Speilberg: The part of Barak Obama will be played by...

Grover Norquist - SourceWatch

"Cutting the government in half in one generation is both an ambitious and reasonable goal," Norquist stated in May 2000. "If we work hard we will accomplish this and more by 2025. Then the conservative movement can set a new goal. I have a recommendation: To cut government in half again by 2050."[3] Norquist based this premise on an earlier statement: "Now that the federal budget is in balance - indeed in substantial surplus - it is the right time for the conservative movement to establish a new goal. We said we wanted to balance the federal budget - we did." Of course, this statement is no longer true thanks to the Bush administration's tax cuts and increases in military spending.

Even within conservative circles, Norquist's combative personality has made enemies. Conservative columnist Tucker Carlson once called him a "mean-spirited, humorless, dishonest little creep ... the leering, drunken uncle everyone else wishes would stay home."[4]

In an interview with the Australian Financial Review's Washington D.C. journalist, Tony Walker, Norquist said the "reason why the Republican takeover of the House, Senate and presidency is important is because we can now avoid passing legislation to buttress the weakened walls of the left's edifice and we can pass legislation to undermine these structures."
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Sad part is

If he actually did this

The left would be telling us how great it is ........


1. It's for your own good

2. It saves "the Chillun!"

3. Booooooooshhhhhhhh

4. Michelle says kids spend too much time chatting online and need to follow their state mandated exercise regimen

She also says "‘We Can’t Just Leave It Up To The Parents’"

Exactly who is "we" in her mind

It takes a Village Idiot to raise a child or Michelle Obama on Child Nutrition

Read Michelle's quote. I've been posting this for almost 2 years now


1. It's for your own good

2. It saves "the Chillun!"

3. Booooooooshhhhhhhh

4. Michelle says kids spend too much time chatting online and need to follow their state mandated exercise regimen

She also says "‘We Can’t Just Leave It Up To The Parents’"

Exactly who is "we" in her mind

It takes a Village Idiot to raise a child or Michelle Obama on Child Nutrition

Read Michelle's quote. I've been posting this for almost 2 years now

Well work for some...
Indeed some of us will have to work two jobs to keep this utopia going

I mean, somebody has to work
Grover Norquist - SourceWatch

"Cutting the government in half in one generation is both an ambitious and reasonable goal," Norquist stated in May 2000. "If we work hard we will accomplish this and more by 2025. Then the conservative movement can set a new goal. I have a recommendation: To cut government in half again by 2050."[3] Norquist based this premise on an earlier statement: "Now that the federal budget is in balance - indeed in substantial surplus - it is the right time for the conservative movement to establish a new goal. We said we wanted to balance the federal budget - we did." Of course, this statement is no longer true thanks to the Bush administration's tax cuts and increases in military spending.

Even within conservative circles, Norquist's combative personality has made enemies. Conservative columnist Tucker Carlson once called him a "mean-spirited, humorless, dishonest little creep ... the leering, drunken uncle everyone else wishes would stay home."[4]

In an interview with the Australian Financial Review's Washington D.C. journalist, Tony Walker, Norquist said the "reason why the Republican takeover of the House, Senate and presidency is important is because we can now avoid passing legislation to buttress the weakened walls of the left's edifice and we can pass legislation to undermine these structures."

Who plays the Republican Antagonist in the "Obama Administration: Part II" movie? Michael C. Hall (Dexter) maybe Anthony Hopkins?
He wants the government dead and you people have him as a leader

Clarice Starling: That doesn't interest me Doctor and frankly, it's, it's the sort of thing that Miggs would say.

Hannibal Lecter: Not anymore.

Ohh, yes but instead of Miggs, it's Dick Cheney!
"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."
Bullshit, your lies dont make it true.

The top 1% want the US government out of the peoples hands and into their hands.

That is why he wants to kill our current government.

You are just his useful idiot
Bullshit, your lies dont make it true.

The top 1% want the US government out of the peoples hands and into their hands.

That is why he wants to kill our current government.

You are just his useful idiot


Top 1% - who are they and where did you get this figure?


Again, kill is too harsh of word
You should view it as an "abortion" of a gov't before it becomes "statist" viable

The fact that you have to use my words against me speaks wonders
Indeed, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" (it also tells me you have no new ideas)

So thank you
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What's the problem? Nancy is an excellent public servant and legislator, but is not comfortable in front of a camera. Steven Spielberg is a Democratic supporter who has expertise in that field.

How is it different than Poor Sarah blowing through over $100,000 of other people's money on clothes in Minneapolis to rebrand her image?

Buying clothes is like hiring the Queer Eye Team to give Obama a makeover to rebrand the Dem Party?

Everyone needs to buy clothes, only a total failure like Obama would hire a Hollywood director to give the Dem Party its Queer Eye for the American Voter guy makeover
It can't get any funnier, Steven Spielberg will be directing Obama, Pelosi and the Dems in their next movie: "How Can we Fool them this time?"
Of course, this is a completely made up story swallowed whole by the most stupid fools on Earth! :rofl:

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