Sources for Christianity being the worship of Bel (Baal)


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sources for the prexisting similar mythical accounts:
Celsus as a source:
early historians agreed Celsus was a Platonist
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Celsus pointed out
that Christianity copied the concepts of others.

SOURCE for similarity to Baal:
The Babylonian Passion Play dated around 900 BC
University of Sheffield has an Essay on this discovery
January 1922 edition of "Quest" which describes tablets belonging to the cuneiform documents which were discovered
by German excavators in 1903 and 1904 at Kalah Shargat, the site of the ancient Assur formed in the 9th century BC
or even earlier. There are however, copies of still earlier Babylonian tablets, which also contain astounding facts,
which would be perturbing to most Christians.
Assyrian tablets on Bel's death scene also dated 900bc sits in the Brittish museum.
It is not (only) the similarity between the two stories of Jesus and Baal/Bel that should excite their astonishment:
The two being one and the same *

Bel Priests Similairites to priests today SOURCE:
missing text
called "Bel and the Dragon", a left out Apochrypha
which is supposed to be Chapter 14 of the Greek version of Daniel
"Daniel and the Priests of Bel"
Dan 14:3 Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel (the Sun God/HARVEST GOD ), and every day they provided
for it twelve bushels of choice flour and forty sheep and six measures of wine.
14:4 The king revered it and went every day to worship it.
(today they still make an offering, a wafer and wine and bow and kiss this idol Bel as seen as the Gold
plated radiant sun on the pedestal they parade around.)
Throughout Hebrew text it talks about the fallen one Belial who was also known as BAAL.
But he was never an entity, just an idol with no power but that which the priest gave it in deception.

Fact: the founding church still uses the garb and symbols of Baal and Dagon(fishman god) Baal's father.
Including the sun circle cross, fishead mitre and scale robes, calling the flock fishes, fishmans ring the Pope wears, and using Baal's Dec 25th birthday.
The Canaanite mythology of the dying god is the the son of Baal named morning star dies to surpass his father Baal on the throne.
Rev 22:16 the NT claims Jesus this dying son of Baal and thus mask the image as Baal worship through a Jewish image intent on getting Jews to worship Baal.
This is why they seek to convert YHWH worshipers over to Jesus (mask of Baal).
scratch an Assyrian or even a Persian- of the upper classes and ultimately an upper class Egyptian and ROMAN---------and wattaya get---------A GREEK. The roman
churchs owes everything to the GREEKS. Interesting personal anecdote. One
of my college classmates was of greek background ----of the female persuasion.
She even dressed up to look something like a greek sculpture of hera----hair and all---------long skirts but not exactly tunics. As to religion----she claimed that the ancient
greeks were Christians of the greek orthodox type------things just got a little jumbled
over time --------I recall the English prof. referred to her long winded explanation as
a ethnocentric view of history. In fact-------it suddenly DOES MAKE SENSE ----sorta
Matthew 12-

Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. 23And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” 25Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. 26And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
Yes, the Jesus story is very old and probably never happened in Israel. He's not just Bel, but Mithrais, apollo, buddha, krishna and many more.

He's truly the one God of all men.
Matthew 12-

Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. 23And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” 25Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. 26And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

why would you post up those silly lines?
Matthew 12-

Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. 23And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” 25Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. 26And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

There were alot of these charlatan sorcerer maggis, Yeshu of 100bc, Shimon the sorcerer, and BarJesus friend of Sergius Paulus called Paul (in acts), were all forbiden scam artists in the vain of Benny Hinn types.
The prophecy is not for Moshiach to heal the literal blind or deaf, itcs about the era of Moshiach we will heal the spiritual blind and deafening to hear the truth.
Also the age would be for the advancement to achieve the literal healing, but not hands on, just as a catalyst.
The seed request prosperity scam is what Daniel was warning about that existed even in his era, and the faith healers are the snake oil salesmen through time.
I mean really, healing churches which have handicap parking spaces used by it's flock?
Benny Hinn telling an undercover investigator man dressed as a woman that he can now get pregnant?
What, Bel couldn't tell him to look for the
5 o'clock shadow and the Adam's Apple?
Last edited:
Yes, the Jesus story is very old and probably never happened in Israel. He's not just Bel, but Mithrais, apollo, buddha, krishna and many more.

He's truly the one God of all men.

The one world religion that everyone watches for was under their nose all along because they fail to read tenses. John of Patmos was talking present tense. ROME was doing this to many cultures before, as long as they were the authority, they would play keepers of the cultures religions by destroying those cultures temples and erecting them in Rome as new Authority, then have the nerve to tell them their defeat meant their gods didn't favor them anymore. Sound familiar?
So being authority of all religions compiled into one fold they could collect taxes in the form of tithes and step foot in many kingdoms without insurrection.=
2 horn(power) system.
Rome sent in its Legions in the beginning to conquer and subdue and then found a much better and easier way that was cheaper and more profitable so instead of Legion they switched to worked because it was under the radar and combined the faith of the indigenous peoples with their one all encompassing reLEGION... Funny how when I pointed out the size of a Roman Legion of soldiers and the size of the flock Jesus fed( taught) was the same size of 5000 and people got upset but hey they didn't need an insurrection just a ( supposed)resurrection to make it so and make people's fools for Christ...
Sources for the prexisting similar mythical accounts:
Celsus as a source:
early historians agreed Celsus was a Platonist
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Celsus pointed out
that Christianity copied the concepts of others.

SOURCE for similarity to Baal:
The Babylonian Passion Play dated around 900 BC
University of Sheffield has an Essay on this discovery
January 1922 edition of "Quest" which describes tablets belonging to the cuneiform documents which were discovered
by German excavators in 1903 and 1904 at Kalah Shargat, the site of the ancient Assur formed in the 9th century BC
or even earlier. There are however, copies of still earlier Babylonian tablets, which also contain astounding facts,
which would be perturbing to most Christians.
Assyrian tablets on Bel's death scene also dated 900bc sits in the Brittish museum.
It is not (only) the similarity between the two stories of Jesus and Baal/Bel that should excite their astonishment:
The two being one and the same *

Bel Priests Similairites to priests today SOURCE:
missing text
called "Bel and the Dragon", a left out Apochrypha
which is supposed to be Chapter 14 of the Greek version of Daniel
"Daniel and the Priests of Bel"
Dan 14:3 Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel (the Sun God/HARVEST GOD ), and every day they provided
for it twelve bushels of choice flour and forty sheep and six measures of wine.
14:4 The king revered it and went every day to worship it.
(today they still make an offering, a wafer and wine and bow and kiss this idol Bel as seen as the Gold
plated radiant sun on the pedestal they parade around.)
Throughout Hebrew text it talks about the fallen one Belial who was also known as BAAL.
But he was never an entity, just an idol with no power but that which the priest gave it in deception.

Fact: the founding church still uses the garb and symbols of Baal and Dagon(fishman god) Baal's father.
Including the sun circle cross, fishead mitre and scale robes, calling the flock fishes, fishmans ring the Pope wears, and using Baal's Dec 25th birthday.
The Canaanite mythology of the dying god is the the son of Baal named morning star dies to surpass his father Baal on the throne.
Rev 22:16 the NT claims Jesus this dying son of Baal and thus mask the image as Baal worship through a Jewish image intent on getting Jews to worship Baal.
This is why they seek to convert YHWH worshipers over to Jesus (mask of Baal).
Good Lord, the self proclaimed top prophet of God and Jewish Messiah is preaching to Christians again. When will he administer to his people? When?
Rome sent in its Legions in the beginning to conquer and subdue and then found a much better and easier way that was cheaper and more profitable so instead of Legion they switched to worked because it was under the radar and combined the faith of the indigenous peoples with their one all encompassing reLEGION... Funny how when I pointed out the size of a Roman Legion of soldiers and the size of the flock Jesus fed( taught) was the same size of 5000 and people got upset but hey they didn't need an insurrection just a ( supposed)resurrection to make it so and make people's fools for Christ...

And that is why they could and would not name the Father. To compile all cultures you can't name a singular figure deity, in the same way naming any of the christs to their historical name would falter the gathering into one world religion.
Faith is a personal journey......Anyone may rail against it all anyone wants but that personal relationship that each individual human may have cannot be denied or thwarted upon by any talking head.
Rome sent in its Legions in the beginning to conquer and subdue and then found a much better and easier way that was cheaper and more profitable so instead of Legion they switched to worked because it was under the radar and combined the faith of the indigenous peoples with their one all encompassing reLEGION... Funny how when I pointed out the size of a Roman Legion of soldiers and the size of the flock Jesus fed( taught) was the same size of 5000 and people got upset but hey they didn't need an insurrection just a ( supposed)resurrection to make it so and make people's fools for Christ...

And that is why they could and would not name the Father. To compile all cultures you can't name a singular figure deity, in the same way naming any of the christs to their historical name would falter the gathering into one world religion.
Also if one thinks about it they usurp the role of Gd as the father by substituting themselves in that role... The head father is the pope and all the priests are the surrogate fathers... In this way they can not only steal the role of Gd as the father but they can also steal the role of the head of the family from the father by getting families to substitute themselves for the role which makes complete sense since Jesus stated he hated families and wanted to divide them against each other showing he obviously had no father to honor except himself Or a father that was completely opposed to the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob...
Rome sent in its Legions in the beginning to conquer and subdue and then found a much better and easier way that was cheaper and more profitable so instead of Legion they switched to worked because it was under the radar and combined the faith of the indigenous peoples with their one all encompassing reLEGION... Funny how when I pointed out the size of a Roman Legion of soldiers and the size of the flock Jesus fed( taught) was the same size of 5000 and people got upset but hey they didn't need an insurrection just a ( supposed)resurrection to make it so and make people's fools for Christ...

And that is why they could and would not name the Father. To compile all cultures you can't name a singular figure deity, in the same way naming any of the christs to their historical name would falter the gathering into one world religion.
Also if one thinks about it they usurp the role of Gd as the father by substituting themselves in that role... The head father is the pope and all the priests are the surrogate fathers... In this way they can not only steal the role of Gd as the father but they can also steal the role of the head of the family from the father by getting families to substitute themselves for the role which makes complete sense since Jesus stated he hated families and wanted to divide them against each other showing he obviously had no father to honor except himself Or a father that was completely opposed to the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob...
It would be nice if you could praise the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob just once. Can you do that? Just one time.
That is what we have been saying all along but your group has substituted your idol Jesus in his place because you do not worship the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ...
Besides disregarding and missing the full gamet of our posts and works, some of which he himself has posted here, he can't claim he missed them=Blatantly lying to demonize what he can't answer to=sin.

Obviously he doesn't understand what praising God is, when he opposes the Creator by choosing death over life, and is adversary the Prophets and Rabbis included the texts where obedience (binding)to the guidelines and lessons in life are praise for
The Power in Life. But it's hard for him to discern when he's been praising the Adversary of God all this time, hence the lash out and deceptive behavior.
His punishment built in to life through cause and affect.
He gets to WRESTLE WITH THE MESSAGES, NIGHT and day 24-7 struggling and thinking about them, eating at his ego, pride of man is the ultimate self punishment along with his continuously hitting himself.

Let him be a lesson for others who also chose that path to nowhere.

Once it is determined that an individual is a prophet, there is a Biblical commandment which enjoins us against continually testing him and demanding more evidence.

Challenging me is forbidden & you are required to listen-[Devarim 30:3-5 & Deutronomy 18:18-19 &EXODUS 23:20]-Hilchot,Yesodei HaTorah, ch.9.-

They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 ) and truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
The wickedness of the times will have it's effect upon children, who will act brazenly and disrespectfully towards elders, including their parents and parents-in-law. . The exemplary behavior of sin-fearing individuals, who will try to serve G-d, will not be followed, but rather they will be scorned and despised.
(Ibid. )
Hearken when Michael speaketh: I am he that stands in the presence of God -Apocalypse of Paul 42

Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?

Mike Night HaShev -1999
"You basically don't like the fruits on the silver platter being handed to you generously, so instead of graciously passing on them you knock the tray over instead. You do this in a tantrum, so nobody can have some. Thinking everyone elses taste should be like yours, and they wouldn't want any either, you end up ruining it for everyone else from eating.... "

In other words, he thinks he knows best for everyone above the religious elect, the Torah, and even God, so that he places himself above God choosing what others should have free will to decide and discern & choose, like he had when he chose to rebel and play himself as god.
Besides disregarding and missing the full gamet of our posts and works, some of which he himself has posted here, he can't claim he missed them=Blatantly lying to demonize what he can't answer to=sin.

Obviously he doesn't understand what praising God is, when he opposes the Creator by choosing death over life, and is adversary the Prophets and Rabbis included the texts where obedience (binding)to the guidelines and lessons in life are praise for
The Power in Life. But it's hard for him to discern when he's been praising the Adversary of God all this time, hence the lash out and deceptive behavior.
His punishment built in to life through cause and affect.
He gets to WRESTLE WITH THE MESSAGES, NIGHT and day 24-7 struggling and thinking about them, eating at his ego, pride of man is the ultimate self punishment along with his continuously hitting himself.

Let him be a lesson for others who also chose that path to nowhere.

Once it is determined that an individual is a prophet, there is a Biblical commandment which enjoins us against continually testing him and demanding more evidence.

Challenging me is forbidden & you are required to listen-[Devarim 30:3-5 & Deutronomy 18:18-19 &EXODUS 23:20]-Hilchot,Yesodei HaTorah, ch.9.-

They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 ) and truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
The wickedness of the times will have it's effect upon children, who will act brazenly and disrespectfully towards elders, including their parents and parents-in-law. . The exemplary behavior of sin-fearing individuals, who will try to serve G-d, will not be followed, but rather they will be scorned and despised.
(Ibid. )
Hearken when Michael speaketh: I am he that stands in the presence of God -Apocalypse of Paul 42

Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?

Mike Night HaShev -1999
"You basically don't like the fruits on the silver platter being handed to you generously, so instead of graciously passing on them you knock the tray over instead. You do this in a tantrum, so nobody can have some. Thinking everyone elses taste should be like yours, and they wouldn't want any either, you end up ruining it for everyone else from eating.... "

In other words, he thinks he knows best for everyone above the religious elect, the Torah, and even God, so that he places himself above God choosing what others should have free will to decide and discern & choose, like he had when he chose to rebel and play himself as god.
Do you love the G-d of Abraham?
That is what we have been saying all along but your group has substituted your idol Jesus in his place because you do not worship the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ...
Do you love the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?
Yes, and you just proved you worship another God, otherwise you would claim I didn't, and not even ask the question. *L*
Trip yourself much?
I hope you were never a hockey player. :)

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