. The birth rates speak for themselves. Whites will be in the minority in the country by 2050.

Raw numbers mean jack and shit for this scenario.

You keep telling yourself that...


No we're not blacks and Hispanics have a far higher abortion rate and once the southern invasion is ended you won't be able to replace them with illegals.

Hey, guy, I know that you probably have never had contact with female genitalia after birth, but there are other ways to prevent/end pregnancy besides abortion. The birth rates speak for themselves. Whites will be in the minority in the country by 2050.

Raw numbers mean jack and shit for this scenario.

You keep telling yourself that...


Agreed. OTOH, from 2008 to 2016 that side was......? Any guesses? LOL

More seriously, for as long as I can remember, which is the early 1960s, it's been the non-incumbent side regardless of party.

FWIW, I see no moral or logical difference between Joe or Chaos. They're both equally vindictive and immature.
Lacking any substantive response, you choose to resort to a sophomoric little gainsay word "ludicrous"?

How childish.

Well now you just point out to the class anything I posted up there that is inaccurate, Spunkles.

Aaaaand GO.

You're the one who is trying to pervert history - not to mention historical context.

Frankly, we can get better from the local junior high.

You're right ---- "ludicrious" DOES seem to be exactly the right word.

So you have no refutation at all. You concede my facts, yet want to cry the blues because you didn't have them.

What a surprise that is.
Apparently, you have failed to realize that you have no facts - you have simply put forth your opinions (and we all know about opinions, don't we?).

The closest you came was your pathetic attempt to somehow correlate the rise of the KKK with the names of different army forts - a damn poor attempt, by the way.

ALL of this happened at the same time ---- the Lost Cause movement....... the spike in lynchings..... the orgy of Jim Crow laws..... "The Clansman" novel.... "The Clansman" play"..... "The Clansman" movie (renamed "Birth of a Nation")... the re-founding of the Ku Klux Klan which had been dead over 40 years..... mass segregation of public facilities including schools, restaurants, even bathrooms and water fountains..... . the erection of hundreds of statues, monuments and plaques by the UDC including one commemorating the original founding of the Klan, the very same statues and monuments deliberately erected in public places and adjacent to government buildings for their propaganda value, which is exactly why they're under review right now .... blackface minstrel shows begetting "Amos 'n' Andy" and "Steppinfetchit" ..... a spike in devastating race riots..... souvenir postcards and body parts bought and sold from these ongoing lynchings.... Klan-elected state and local officials ..... the banning of blacks from baseball...... segregation of the government and military ...... and the naming of these military bases I listed, which includes Fort Gordon, named after the reputed head of the Georgia Klan in its postwar iteration.

THERE is your revisionist history. It's already been here and gone, and left its lingering effects. Your job now is to recognize and acknowlege it.

Or, you can just post "ludicrous" and walk away in a huff going :lalala: That's up to you. All depends whether you can handle it.

Your revisionist history is that Senator and Governor Gordon founded the Klan, there is only one known member of the Klan to serve in the Senate and that was Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd the mentor of Hillary Clinton.

I have never ever maintained that Gordon founded the Klan, ever, here or anywhere else, so you're a pathetic fucking liar. I already know better than that so you can get down on your knees and kiss my ass.

Far as I know nobody was ever in the Senate while a Klan member -- not even Gordon who first got to the Senate in 1873 about the time the Klan disappeared, although at least one governor was (Clarence Morley, Colorado) and several were elected to that office with overt Klan support including Rice Means (CO) and Owen Brewster (ME). Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for any office at all.

Go ahead, just try to prove me wrong, lying cocksucker.
Why would anyone object if forts named after John Bell Hood, John Gordon and Braxton Bragg were instead named after superior generals like Eisenhower, Patton and MacArthur?
No one would object ... but, obviously, some object to your attempts at revisionist history and demeaning of the efforts of post-Civil War reconciliation.

What era do you consider post civil war reconciliation?

These posts were named over 50 years after the end of the war. What was to reconcile?

The very naming of these posts, the erection of Confederate monuments and resurrection of the Confederate flag were all part of revisionist history

In an era where the KKK was emerging again, Jim Crow was taking hold and blacks were being attacked by terrorists....these Confederate monuments were a direct message to blacks about their rightful place in society

Exactly. And they were deliberately placed in public spaces and next to government offices to make that point BIGLY. That's the same period black people --- and other minorities --- were expected to "know their place" and not be "uppity". These public monuments were part and parcel of the propaganda campaign, and a big one.

Here's how one prominent citizen put it:

>> Earlier this week, as the cult of the lost cause statue of P.G.T Beauregard came down, world-renowned musician Terence Blanchard stood watch, his wife Robin and their two beautiful daughters at their side. Terence went to a high school on the edge of City Park named after one of America’s greatest heroes and patriots, John F. Kennedy. But to get there he had to pass by this monument to a man who fought to deny him his humanity.

He said, “I’ve never looked at them as a source of pride … it’s always made me feel as if they were put there by people who don’t respect us … This is something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. It’s a sign that the world is changing.” << --- Mayor Landrieu's Remarks on Removing Monuments
Do you just make this shit up, or does it come to you in the middle of the night?
Why would anyone object if forts named after John Bell Hood, John Gordon and Braxton Bragg were instead named after superior generals like Eisenhower, Patton and MacArthur?
No one would object ... but, obviously, some object to your attempts at revisionist history and demeaning of the efforts of post-Civil War reconciliation.

What era do you consider post civil war reconciliation?

These posts were named over 50 years after the end of the war. What was to reconcile?

The very naming of these posts, the erection of Confederate monuments and resurrection of the Confederate flag were all part of revisionist history

In an era where the KKK was emerging again, Jim Crow was taking hold and blacks were being attacked by terrorists....these Confederate monuments were a direct message to blacks about their rightful place in society

Exactly. And they were deliberately placed in public spaces and next to government offices to make that point BIGLY. That's the same period black people --- and other minorities --- were expected to "know their place" and not be "uppity". These public monuments were part and parcel of the propaganda campaign, and a big one.

Here's how one prominent citizen put it:

>> Earlier this week, as the cult of the lost cause statue of P.G.T Beauregard came down, world-renowned musician Terence Blanchard stood watch, his wife Robin and their two beautiful daughters at their side. Terence went to a high school on the edge of City Park named after one of America’s greatest heroes and patriots, John F. Kennedy. But to get there he had to pass by this monument to a man who fought to deny him his humanity.

He said, “I’ve never looked at them as a source of pride … it’s always made me feel as if they were put there by people who don’t respect us … This is something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. It’s a sign that the world is changing.” << --- Mayor Landrieu's Remarks on Removing Monuments
Do you just make this shit up, or does it come to you in the middle of the night?

Actually that's quoted from Atlantic magazine from several months ago. That's why it carries what we call a "link", which if you place what's called your "cursor" over it and do what we call a "right click", suddenly as if by magic the entire article appears whence that passage is derived.
Hey, guy, I know that you probably have never had contact with female genitalia after birth, but there are other ways to prevent/end pregnancy besides abortion. The birth rates speak for themselves. Whites will be in the minority in the country by 2050.

Your numbers are based on a scenario where the southern invasion continues unabated, daca go by by, wetback illegals go by by.

You keep telling yourself that...

Yes I will continue to use relevant numbers that actually reflect reality you stupid faggot.
Your numbers are based on a scenario where the southern invasion continues unabated, daca go by by, wetback illegals go by by.

actually, it will probably continue because the One Percenters- the people who really run your party - want that cheap labor.

I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize you are being played, but they've been doing this to you since the 1960's.

Yes I will continue to use relevant numbers that actually reflect reality you stupid faggot.

Except you haven't presented any numbers.

Here are some numbers for you.

America Reaches Its Demographic Tipping Point

he latest wave of 2010 Census data, released this week, confirms what earlier surveys have strongly hinted: virtually half of recent births in the U.S. are minorities. We are becoming a more globalized nation than most Americans have experienced in their lifetimes. The great demographic change has potential long term benefits for our population growth in terms of our economic competitiveness in the international marketplace. But these changes, coming so quickly and evolving from the “bottom up” of our age structure, may exacerbate existing cultural generation gaps, as older, largely white generations may be slow to recognize the promise of this change.
Your numbers are based on a scenario where the southern invasion continues unabated, daca go by by, wetback illegals go by by.

actually, it will probably continue because the One Percenters- the people who really run your party - want that cheap labor.

I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize you are being played, but they've been doing this to you since the 1960's.

Yes I will continue to use relevant numbers that actually reflect reality you stupid faggot.

Except you haven't presented any numbers.

Here are some numbers for you.

America Reaches Its Demographic Tipping Point

he latest wave of 2010 Census data, released this week, confirms what earlier surveys have strongly hinted: virtually half of recent births in the U.S. are minorities. We are becoming a more globalized nation than most Americans have experienced in their lifetimes. The great demographic change has potential long term benefits for our population growth in terms of our economic competitiveness in the international marketplace. But these changes, coming so quickly and evolving from the “bottom up” of our age structure, may exacerbate existing cultural generation gaps, as older, largely white generations may be slow to recognize the promise of this change.

Virtually half isn't half and it's definitely not more than half.
Why would anyone object if forts named after John Bell Hood, John Gordon and Braxton Bragg were instead named after superior generals like Eisenhower, Patton and MacArthur?
No one would object ... but, obviously, some object to your attempts at revisionist history and demeaning of the efforts of post-Civil War reconciliation.

What era do you consider post civil war reconciliation?

These posts were named over 50 years after the end of the war. What was to reconcile?

The very naming of these posts, the erection of Confederate monuments and resurrection of the Confederate flag were all part of revisionist history

In an era where the KKK was emerging again, Jim Crow was taking hold and blacks were being attacked by terrorists....these Confederate monuments were a direct message to blacks about their rightful place in society

Exactly. And they were deliberately placed in public spaces and next to government offices to make that point BIGLY. That's the same period black people --- and other minorities --- were expected to "know their place" and not be "uppity". These public monuments were part and parcel of the propaganda campaign, and a big one.

Here's how one prominent citizen put it:

>> Earlier this week, as the cult of the lost cause statue of P.G.T Beauregard came down, world-renowned musician Terence Blanchard stood watch, his wife Robin and their two beautiful daughters at their side. Terence went to a high school on the edge of City Park named after one of America’s greatest heroes and patriots, John F. Kennedy. But to get there he had to pass by this monument to a man who fought to deny him his humanity.

He said, “I’ve never looked at them as a source of pride … it’s always made me feel as if they were put there by people who don’t respect us … This is something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. It’s a sign that the world is changing.” << --- Mayor Landrieu's Remarks on Removing Monuments
Do you just make this shit up, or does it come to you in the middle of the night?

Actually that's quoted from Atlantic magazine from several months ago. That's why it carries what we call a "link", which if you place what's called your "cursor" over it and do what we call a "right click", suddenly as if by magic the entire article appears whence that passage is derived.

I'm afraid that a "right click" will only open up a group of options. Let's not confuse him. He should stick to the easier "left click." ;)
No one would object ... but, obviously, some object to your attempts at revisionist history and demeaning of the efforts of post-Civil War reconciliation.

What era do you consider post civil war reconciliation?

These posts were named over 50 years after the end of the war. What was to reconcile?

The very naming of these posts, the erection of Confederate monuments and resurrection of the Confederate flag were all part of revisionist history

In an era where the KKK was emerging again, Jim Crow was taking hold and blacks were being attacked by terrorists....these Confederate monuments were a direct message to blacks about their rightful place in society

Exactly. And they were deliberately placed in public spaces and next to government offices to make that point BIGLY. That's the same period black people --- and other minorities --- were expected to "know their place" and not be "uppity". These public monuments were part and parcel of the propaganda campaign, and a big one.

Here's how one prominent citizen put it:

>> Earlier this week, as the cult of the lost cause statue of P.G.T Beauregard came down, world-renowned musician Terence Blanchard stood watch, his wife Robin and their two beautiful daughters at their side. Terence went to a high school on the edge of City Park named after one of America’s greatest heroes and patriots, John F. Kennedy. But to get there he had to pass by this monument to a man who fought to deny him his humanity.

He said, “I’ve never looked at them as a source of pride … it’s always made me feel as if they were put there by people who don’t respect us … This is something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. It’s a sign that the world is changing.” << --- Mayor Landrieu's Remarks on Removing Monuments
Do you just make this shit up, or does it come to you in the middle of the night?

Actually that's quoted from Atlantic magazine from several months ago. That's why it carries what we call a "link", which if you place what's called your "cursor" over it and do what we call a "right click", suddenly as if by magic the entire article appears whence that passage is derived.

I'm afraid that a "right click" will only open up a group of options. Let's not confuse him. He should stick to the easier "left click." ;)

Oopsie. Good eye.
Well ah, what if he's lefthanded? Yeah that's the ticket. :eusa_shifty:

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