Souls in the Cloud

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
Information technology may offer a useful metaphor in examining the question of life after death. If your mind and body is a "computer," perhaps your soul could be a "website" that is stored in a "cloud" outside your physical being.

Conceivably, some people have souls in the "cloud" but in other people, the soul stays in the body and perishes at death. It would be the difference between being "saved" and not being "saved." Or perhaps everyone starts with the soul in the body, but the soul only goes to the "cloud" if the person has some kind of transcendental experience. Thus, if you are preoccupied with the material world and physical pleasures, you will never reach the "cloud."
Information technology may offer a useful metaphor in examining the question of life after death. If your mind and body is a "computer," perhaps your soul could be a "website" that is stored in a "cloud" outside your physical being.

Conceivably, some people have souls in the "cloud" but in other people, the soul stays in the body and perishes at death. It would be the difference between being "saved" and not being "saved." Or perhaps everyone starts with the soul in the body, but the soul only goes to the "cloud" if the person has some kind of transcendental experience. Thus, if you are preoccupied with the material world and physical pleasures, you will never reach the "cloud."
I want to be a porn site when transition to the cloud..........
Conceivably, some people have souls in the "cloud"

which cloud ... hopefully there is only one and yes for the spirits that accomplish the game plan to get there.

Thus, if you are preoccupied with the material world and physical pleasures, you will never reach the "cloud."

- is the material world something not good, heaven forbid the physical pleasures, are you a christimaniac ...
Conceivably, some people have souls in the "cloud"

which cloud ... hopefully there is only one and yes for the spirits that accomplish the game plan to get there.

Thus, if you are preoccupied with the material world and physical pleasures, you will never reach the "cloud."

- is the material world something not good, heaven forbid the physical pleasures, are you a christimaniac ...
Now, Breezie, you know that Heaven has no clouds as it is in the unclouded day. But we all know how you thrive on persecuting Christians, so see ya in the funny papers, doll.
Conceivably, some people have souls in the "cloud"

which cloud ... hopefully there is only one and yes for the spirits that accomplish the game plan to get there.

Thus, if you are preoccupied with the material world and physical pleasures, you will never reach the "cloud."

- is the material world something not good, heaven forbid the physical pleasures, are you a christimaniac ...
Now, Breezie, you know that Heaven has no clouds as it is in the unclouded day. But we all know how you thrive on persecuting Christians, so see ya in the funny papers, doll.
Souls in the Cloud

But we all know how you thrive on persecuting Christians, so see ya in the funny papers, doll.


we are in the same business, beartress though one follows a forgery and the other the welfare for all humanity, the triumph over that evil. above.
I think the 'cloud' is another word for 'afterlife', some sort of spiritual place that your spirit or soul goes after you physically die. I do not think life is a one-shot deal, I think you reincarnate however many times it's necessary to achieve that 'transcendental experience' or whatever it takes to get to the point where you don't reincarnate any more. And no Harmonica, I have no proof so don't ask. I couldn't give two shits whether you or anyone else believes this or something else.or nothing at all. LOL, I do think that if you don't you'll be back. :2cents:

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