Someone went through a lot of trouble to orchestrate these demonstrations


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
To bad this kind of organization, effort, support never was used to actually get anything good done here or around the world. Where was this effort to stop radicalized propaganda, the same kind of propaganda used to create these demonstrations?
Where was this effort to stop terrorism, the same kind of terrorism used to threaten celebrities, politicians, and instigate these destablizing events while causing riots yesterday?

Where was this effort to stop poisoning our kids with drugs, I thought woman cared for their children's health and welfare and security?
Where was this effort to end violence in Chicago?
Where was this effort to support our servicemen and our protective police?

Where was this effort to get Hillary to pay for her revealed crimes, or to support
investigating the many whistleblowers who mysteriously died?

Where was the effort to protest the UN, the effort to protest the Iran deal, the protest to investigate what favors were offered the many countries for the money the Clinton's received?
Where's the support for charities exploited for Clinton gains, or woman, hispanic and black communities that were manipulated played like 8n these protests?

Wherecs the protest in front of the FCC regarding abuse of broadcasting propaganda?
Protest against the coupe and acts of treason?
Protest against Google and others abusing rights to privacy and those scary app permissions on your phone that even permits them to track your speed and know your calendar plans, places you are at and can allow the Clintons of this world to Abuse you in any way shape or form like they did using the IRS against their opponents? Where's your effort to stop that kind of total violation?

Where is Your effort regarding most all the brokers, phone companies, retailers, and even IRS, where your personal info was stolen, not a peep from these organizers why?

Where is your time and energy giving your extra blankets to the frozen homeless up there at your marches?
How about Michael Moore put aside 1/3 his daily calorie intake to feed a village?
His comments contradict earlier interviews therefore his recent protest is to garnish popularity and support for his future projects and films.=money to him.
Where was he protesting letting Hillary off the hook or the other politicians so scared the gig is up that they are more likely the orchestrators that so love to hate. Shuman you aren't fooling
YOUR MOBSTER TACTICS ARE BEING THREATENED and that scares you people into further deeper corruption, destablizing our govt for sake of your clear cut coupe.
If you hate democracy, & law and order then go to those countries you claimed to flee to...oh that's right they have imigration laws.. Go FIGURE!
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What demonstrations? I saw nothing and heard of nothing, just some vague reports from the same people who said Hillary was winning the election in a landslide. Sounds like more fake news to me.
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.

Fuckin' A, Ray!!!!!
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.

Actually you are mistaken and proving your gullibility. It's a tactic, clearly orchestrated & participants are dupes being mentally abused. You do not have rights to abuse people mentally for sake of your affiliation pride that politics cause. This is not Trumps doing in fact Trumps speach was opposite divisive and these protests and commentarors in the media on their reason is being divisive as was the Clinton campaign. It is the Media who cleverly worded and insinuated and twisted words to demonize the figure =propaganda and the politicians already admited it's part of the game.
But CNN and MSNBC went way to far and brainwashed people in an ABUSIVE WAY as did Clinton's attack campaign. She had no chance to win on her failed record or policies so she took the low road to garnish those minority voters and people bought the propaganda. The fact that they continue the scare -fear tactic while spewing hate and intolerance makes them the unstable hate mongers. The democracy has spoken at the vote, now is not freedpm of speech, this is an outright anti democracy rally and coupe attempt. May I suggest the party run the gerber baby next time?
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.


I thought Russia was responsible.

Why weren't any of the demonstrators protesting against Russia instead of against Trump?
Fact: woman were protesting for equal pay
Fact :media assumed and said they were all protesting Trump
Irony is :The protest causes higher taxes to pay for the manpower to protect and serve and clean up. Higher insurance cause liability goes higher.
Causes people to be late or miss work=less pay.
Companies have the burden of these higher insurance rates and taxes need to lay people Off or LESSEN THEIR PAY (BRILLIANT!)
People are rattled by the unstable events unsettling feelings mean money lost in thr markets, less investing on risky riotess cities, biz pull outs ensue, higher costs ensue, lower wages ensue=protest and riots cause an opposite and self inflicting result, see my video on my signature link for why this is a dumb thing to get used to and accepting least you want to be like the middle east always protesting and destabilizing gov't.
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First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.
You lost. Shut up and get in the back seat.
It's a show of "women power" I guess. At the end of the day it doesn't accomplish anything, but I suppose it was good for the economy. I'm sure Trump thanks you for that. It's a jump start for improvements to come.
What demonstrations? I saw nothing and heard of nothing, just some vague reports from the same people who said Hillary was winning the election in a landslide. Sounds like more fake news to me.
Looks like Happy Trump supporters to me, are we suppose to believe there are serious protests going on by women standing around laughing, and clowning for a picture? Like I said, fake news and this just about proves it.
It's a tactic, clearly orchestrated & participants are dupes being mentally abused

Cultist, we understand.

Free people assembling out of their own free will is something you can't grasp. You're a cult slave, hence you can't imagine anyone else not being a cult slave.

Thus, we free people pity you. You will be a slave for the rest of your life, and we can't help you.

Now, stop whining. Free people work for freedom, and we won't stop just because you keep crying at us.
YOU lose your argument with an ad hominem response. There are smarter ways, constructive ones which respect our democracy that are more rational and practicle. If you like destabilized methods you are welcome to go to Cuba or Venezuela and they'll tell you what democracy is.
What demonstrations? I saw nothing and heard of nothing, just some vague reports from the same people who said Hillary was winning the election in a landslide. Sounds like more fake news to me.
Looks like Happy Trump supporters to me, are we suppose to believe there are serious protests going on by women standing around laughing, and clowning for a picture? Like I said, fake news and this just about proves it.
Should they be weeping and rending?
YOU lose your argument with an ad hominem response.

Stuff it, hypocrite. Since you started by tossing out the ad hom crap, don't be squealing like a sissy now that you get some back.

Now me, I insult people. I'm good at it. And I don't whine when I get it back.

There are smarter ways, constructive ones which respect our democracy that are more rational and practicle. If you like destabilized methods you are welcome to go to Cuba or Venezuela and they'll tell you what democracy is.

Peaceful protest is destabilizing?

You really don't seem to like free speech and democracy.

How long before you go straight to "dissent is treason", without the sugarcoating?
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.

Actually you are mistaken and proving your gullibility. It's a tactic, clearly orchestrated & participants are dupes being mentally abused. You do not have rights to abuse people mentally for sake of your affiliation pride that politics cause. This is not Trumps doing in fact Trumps speach was opposite divisive and these protests and commentarors in the media on their reason is being divisive as was the Clinton campaign. It is the Media who cleverly worded and insinuated and twisted words to demonize the figure =propaganda and the politicians already admited it's part of the game.
But CNN and MSNBC went way to far and brainwashed people in an ABUSIVE WAY as did Clinton's attack campaign. She had no chance to win on her failed record or policies so she took the low road to garnish those minority voters and people bought the propaganda. The fact that they continue the scare -fear tactic while spewing hate and intolerance makes them the unstable hate mongers. The democracy has spoken at the vote, now is not freedpm of speech, this is an outright anti democracy rally and coupe attempt. May I suggest the party run the gerber baby next time?
The media boogeyman is a familiar fall back scapegoat for you folks. We listened to Trump's words coming from his prodigious mouth. That's the reason there is fear and suspicion of him. Not some concocted media rewriting, but the facts of his own words.

We took him literally as well as seriously.

You folks made excuses, provided clumsy rationalization and sought to blame others for Trump' s infractions.
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.


I thought Russia was responsible.

Why weren't any of the demonstrators protesting against Russia instead of against Trump?
Trump is in the White House. Trump is responsible for his actions. We reject the premise that everything can be excused and obfuscated.

Elections have consequences, and the words of the President of the United States have consequences. You cannot lean on one of those facts while excusing the other.
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.
You lost. Shut up and get in the back seat.
Am I still not an American? And is that the same sentiment you would have applied to the Tea Baggers in 2009?

Sauce for the goose...

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