Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

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Sheesh, the left are sure going out of their way defending an IRS that has admitted wrong doing and a president who is either incompetent or corrupt. Let's not forget about Benghazi. I'm still waiting for the left to blame Benghazi on Lincoln because he invaded the south for oil. It's like a snake pit infested by lobotomized cobras hissing at each others tiny head bandages. All I hear from the Obamamammas are hollow screams of liberal victory as the White House sinks under the weight of its own scandals, cover-ups, ineptitude and lies.

that steven miller he was exactly what one expects from the IRS

time to pull the reigns back on that program
Things I have learned from liberals in the past week.
1. The Obama white house cannot be blamed for Benghazi because George Bush invaded Iraq and Clinton got blown.
2. The IRS has every right to target the Tea Party because liberals hate the Tea Party.
3. Trying to find answers to the questions raised by these scandals is racist.
4. If you have no idea what anybody is doing under your command then you are probably the greatest
president ever!
5. Republicans only recite right wing talking points (according to left wing talking points).
6. Facts don't matter as much as do the motives of republicans when they bring up facts.
7. Every administration does it!
8. Bush is responsible for the Benghazi, IRS and Associated Press scandals.... somehow.
9. Fox News lies and stuff.
10. If the government was bigger then we would have less scandals!
Things I have learned from liberals in the past week.
1. The Obama white house cannot be blamed for Benghazi because George Bush invaded Iraq and Clinton got blown.
2. The IRS has every right to target the Tea Party because liberals hate the Tea Party.
3. Trying to find answers to the questions raised by these scandals is racist.
4. If you have no idea what anybody is doing under your command then you are probably the greatest
president ever!
5. Republicans only recite right wing talking points (according to left wing talking points).
6. Facts don't matter as much as do the motives of republicans when they bring up facts.
7. Every administration does it!
8. Bush is responsible for the Benghazi, IRS and Associated Press scandals.... somehow.
9. Fox News lies and stuff.
10. If the government was bigger then we would have less scandals!

Quite a list there. You need to do a bit of fact-checking though.

The IRS has been targeting opposite political groups since the 1950s. Tricky Dick Nixon's shit list was the longest, everyone from hippies to the mafia to the UAW, and anyone that spoke out against the war - but that last one's a carryover from LBJ. That so many Tea Party groups sprung up in such a short time would certainly raise a few eyebrows at the IRS. Does that mean what they did is okay? No. It's wrong. But it's not an Obama scandal if TEN other Administrations had the same exact problem.

Hillary begged for money for defending the Benghazi ambassadors. The republicans denied funding. Then they tried to blame her for not having enough defense. Then they said she watched it all unfold on tv while Obama was sleeping. Hillary had phone contact only. Obama was awake. Think about time zones. Then there was a disinfo story about e-mails. Those e-mails were delivered to the House Committee twice - the first time being several months ago. The "e-mail" that ABC reported earlier this week was a complete fabrication, as other news sources have shown by publishing the real e-mail - the one that says nothing about Susan Rice or Obama creating talking points. It was the CIA that wanted the talking points.

And the AP phone-tapping, yes that was certainly uncalled-for, and I have a real problem with it, but there's this thing called the Patriot Act that unfotunately allows for this sort of thing. Did you know that the AP outed a spy? Just like Valerie Plame. There was a spy deep undercover in the mideast that intercepted the bomb and somehow the AP found out and broke the story. The spy's cover is now blown, he had to be hurridly pulled out of harm's way, and he can no longer gather intelligence. What the AP did is a threat to national security. The fed's reaction, again, was extreme, but it wasn't a random act.

Now let's look at the scandalmongers, the ones that ran on the Jobs!Jobs!Jobs! platform and haven't created a single job. They only work a few months per year and spend most of that time voting against abortion, voting against the ACA, scandalmongering, and threatening to filibuster every legitimate bill that's introduced.

You on this board that lean to the right, seriously, you've really let your standards drop.
Things I have learned from liberals in the past week.
1. The Obama white house cannot be blamed for Benghazi because George Bush invaded Iraq and Clinton got blown.
2. The IRS has every right to target the Tea Party because liberals hate the Tea Party.
3. Trying to find answers to the questions raised by these scandals is racist.
4. If you have no idea what anybody is doing under your command then you are probably the greatest
president ever!
5. Republicans only recite right wing talking points (according to left wing talking points).
6. Facts don't matter as much as do the motives of republicans when they bring up facts.
7. Every administration does it!
8. Bush is responsible for the Benghazi, IRS and Associated Press scandals.... somehow.
9. Fox News lies and stuff.
10. If the government was bigger then we would have less scandals!
Very good, but you forgot that there are no scandals. All three were figments of racist right-wing imagination.
Very good, but you forgot that there are no scandals. All three were figments of racist right-wing imagination.

No, not figments, they were deliberately created by the criminals in the capital. The idea is to make Obama look worse than they themselves are.
Things I have learned from liberals in the past week.
1. The Obama white house cannot be blamed for Benghazi because George Bush invaded Iraq and Clinton got blown.
2. The IRS has every right to target the Tea Party because liberals hate the Tea Party.
3. Trying to find answers to the questions raised by these scandals is racist.
4. If you have no idea what anybody is doing under your command then you are probably the greatest
president ever!
5. Republicans only recite right wing talking points (according to left wing talking points).
6. Facts don't matter as much as do the motives of republicans when they bring up facts.
7. Every administration does it!
8. Bush is responsible for the Benghazi, IRS and Associated Press scandals.... somehow.
9. Fox News lies and stuff.
10. If the government was bigger then we would have less scandals!

Quite a list there. You need to do a bit of fact-checking though.

The IRS has been targeting opposite political groups since the 1950s. Tricky Dick Nixon's shit list was the longest, everyone from hippies to the mafia to the UAW, and anyone that spoke out against the war - but that last one's a carryover from LBJ. That so many Tea Party groups sprung up in such a short time would certainly raise a few eyebrows at the IRS. Does that mean what they did is okay? No. It's wrong. But it's not an Obama scandal if TEN other Administrations had the same exact problem.

Hillary begged for money for defending the Benghazi ambassadors. The republicans denied funding. Then they tried to blame her for not having enough defense. Then they said she watched it all unfold on tv while Obama was sleeping. Hillary had phone contact only. Obama was awake. Think about time zones. Then there was a disinfo story about e-mails. Those e-mails were delivered to the House Committee twice - the first time being several months ago. The "e-mail" that ABC reported earlier this week was a complete fabrication, as other news sources have shown by publishing the real e-mail - the one that says nothing about Susan Rice or Obama creating talking points. It was the CIA that wanted the talking points.

And the AP phone-tapping, yes that was certainly uncalled-for, and I have a real problem with it, but there's this thing called the Patriot Act that unfotunately allows for this sort of thing. Did you know that the AP outed a spy? Just like Valerie Plame. There was a spy deep undercover in the mideast that intercepted the bomb and somehow the AP found out and broke the story. The spy's cover is now blown, he had to be hurridly pulled out of harm's way, and he can no longer gather intelligence. What the AP did is a threat to national security. The fed's reaction, again, was extreme, but it wasn't a random act.

Now let's look at the scandalmongers, the ones that ran on the Jobs!Jobs!Jobs! platform and haven't created a single job. They only work a few months per year and spend most of that time voting against abortion, voting against the ACA, scandalmongering, and threatening to filibuster every legitimate bill that's introduced.

You on this board that lean to the right, seriously, you've really let your standards drop.

You say that the IRS has been targeting politically opposing groups since the 1950's Which of course points to liberal talking point number7 "Every administration does it".

It was the CIA that wanted the talking points? The CIA wrote the original talking points that was rewritten by the State Department numerous times. Also, it has already been established (look up Charlotte Lamb) that reduced funding had nothing to do with preventing help getting to Benghazi. Or let me put it another way. Liberal talking point #6 " Facts don't matter as do motives of republicans who bring up facts.

As for the AP phone tapping. There was no phone tapping. Phone records were subpoenaed. I appreciate though that you brought up the Patriot Act. Otherwise known as liberal talking point # 8 "Bush is responsible for the Benghazi, IRS and Associated Press scandals... somehow.
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Who gave the order?

No one was told to stand down. The second rescue team was told to stand by. They had to wait for permission from the Libyans to fly their C-130 in Libyan airpace and that took time.

The "stand down" myth was started by Fox News and is perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola about the military and who like to sneak that "stand down order" into soundbites. You can tell this by reading the testimony.

The order to stand by was given by their military superiors until permission could be gained from the Libyans.

A State Department official worked all night to get that permission. By the time he got it, it was too late. By the time the second rescue team left, the second attack had occured and two people from the first rescue team had been killed.

So here is what you would have people believe.

1. The country that we had just bombed the crap out of to regime build we were now required to ask permission to fly over.

2. There is testimony that unmanned drones were in the area which makes suspect the permission excuse.

3. Does the US ask for permission to fly drones over Pakistan and use Hellfire missiles?
this guy sums it up

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWHLg7atGYI&feature=youtu.be]Justice on the White House - YouTube[/ame]
whenever they get around to grilling barry, I am pretty sure there will be a teleprompter there with some of the answers all ready to go, and that legal statement that all criminals use when being grilled, when they want to plead the fifth. (wasn't it used in a few cases when the defendant answered all questions with something like, in regards to, or respect to, then in the end.he said, I plead the fifth?)
Pity the poor conservative kooks. All of their phony scandals all falling apart, again, hence all the crying. Don't worry, they'll just blame it on the "liberal media". You know, the same "liberal media" that willingly parroted all the proven GOP lies.

Don't worry, kooks. You'll be fed a new phony scandal soon. And you'll fall for it, hard, like you always do, and life will be good again. Your masters do appreciate your reliability at being UsefulIdiots. Everyone else just laughs at you.
Pity the poor conservative kooks. All of their phony scandals all falling apart, again, hence all the crying. Don't worry, they'll just blame it on the "liberal media". You know, the same "liberal media" that willingly parroted all the proven GOP lies.

Don't worry, kooks. You'll be fed a new phony scandal soon. And you'll fall for it, hard, like you always do, and life will be good again. Your masters do appreciate your reliability at being UsefulIdiots. Everyone else just laughs at you.

And when liberals get pushed in a corner they blame Bush..
The right is going to blow their minds when this stupid crap doesnt work yet again

No, we are getting used to the cowardly lefties using "selective" outrage.
Bengazi: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iran/Contra: big deal
Break in: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . dead ambassador and 3 other Americans: no big deal
Stealing dem info: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . using gov't agencies to distribute conservatives info: no big deal
asking for voter ID: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . thugs intimidating voters: no big deal
not answering the press questions: big deal . . . . . . . . confiscating press phone records: no big deal

We know, you would kiss his feet (or other parts of his anatomy) if he was in the same room with you. You "believe" in him (most of us know there is a far greater power than a tiny little man with a big ego, that has a limited time on this earth, rarely more than one hundred years), and will stubbornly refuse to admit that he is just a man with all the failures (a lot of failures), strengths and weaknesses that other men have. He supports monsters like Kermit Gosnell. He voted to allow those babies that survived abortions to be abandoned and left to die as a state legislator. He supports worse things, but people like you will just pretend it isn't so. In the end, you will see what an evil person he is, but I doubt that you will admit it, even then.

We are not surprised that your ilk will continue to support this poor excuse for a leader. We are simply saddened that your logic is based on emotional "need" over any real substance.

You can turn that around and it makes more sense.

Bengazi: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iran/Contra:no big deal
Break in: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . dead ambassador and 3 other Americans: big deal
Stealing dem info: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . using gov't agencies to distribute conservatives info: big deal
asking for voter ID: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . thugs intimidating voters: big deal
not answering the press questions: no big deal . . . . . . . . confiscating press phone records: big deal

and you can add a few:
9/11, 3000+ dead: No big deal
Benghazi, 4 dead" Big deal

Condi Rice ignoring warning about AlQaida: No big deal
Susan Rice saying it was due to video: Big Freaking Deal

Bush lying about WMDs: No big deal
Obama not rushing to Benghazi and saving Stevens: Big deal

Bush calling terrorist attacks "acts of terror": No big deal
Obama calling terrorist attacks "acts of terror": Big freaking deal and not the same thing.

Yes, back to that "selective" outrage.....
9/11 who did something about it (with congressional approval)?
Benghazi, who did nothing about it, even though they were well aware of the dangers? Who went out to the world and stirred up a muslim hornet's nest by "apologizing" for a video that most people have NEVER SEEN? Who had live feed of the attack and chose to desert the whole complex? Who told the two ex-military guys NOT to go? [The same ex-military guys that saved all in the "complex" except two (we don't even know how many people were there when the attack started)]
Don't tell me it is a "big deal" to you when you have a Hillary for President signature; she was responsible for enforcing the President's policies (to let the muslim terrorists overrun American soil, known as embassies, in ME countries), and she did not try to save our citizens, she ordered them to stay vulnerable in the face of know aggressors. Like Homeland security focusing on "right-wing extremists", and letting muslim terrorists change their names and not report those names to FBI and CIA. Like the IRS targeting groups that were interested in teaching about the Constitution to silence them, while pushing though muslim groups encouraging shariah law in the USA. Yes, it is obvious that whatever this President does is NO BIG DEAL to you.
No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Your response is completely nonsensical:

1. If we all know it was a terrorist attack, why did the White House claim otherwise?

2. Even if Bush and Rice ignored warnings(?), they didn't sit on their hands and make up excuses while they were watching the airplanes being hijacked.

Bush and his Administration were warned REPEATEDLY about Al Qaeda, and when the first attack happened, Bush was reading a book to a class of children, titled "My Pet Goat".

He continued reading the book as if nothing had happened. Cheney hadn't had the opportunity to call him privately and tell him what to do.

BTW, Obama HIMSELF said that was an Act of Terror on the 12th and the 13th.

The initial CIA reports were still based on the belief that the attack grew out of a demonstration against that deliberately planned video. And that's the intelligence the White House had, at the time.

It's YOUR statement that's nonsensical. You start with the belief that the Fox News timeline is correct, even though anybody that's been paying attention knows better.

And from there, you go on to look for something to be outraged about. Good little sheep. Keep it up.

Yet Obama stood in front of the United Nations and said it was all about a "video". Are you pointing out that the President lies to the foreign leaders as much as he lies to the American people?

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