Southerners worry over 'Eagle 2' operation


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The world talks peace, leaders are meeting, but what interests the southern region in Israel in the last couple of days are the reports of the Egyptian army's decision to "Clean Sinai from terrorists".

Reshet Bet said today that the Egyptian forces decided to open an operation called "Eagle 2", meant to target all hostile activists (Radical Islamists, and Salafi brigades, many of them Morsi supporters) in Sinai.

"Our patience is running thin," It was said by the army spokesman, "And we have no choice but opening up an all wide war against those terrorists".

In the last two weeks, in order to succeed in the struggle, the Egyptian army destroyed more than 150 tunnels connecting the strip to Sinai, which lead not only to the Jihadists difficulty to help Morsi supporters and hurt Egyptians, but succeeded in pissing off a one meaningful player- The Hamas organization.

The Hamas are not at all happy about the operation and battles between the Egyptian army and some of his men.

Since July the Egyptian military arrested 73 terrorists, 12 of them- Palestinians.

In the battles, more than 30 Hamas terrorists were killed.

Lately it has been said that the Egyptian army will start flying over the Gaza strip in order to help the "purifying" of the area from those who may put Egypt at risk.

The response was immediate-

حكومة غزة : تحليق الطيران المصري في أجواء غزة غير مقبول و ننتظر الرد الرسمي المصري ...مصر..
Gaza government: The flights of the Egyptian forces in Gaza skies are unacceptable

شبكة رصد سيناء |مسؤول: 25% انخفاضاً في حركة ركاب مطار شرم الشيخ بسبب أحداث سيناء
Drop of 25% of flights from Sharem Al-sheikh due to the starting operation

The commander of "Armia 2" officially opened the "Eagle 2" operation to "clean Sinai"


The Israeli media didn't tell much about this operation, which was mentioned in the radio today. However, while some are sighing in relief to see the Egyptian initiative, the news cause somewhat discomfort and very much concern in the southern region.

If and when the Hamas or other organizations prove that they have 'the means and opportunity' to fight against the Egyptian army, on ground and in air, this may lead to a 'rolling stone' to ignite the area, something that niether Hamas, Egypt, or us are interested in.

Second scenario, more concerning, is due to the fact that many know the actions taking place when the Hamas is displeased. Southerners Israelis are "Taken hostages" so to speak, of the situation.

In the last couple of days, rockets were fired into southern Israel from Sinai, and our belief is that the reason is not only objecting the negotiations, but also the fragile situations in our neighbor from south.

Israel is following, and apparently didn't wait much to supply "cure" to the "illness" before it spread. In the last week two more Iron Dome systems have been places in southern Israel, preparing southerners to each scenario possible.

Southerners wish luck to the Egyptian military on this mission


The Talmud says- "Wisdom goes with south. Whoever seeks wisdom, south shall he go"

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