Spain Isn't Scoring with Controversy over the World Cup Championship Kiss!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This whole controversy of the President of the Spanish football Federation, Luis Rubiales, kissing a member of the Spanish Women's Soccer team, Jenni Hermoso, without her consent is a very sad development for the Spanish people. For a fantastic achievement the Spanish Women's team winning the World Cup which should be bolstering Spain's reputation, that should be endearing the Spanish people to the rest of the world it is clouding and distracting from this remarkable sports performance. Let's get what is right out there Mr. Rubiales shouldn't have done it Ms. Hermoso has rights and she shouldn't have been kissed on the mouth without her consent. Nevertheless the public commentary on the incident has lost perspective on the matter. It was an incredibly proud moment for his country Spain winning the Women's World Cup and Mr. Rubiales was caught up in the excitement of the moment the kiss was the product of this excitement there was no sexual gratification or intent to belittle Ms. Hermoso on Mr. Rubiales part which is typically the case in a sexual assault or sexual harassment case. Further a description of the kiss would describe it as a peck, it wasn't long, and if one looks at Mr. Rubiales's behavior during the entire incident fairness would describe it as celebratory and trying to convey to Ms. Hermoso that her and her team's achievement was an outstanding performance and something which the Country of Spain is immensely proud over! It is rather unbelievable the places this controversy has gone it has been reported in the media that Spanish prosecutors are opening up a criminal investigation in this matter, as a culture have we really become this mixed up why don't we get back on the path of good judgment there is women out there that are victims of sexual assault and of sexual harassment where a man is conditioning a women's employment on her providing sexual favors Spanish prosecutors should be spending their time and resources on these serious matters and do Spanish prosecutors really want to open up a pandora's box here because if they are good prosecutors they want to treat all victims equally meaning all Spanish women who have been forcibly kissed against their will get to bring criminal charges against the actor forcing the kiss!

Fairness would dictate that Mr. Rubiales not be forced out of his job as President of the Spanish Football Federation over this, there was not the mens rea of a crime. But unfortunately fairness is sometimes not the entire consideration in a matter unfortunately this situation has become a politically charged matter it has now been linked with women gender discrimination and abuse in Spanish society and throughout the world. Ms. Hermoso could act in an outstandingly virtuous manner and come out and publicly say even though what Mr. Rubiales did was wrong the public controversy is hurting women's soccer in Spain and what the sport offers Spanish girls and women in their life and so I am content to let the matter end with Mr. Rubiales ninety day suspension. Another alternative outcome could be that the Spanish Football Federation create an executive position over Mr. Rubiales's President Position like a Chief Executive position so that women soccer players in Spain know that this guy they don't like as President isn't the top authority over them it is the Chief Executive of the Federation. The Powers that be in Spain should try to force some type of compromise on this matter quickly because although Spain won the World Cup Tournament this Summer, it is not winning the good media coverage campaign over that success and this result doesn't have to be the end of story here!
Celebratory or not, consent is consent. And required.
True, but since when did men and women become totally in charge of their emotions at all times? If she wants to sue him, she should have the right but the man shouldn't be hounded from his livelihood over a mistake of such little real importance. He didn't sexually assault the woman. He didn't attempt to humiliate her. At some point, some sanity needs to return on this issue.
Concerted efforts by the looney femininists have blown up this trivial incident and induced hysteria .
Try looking at it another way.

Suppose you were watching your favorite team win. The guy next to you is gay. In his enthusiasm he grabs you and kisses you. Not a long kiss. Just a peck. No sexual gratification. Is your consent required?
Whipped up hysteria yet again . Femininist extremists ( lots and lots of them in Spain ) are having a field day , probably initially prompted by Intel as yet another part of Project Chaos .
Try looking at it another way.

Suppose you were watching your favorite team win. The guy next to you is gay. In his enthusiasm he grabs you and kisses you. Not a long kiss. Just a peck. No sexual gratification. Is your consent required?
Everything we do now is going to based on people living with comforts. When they are reduced than it will get ugly. We will not worry about any consent and humans will get very primal. Expecting two hetero people to keep the generations going and seeing those who are not that live more comfortable lives is disgusting. that is not equality. Children are "crumb snatchers." And it is a lot of work.
Luis needs to go to Italy.

---A Rome public prosecutor asked for a three-and-a-half year prison sentence but this week the caretaker was acquitted of sexual assault charges. According to the judges, what happened “does not constitute a crime” because it lasted less than 10 seconds.---


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