Some People Did Something


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Yeah, on their way home they stopped terrorists from murdering hundreds, maybe thousands and died in the process.

Here in Somerset for tomorrow’s ceremony to honor my friend, one of the first citizen soldiers in the war. There was a lot of confusion that day, but when I got the call that afternoon that he was on that plane, I knew exactly why it crashed. He was that kind of a guy.

A year prior he had a dream he was going to die and it was going to involve a lot of people. The dream was so real he tried to increase his life insurance for his family. Sometimes God puts good people in bad places for a reason.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13
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All on that plane were brave and gave the final full measure for that bravery.

Everyone should always remember that bravery.
Eighteen years later...

"At the World Trade Center, 2,753 people were killed. An additional 184 perished at the Pentagon, and 40 were killed when Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania.

"Eighteen years later, first responders are still dealing with the mental and physical effects of clearing the wreckage at ground zero. According to ABC News, more than 200 people have died from illnesses related to the attacks."

September 11 attacks: Timeline of events from hijackers boarding flights to George Bush's national address
"some people did something," hmmm, doesn't sound like such a much when people start to phrase it like that.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.

Personally, I believe the passengers DID try to regain control of the aircraft. I just don’t believe they were able to do so. I can totally see in my mind anywhere from 4-6 individuals (terrorists and passengers) in the cockpit fighting for control of the aircraft as it barrels into the Pennsylvania countryside at several hundred miles per hour.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.

Personally, I believe the passengers DID try to regain control of the aircraft. I just don’t believe they were able to do so. I can totally see in my mind anywhere from 4-6 individuals (terrorists and passengers) in the cockpit fighting for control of the aircraft as it barrels into the Pennsylvania countryside at several hundred miles per hour.

Yea but the pieces of the plane miles away are still unexplained.

I think the plane was shot down. We know TWA flight 800 was. Not on purpose of course it was a training accident, but it was shot down. The US Navy was conducting practice missions in shooting down drones (old military jets no longer used) to practice. After lock one of the missiles lost sight of its intended target and locked into the first thing it found, the 747.

Explosive residue was found on some of the wreckage. It's not a secret.

The 747 has been flying since 1968 with a safety record unmatched in aviation today. All of a sudden ONE blows up for no apparent reason. Hasn't happened before or since. I actually know someone in the military who is in the know and told me it was shot down. The gov't covered it up. That's why they raced to the scene and removed debris from the crash site before investigators could get there.

There is a reason 100's of witnesses said the saw a bright streak go from the surface of the ocean to the airplane and amazingly all of them were dismissed as being false. Really??? REALLY?
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"some people did something," hmmm, doesn't sound like such a much when people start to phrase it like that.

The OP is simply showing his disgust with sarcasm for the phrase a certain piece of shit lawmaker used recently to downplay what Muslim extremists did to America on 9/11.
"some people did something," hmmm, doesn't sound like such a much when people start to phrase it like that.

The OP is simply showing his disgust with sarcasm for the phrase a certain piece of shit lawmaker used recently to downplay what Muslim extremists did to America on 9/11.
The secret is most Democrats agree with her, just would never say it.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.
Yeah, those Muslim roaches weren’t overrun by the passengers. They had every intention of crashing into that field because they wanted to send a message to the Amish.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.

Personally, I believe the passengers DID try to regain control of the aircraft. I just don’t believe they were able to do so. I can totally see in my mind anywhere from 4-6 individuals (terrorists and passengers) in the cockpit fighting for control of the aircraft as it barrels into the Pennsylvania countryside at several hundred miles per hour.

Yea but the pieces of the plane miles away are still unexplained.

I think the plane was shot down.

So, a minute or so after the famous last words of "Let's roll," and the plane goes down, and it's conveniently the same exact time as you think it was shot down? What are the odds that those two events lined up to occur at the same time?
"some people did something," hmmm, doesn't sound like such a much when people start to phrase it like that.

The OP is simply showing his disgust with sarcasm for the phrase a certain piece of shit lawmaker used recently to downplay what Muslim extremists did to America on 9/11.
The secret is most Democrats agree with her, just would never say it.
Or as the New York Times seems to be adding their own spin on it, with "Some planes did something."
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.

Personally, I believe the passengers DID try to regain control of the aircraft. I just don’t believe they were able to do so. I can totally see in my mind anywhere from 4-6 individuals (terrorists and passengers) in the cockpit fighting for control of the aircraft as it barrels into the Pennsylvania countryside at several hundred miles per hour.

Yea but the pieces of the plane miles away are still unexplained.

I think the plane was shot down.

So, a minute or so after the famous last words of "Let's roll," and the plane goes down, and it's conveniently the same exact time as you think it was shot down? What are the odds that those two events lined up to occur at the same time?

9/11: 40 phone-calls that changed the world – but were they real? The U.S. government’s 9/11 evidence says not
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.
There is not of room in that cockpit to fight a guy so the plane was out of control and way over the speed to make a recovery effort.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.
If a Aircraft goes beyond a listed speed in a dive you can not recover...Simple reason go look it up.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.
There is not of room in that cockpit to fight a guy so the plane was out of control and way over the speed to make a recovery effort.
I think most people believe that the passengers were successfully overpowering the men outside the door to the cockpit, and the terrorists knew they could no longer complete their mission, so they just crashed the plane into the ground.

The terrorists knew it was possible that the passengers might also take back control of the plane, so it's also possible they crashed the plane to make sure they could at least kill those Americans.
What is kind of sad is that people actually believe the flight 93 story. There are more questions than answers on that. They supposedly have an explanation of what the white jet was circling the crash site soon after it happened. They say it was a civilian airplane asked to help locate the site. Why would the gov't ask a civilian airplane for help when for 30 min prior they had already ordered all civilian airplanes out of the air? With the numerous 911 calls coming in from the Shanksville area, why did they need the crash site located? Plenty of people could tell them exactly where it was. Why were engine pieces found away from the crash site? Why was mail that the plane was carrying found 8 miles away?

Now I don't doubt that it was hijacked I just doubt the story of the heros trying to take control of the plane. If the passengers took control of the plane from the hijackers why then crash it? Why not try to land it somewhere? There was at least one passenger aboard who was licensed to fly small aircraft. He could have done better than a nosedive at 500mph.
There is not of room in that cockpit to fight a guy so the plane was out of control and way over the speed to make a recovery effort.
I think most people believe that the passengers were successfully overpowering the men outside the door to the cockpit, and the terrorists knew they could no longer complete their mission, so they just crashed the plane into the ground.

The terrorists knew it was possible that the passengers might also take back control of the plane, so it's also possible they crashed the plane to make sure they could at least kill those Americans.
Guess who sat just to my left, but with just a rail between us. Had the US District Attorney for PA next to me, President of Guinea 4 rows in front.
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