Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

The right is going to blow their minds when this stupid crap doesnt work yet again

No, we are getting used to the cowardly lefties using "selective" outrage.
Bengazi: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iran/Contra: big deal
Break in: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . dead ambassador and 3 other Americans: no big deal
Stealing dem info: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . using gov't agencies to distribute conservatives info: no big deal
asking for voter ID: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . thugs intimidating voters: no big deal
not answering the press questions: big deal . . . . . . . . confiscating press phone records: no big deal

We know, you would kiss his feet (or other parts of his anatomy) if he was in the same room with you. You "believe" in him (most of us know there is a far greater power than a tiny little man with a big ego, that has a limited time on this earth, rarely more than one hundred years), and will stubbornly refuse to admit that he is just a man with all the failures (a lot of failures), strengths and weaknesses that other men have. He supports monsters like Kermit Gosnell. He voted to allow those babies that survived abortions to be abandoned and left to die as a state legislator. He supports worse things, but people like you will just pretend it isn't so. In the end, you will see what an evil person he is, but I doubt that you will admit it, even then.

We are not surprised that your ilk will continue to support this poor excuse for a leader. We are simply saddened that your logic is based on emotional "need" over any real substance.
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obama slept-hillary failed-families of 4 abandoned americans cried

Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.

Shame on Bush for reading a book to kids in school, because he knew darn well there was going to be an attack that morning.

No, he kept reading it after he was informed of it. Poor Bush, he didn't really know what he was supposed to do - where was Cheney when he needed him.

So what was his excuse for "not going after Bin Laden"? How come Republicans weren't wanting someone to pay? Saddam ended up paying in place of Bin Laden and Reps/cons were happy with that. :cuckoo:
Bush read "My Pet Goat" while 3000+ Americans got disintegrated, then said he didn't care to find Bin Laden. The families of those lost on 9/11 are still crying over their lost loved ones - they didn't sign up for a dangerous mission, like the 4 Americans that died in Benghazi, but do conservatives care? Hell no.

Shame on Bush for reading a book to kids in school, because he knew darn well there was going to be an attack that morning.

No, he kept reading it after he was informed of it. Poor Bush, he didn't really know what he was supposed to do - where was Cheney when he needed him.

So what was his excuse for "not going after Bin Laden"? How come Republicans weren't wanting someone to pay? Saddam ended up paying in place of Bin Laden and Reps/cons were happy with that. :cuckoo:

I'm going to refer you to an earlier post of mine...

NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.

If we are really going to play, "let's pass the blame".

The right is going to blow their minds when this stupid crap doesnt work yet again

No, we are getting used to the cowardly lefties using "selective" outrage.
Bengazi: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iran/Contra: big deal
Break in: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . dead ambassador and 3 other Americans: no big deal
Stealing dem info: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . using gov't agencies to distribute conservatives info: no big deal
asking for voter ID: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . thugs intimidating voters: no big deal
not answering the press questions: big deal . . . . . . . . confiscating press phone records: no big deal

We know, you would kiss his feet (or other parts of his anatomy) if he was in the same room with you. You "believe" in him (most of us know there is a far greater power than a tiny little man with a big ego, that has a limited time on this earth, rarely more than one hundred years), and will stubbornly refuse to admit that he is just a man with all the failures (a lot of failures), strengths and weaknesses that other men have. He supports monsters like Kermit Gosnell. He voted to allow those babies that survived abortions to be abandoned and left to die as a state legislator. He supports worse things, but people like you will just pretend it isn't so. In the end, you will see what an evil person he is, but I doubt that you will admit it, even then.

We are not surprised that your ilk will continue to support this poor excuse for a leader. We are simply saddened that your logic is based on emotional "need" over any real substance.

You can turn that around and it makes more sense.

Bengazi: big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iran/Contra:no big deal
Break in: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . dead ambassador and 3 other Americans: big deal
Stealing dem info: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . using gov't agencies to distribute conservatives info: big deal
asking for voter ID: no big deal . . . . . . . . . . . thugs intimidating voters: big deal
not answering the press questions: no big deal . . . . . . . . confiscating press phone records: big deal

and you can add a few:
9/11, 3000+ dead: No big deal
Benghazi, 4 dead" Big deal

Condi Rice ignoring warning about AlQaida: No big deal
Susan Rice saying it was due to video: Big Freaking Deal

Bush lying about WMDs: No big deal
Obama not rushing to Benghazi and saving Stevens: Big deal

Bush calling terrorist attacks "acts of terror": No big deal
Obama calling terrorist attacks "acts of terror": Big freaking deal and not the same thing.
Shame on Bush for reading a book to kids in school, because he knew darn well there was going to be an attack that morning.

No, he kept reading it after he was informed of it. Poor Bush, he didn't really know what he was supposed to do - where was Cheney when he needed him.

So what was his excuse for "not going after Bin Laden"? How come Republicans weren't wanting someone to pay? Saddam ended up paying in place of Bin Laden and Reps/cons were happy with that. :cuckoo:

I'm going to refer you to an earlier post of mine...

NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.

If we are really going to play, "let's pass the blame".

9/11 hadn't occurred at the time of Clinton, so FAIL.

Also, Clinton never said publicly "Im not concerned about Bin Ladin" like Bush, so FAIL, again! And then, on top of it, Doofus Bush claims he didn't say it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRY_BOYeySc]Bush "truly not concerned" about Bin Laden! - YouTube[/ame]
No, he kept reading it after he was informed of it. Poor Bush, he didn't really know what he was supposed to do - where was Cheney when he needed him.

So what was his excuse for "not going after Bin Laden"? How come Republicans weren't wanting someone to pay? Saddam ended up paying in place of Bin Laden and Reps/cons were happy with that. :cuckoo:

I'm going to refer you to an earlier post of mine...

NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.

If we are really going to play, "let's pass the blame".

9/11 hadn't occurred at the time of Clinton, so FAIL.

Also, Clinton never said publicly "Im not concerned about Bin Ladin" like Bush, so FAIL, again! And then, on top of it, Doofus Bush claims he didn't say it.

Let's try this again... 9-11 would not have happened if Clinton would have taken the shot...

Appearing on CBS News Sunday, former CIA agent Hank Crumpton revealed that the U.S. had a chance to kill terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden months before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but the Clinton administration didn’t take the shot.

You failed miserably on your responses...
No, he kept reading it after he was informed of it. Poor Bush, he didn't really know what he was supposed to do - where was Cheney when he needed him.

So what was his excuse for "not going after Bin Laden"? How come Republicans weren't wanting someone to pay? Saddam ended up paying in place of Bin Laden and Reps/cons were happy with that. :cuckoo:

I'm going to refer you to an earlier post of mine...

NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.

If we are really going to play, "let's pass the blame".

9/11 hadn't occurred at the time of Clinton, so FAIL.

Also, Clinton never said publicly "Im not concerned about Bin Ladin" like Bush, so FAIL, again! And then, on top of it, Doofus Bush claims he didn't say it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRY_BOYeySc]Bush "truly not concerned" about Bin Laden! - YouTube[/ame]

No but 9-11 was years in the planning and those years were under Clinton. His FBI dropped the ball big time. Fail in your court tweety.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Your response is completely nonsensical:

1. If we all know it was a terrorist attack, why did the White House claim otherwise?

2. Even if Bush and Rice ignored warnings(?), they didn't sit on their hands and make up excuses while they were watching the airplanes being hijacked.

Bush and his Administration were warned REPEATEDLY about Al Qaeda, and when the first attack happened, Bush was reading a book to a class of children, titled "My Pet Goat".

He continued reading the book as if nothing had happened. Cheney hadn't had the opportunity to call him privately and tell him what to do.

BTW, Obama HIMSELF said that was an Act of Terror on the 12th and the 13th.

The initial CIA reports were still based on the belief that the attack grew out of a demonstration against that deliberately planned video. And that's the intelligence the White House had, at the time.

It's YOUR statement that's nonsensical. You start with the belief that the Fox News timeline is correct, even though anybody that's been paying attention knows better.

And from there, you go on to look for something to be outraged about. Good little sheep. Keep it up.
Yeah - the Constitution is soooo "draconian" and "archaic" maaaaaan....

Communism is so hip and happening, right Mertex? :cuckoo:

Government controlling everything and everyone is such a cool fad...

Mertex doesn't grasp that she follows communism...

Mertex grasps ONLY that "democrats good, Republicans bad, Bahhh, Bahhh, Bahhh."

The reason that you can't reason with someone like Mertex is that she has no reason and is thus unreasonable..... :eusa_angel:

Ad Hominem attack. When you can't defeat the argument, attack the person themselves.

It's not a "win" in a debate. It's admitting failure.

I suspect the reason you can't "reason" with Mertex is that Conservatives today have their own collection of "facts", that are in actuality an inter-connected web of conspiracy theories and half-baked failed Economic theories.

When a conservative starts off saying "we know this", and is in fact, quoting a misleading theory from Fox News, and a Liberal disagrees, and points out that theory is false, conservatives get very upset.

One told me to my face "I look forward to your Funeral".

I smiled, because that meant I had won.

He had no actual evidence, or facts, to support his delusions, and was frustrated. When he talks to his conservative friends, they all agreeably recite their Fox News Doctrine, like good little Congregants in the Conservative Cult; but when he encounters someone that knows the Truth, his lies do him no good.
Your response is completely nonsensical:

1. If we all know it was a terrorist attack, why did the White House claim otherwise?

2. Even if Bush and Rice ignored warnings(?), they didn't sit on their hands and make up excuses while they were watching the airplanes being hijacked.

Bush and his Administration were warned REPEATEDLY about Al Qaeda, and when the first attack happened, Bush was reading a book to a class of children, titled "My Pet Goat".

He continued reading the book as if nothing had happened. Cheney hadn't had the opportunity to call him privately and tell him what to do.

BTW, Obama HIMSELF said that was an Act of Terror on the 12th and the 13th.

The initial CIA reports were still based on the belief that the attack grew out of a demonstration against that deliberately planned video. And that's the intelligence the White House had, at the time.

It's YOUR statement that's nonsensical. You start with the belief that the Fox News timeline is correct, even though anybody that's been paying attention knows better.

And from there, you go on to look for something to be outraged about. Good little sheep. Keep it up.

I wish I didn't have to wait 48 hours to neg you again! You deserve it twice in rapid succession.
Typical childish behavior being displayed by most Republican/conservatives.

The fact that the GOP continues to move the goal posts is laughable. First they went after Obama, but "failed" because he got re-elected. Then they went after Susan Rice and managed to keep her from being picked as the next Secretary of State, now the GOP is freaking out because Hillary is leaving all the GOP candidates in the dust, so now they have changed the focus to her. How predictable. No wonder the majority of Americans are fed up with your party.

And negg rep away, that's probably the only satisfaction you're going to get out of this Benghazi non-issue.
There's two things to focus on...
1# Did Obama
A. Send troops but they didn't make it in time=Obama tried.
B. Told them to stand down=Obama needs impeached.
2# Did Obama really coware in front of the Islamic world about our freedom of speech?
A. He defended our freedom of speech but worked hard to calm the violence.=Ok but we don't look too powerful.
B. He lied his ass off for what he did and did it because he hates America.

Depends. Ones innocent and othe other is guility.
There's two things to focus on...
1# Did Obama
A. Send troops but they didn't make it in time=Obama tried.
B. Told them to stand down=Obama needs impeached.
2# Did Obama really coware in front of the Islamic world about our freedom of speech?
A. He defended our freedom of speech but worked hard to calm the violence.=Ok but we don't look too powerful.
B. He lied his ass off for what he did and did it because he hates America.

Depends. Ones innocent and othe other is guility.

I think some other stupid person screwed up but it doesn't matter who it is---we just need to fix it. :eusa_eh:
Sheesh, the left are sure going out of their way defending an IRS that has admitted wrong doing and a president who is either incompetent or corrupt. Let's not forget about Benghazi. I'm still waiting for the left to blame Benghazi on Lincoln because he invaded the south for oil. It's like a snake pit infested by lobotomized cobras hissing at each others tiny head bandages. All I hear from the Obamamammas are hollow screams of liberal victory as the White House sinks under the weight of its own scandals, cover-ups, ineptitude and lies.
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can you imagine if this had happened under an "Al Gore" administration? anyone wanna guess what President Gore would of blamed it on?

now that was funny!

(please understand I do think of and treat this whole subject as a serious matter, I have made my feelings known, it was just nice to be able to chuckle )

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