Some Random Thoughts and Questions About the Vegas Shooting


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It does not fit the usual narrative that some loser hating his life decides to go out in a blaze of Allah Akbar when the guy is a wealthy man who owns a lot of property. So what can explain this so that it makes any sense? All that is hitting on all cylinders is that this guys wife converted him to jihadism and then fled the country, but he was supposed to be a lone gunman?

Then why did he bring so much ammo to the room and so many guns? That doesnt make any sense unless he was expecting people to help him. What else does?

How did the two hispanic women who tried to warn people know he was going to start the shooting and who are they? If they saw him, how did they live to tell? If they had inside information, how does that happen with a lone gunman?

This video sounds like here were tow shooters, one with a larger caliber gun and the other with what sounds like a .223

I am getting a feeling that this was not a lone gunman but instead there were multiple shooters in a group of multiple supporters from which the two women trying to warn everyone emerged.

Any *constructive* thoughts on this?
It does not fit the usual narrative that some loser hating his life decides to go out in a blaze of Allah Akbar when the guy is a wealthy man who owns a lot of property. So what can explain this so that it makes any sense? All that is hitting on all cylinders is that this guys wife converted him to jihadism and then fled the country, but he was supposed to be a lone gunman?

Then why did he bring so much ammo to the room and so many guns? That doesnt make any sense unless he was expecting people to help him. What else does?

How did the two hispanic women who tried to warn people know he was going to start the shooting and who are they? If they saw him, how did they live to tell? If they had inside information, how does that happen with a lone gunman?

This video sounds like here were tow shooters, one with a larger caliber gun and the other with what sounds like a .223

I am getting a feeling that this was not a lone gunman but instead there were multiple shooters in a group of multiple supporters from which the two women trying to warn everyone emerged.

Any *constructive* thoughts on this?

Thats only one weapon. The guy obviously had trouble reloading. You can tell by how fast he runs out of ammo it was just one weapon at a time.
I would like to know whether all weapons were fired....whose prints were on em.......
He had two windows that he was shooting from and went from window to window. He had so many guns he didn't need to reload. The police are going around getting all the bullets that were removed and will match them to the guns.
I would like to know whether all weapons were fired....whose prints were on em.......
This is going to be a more complex story than a lone gunmen I think.

Too many things not adding up.
The jihadi preferred explosives much did he make.....does someone have a bomb he made......did someone make it for him on his property
I would like to know whether all weapons were fired....whose prints were on em.......
This is going to be a more complex story than a lone gunmen I think.

Too many things not adding up.
The jihadi preferred explosives much did he make.....does someone have a bomb he made......did someone make it for him on his property
What if he did have assistants that fled before the shooting started because they got scared?

Or what if they left this guy as the fall guy after helping with the shooting?
It does not fit the usual narrative that some loser hating his life decides to go out in a blaze of Allah Akbar when the guy is a wealthy man who owns a lot of property. So what can explain this so that it makes any sense? All that is hitting on all cylinders is that this guys wife converted him to jihadism and then fled the country, but he was supposed to be a lone gunman?

Then why did he bring so much ammo to the room and so many guns? That doesnt make any sense unless he was expecting people to help him. What else does?

How did the two hispanic women who tried to warn people know he was going to start the shooting and who are they? If they saw him, how did they live to tell? If they had inside information, how does that happen with a lone gunman?

This video sounds like here were tow shooters, one with a larger caliber gun and the other with what sounds like a .223

I am getting a feeling that this was not a lone gunman but instead there were multiple shooters in a group of multiple supporters from which the two women trying to warn everyone emerged.

Any *constructive* thoughts on this?

Somehow, I get the feeling these thoughts aren't actually random, but rather are specifically tailored to a very narrow agenda. Huh, must be me.
Another strange thing is that he was shooting from inside the hotel. That makes a lot of sound.

Why did no one stop him? Maybe the hotel management was in on it. Trying to wipe out the competitors business.
Another strange thing is that he was shooting from inside the hotel. That makes a lot of sound.

Why did no one stop him? Maybe the hotel management was in on it. Trying to wipe out the competitors business.

(Wow! It really is fun and easy to come up with stupid conspiracy theories.)
Another strange thing is that he was shooting from inside the hotel. That makes a lot of sound.

Why did no one stop him? Maybe the hotel management was in on it. Trying to wipe out the competitors business.

(Wow! It really is fun and easy to come up with stupid conspiracy theories.)
Lol, how did this leap into Conspiracy Theory territory, dude?

You know the DOJ does investigate crimes of conspiracy, dont you?

There is a reason for that, lol.
The "shooter" had over an hour to fire from that room before the Police showed up.
SWAT blasted the door but you hear no gunfire on the recording as they are at the door? already dead?

The Police break in and find a Dead Gambler and a mountain of evidence at three sites? This is what they have put out.
Another strange thing is that he was shooting from inside the hotel. That makes a lot of sound.

Why did no one stop him? Maybe the hotel management was in on it. Trying to wipe out the competitors business.
We are blessed having Sherlock Holmes here, folks.

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