Solution To School Opening Problem


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The republicans/conservatives have been cheering about homeschooling since the 80s. They hate public schools.

Now they seem to love public schools and want them open in the fall.

Here is a solution to the problem of opening schools during a pandemic raging out of control in our nation.

Home and internet schooling. Keep the teachers on zoom remote teaching and add websites like the following:

Children continue their education and everyone stays safe.

it's a win/win.

Problem solved.
The republicans/conservatives have been cheering about homeschooling since the 80s. They hate public schools.

Now they seem to love public schools and want them open in the fall.

Surely, you understand the difference here. It's really not hard to figure out
The republicans/conservatives have been cheering about homeschooling since the 80s. They hate public schools.

Now they seem to love public schools and want them open in the fall.

Here is a solution to the problem of opening schools during a pandemic raging out of control in our nation.

Home and internet schooling. Keep the teachers on zoom remote teaching and add websites like the following:

Children continue their education and everyone stays safe.

it's a win/win.

Problem solved.
Gee, I thought you were going to say to just kill all the kids.

As a privately schooled person, you don't need to convince me of the failures of gov. education. We need to get government out of education, and create a private industry of on-line classes where children can sign up, get the points they need to pass a national standard, opt for things like gym and other things not possible at home and move the fuck on.
That wont work with many kids. Both parents working. No internet. Etc etc
Will they just be left out of the loop?
Not a very thought out OP


The first fail of the post is with regards to the mention of home schooling. Republicans want that to be an option. The OP presents it as though Republicans want every kid to be home schooled.

And you're certainly correct about how effective it would be. It's effectively trusting that your child will have the discipline to self-teach. Show me an 11 year old who'll do that. And, as you mentioned, not every kid has access to the internet. Not educating those kids can't be an option...
The republicans/conservatives have been cheering about homeschooling since the 80s. They hate public schools.

Now they seem to love public schools and want them open in the fall.

Here is a solution to the problem of opening schools during a pandemic raging out of control in our nation.

Home and internet schooling. Keep the teachers on zoom remote teaching and add websites like the following:

Children continue their education and everyone stays safe.

it's a win/win.

Problem solved.

Good point. The Government school systems will save a lot of money by closing the Brick and Mortar schools permanently. School Districts could hire teachers who live anywhere as they would no longer have to report to a physical location. Mr. Apu could teach a class of 4th graders in East St. Louis from a computer screen in his Calcutta family room.

Parents who prefer a physical teaching environment, could always enroll the children in a private school at their own expense.
Parents who prefer a physical teaching environment, could always enroll the children in a private school at their own expense.

Which defeats the purpose of closing the public schools.

You'd still be putting kids in the very environment that was the reason for closing schools in the first place...
That wont work with many kids. Both parents working. No internet. Etc etc
Will they just be left out of the loop?
Not a very thought out OP

If the rural areas didn't invest in internet that's their problem.

Capitalism prevented it from happening. It's not profitable for a company to put it in the rural areas. The rural areas aren't willing to pay the taxes to put it in themselves.

So sad that they didn't do the right thing when it was easy and cheap.

So sad that conservative politicians refused to mandate that private business put it in rural areas even though they won't make a profit off those areas.

Now the conservative attitude of not giving a crap about people is coming back to bite those rural areas in the butt.

I want to have sympathy for them but they have what they want. They shouldn't complain about it.

Meanwhile the solution to that isn't to kill children, parents, grandparents and adults who work at the schools. The solution isn't to cause the virus to be spread more resulting in more damage to our nation and people.

There is internet in rural areas, just not fast internet. Give an iPad or computer to those who don't have one.

As for the parents needing to go to work, no they don't. They need to rise to the situation and stop being so lazy. Stop putting their wants before the needs of their children and our nation.

There are essential jobs that need to be done but others can be done from home or there is unemployment insurance. That's what it's for.

Opening up too early is going to destroy our nation.

There are solutions to problems if you want to find them.

Stop being so lazy. Work to find the solutions instead of complaining about those who do.
That wont work with many kids. Both parents working. No internet. Etc etc
Will they just be left out of the loop?
Not a very thought out OP

If the rural areas didn't invest in internet that's their problem.

Capitalism prevented it from happening. It's not profitable for a company to put it in the rural areas. The rural areas aren't willing to pay the taxes to put it in themselves.

So sad that they didn't do the right thing when it was easy and cheap.

So sad that conservative politicians refused to mandate that private business put it in rural areas even though they won't make a profit off those areas.

Now the conservative attitude of not giving a crap about people is coming back to bite those rural areas in the butt.

I want to have sympathy for them but they have what they want. They shouldn't complain about it.

Meanwhile the solution to that isn't to kill children, parents, grandparents and adults who work at the schools. The solution isn't to cause the virus to be spread more resulting in more damage to our nation and people.

There is internet in rural areas, just not fast internet. Give an iPad or computer to those who don't have one.

As for the parents needing to go to work, no they don't. They need to rise to the situation and stop being so lazy. Stop putting their wants before the needs of their children and our nation.

There are essential jobs that need to be done but others can be done from home or there is unemployment insurance. That's what it's for.

Opening up too early is going to destroy our nation.

There are solutions to problems if you want to find them.

Stop being so lazy. Work to find the solutions instead of complaining about those who do.
I was referring to being able to afford it. But nice hacked out rant, anyways :rolleyes-41:
That wont work with many kids. Both parents working. No internet. Etc etc
Will they just be left out of the loop?
Not a very thought out OP


The first fail of the post is with regards to the mention of home schooling. Republicans want that to be an option. The OP presents it as though Republicans want every kid to be home schooled.

And you're certainly correct about how effective it would be. It's effectively trusting that your child will have the discipline to self-teach. Show me an 11 year old who'll do that. And, as you mentioned, not every kid has access to the internet. Not educating those kids can't be an option...

What responsible adult leaves their child alone?

When did I state to leave a child alone?

There is such a thing as a tutor and babysitters.

Maybe the conservatives should have listened all these decades when people have been talking about the need for reliable child care?

Maybe child care is more important than low taxes? Maybe the conservative attitude that everyone is on their own is one that doesn't work?

If people would stop being so lazy and did the hard work to defeat this virus they would realize that most people will be working from home remotely so their kids won't be home alone.

For those kids who have parents with jobs that are essential, there are tutors and babysitters. There is such a thing as a community coming together to work to help everyone.

That's one of the things that used to make America exceptional. Our willingness to put our selfishness aside and help those who need it.

We can come together to help those who need it. To help those kids who don't have their parents home to make sure they are learning.

You people can stop thinking of just yourselves. You can stop being lazy. You can be real Americans who pitch in to get a job done.

There are solutions to problems. You just have to stop being so lazy and look for them.

Teachers can work remotely. They can take attendance. They can report back to the parents that the child is or isn't doing their school work. They can let the parents know the child isn't on line working remotely with the teacher.

If you are too lazy and selfish to pitch in to help our nation defeat this virus you are part of the problem and may as well get out of the way of those of us who are looking for solutions.
The republicans/conservatives have been cheering about homeschooling since the 80s. They hate public schools.

Now they seem to love public schools and want them open in the fall.

Here is a solution to the problem of opening schools during a pandemic raging out of control in our nation.

Home and internet schooling. Keep the teachers on zoom remote teaching and add websites like the following:

Children continue their education and everyone stays safe.

it's a win/win.

Problem solved.

Shows how foolish you are.

Schools became a big deal during the industrial revolution.

A lot of sociology books were very frank about calling them what they were.....huge babysitting institutions. They solved a lot of issues during the I.D. as mom and dad trotted off to the factory.

Now, mom has gone back to the factory and we need them again for what they were.

The big business of education (which fails miserably at education) does not like being called a babysitting service, but that is just what schools are.
That wont work with many kids. Both parents working. No internet. Etc etc
Will they just be left out of the loop?
Not a very thought out OP

If the rural areas didn't invest in internet that's their problem.

Capitalism prevented it from happening. It's not profitable for a company to put it in the rural areas. The rural areas aren't willing to pay the taxes to put it in themselves.

So sad that they didn't do the right thing when it was easy and cheap.

So sad that conservative politicians refused to mandate that private business put it in rural areas even though they won't make a profit off those areas.

Now the conservative attitude of not giving a crap about people is coming back to bite those rural areas in the butt.

I want to have sympathy for them but they have what they want. They shouldn't complain about it.

Meanwhile the solution to that isn't to kill children, parents, grandparents and adults who work at the schools. The solution isn't to cause the virus to be spread more resulting in more damage to our nation and people.

There is internet in rural areas, just not fast internet. Give an iPad or computer to those who don't have one.

As for the parents needing to go to work, no they don't. They need to rise to the situation and stop being so lazy. Stop putting their wants before the needs of their children and our nation.

There are essential jobs that need to be done but others can be done from home or there is unemployment insurance. That's what it's for.

Opening up too early is going to destroy our nation.

There are solutions to problems if you want to find them.

Stop being so lazy. Work to find the solutions instead of complaining about those who do.
I was referring to being able to afford it. But nice hacked out rant, anyways :rolleyes-41:

Afford high speed internet in rural areas?

Are you kidding?

There's tons of money for that. All we need to do is not buy an aircraft carrier or any military we don't need.

Raise taxes on the rich.

Mandate by law for private companies to put it in. Let them use the cost as a deduction off their tax liability.

There are solutions to most problems. All you have to do is stop being so lazy to look for them.

If you aren't willing to make the necessary sacrifices for our children and our nation get out of the way of those who are.

Just because you aren't wiling to put the needs of children and our nation before your selfish wants doesn't mean that everyone is like you. There are those of us out there who are.

So just get out of our way and let us adults fix this mess you people got us into. Stop doing all you can to make the situation worse.
I think those who advocate home schooling should actual try and home school their children ... you'll quickly learn why we only employ college graduates as teachers ... in households where only one parent works outside the home, and the other parent stays at home, the stay-at-home parent has basically a full time job teaching, leaving the cooking, housecleaning and laundry to the parent that works outside the home ...

For the OP's system to work ... first we'll have to mandate two parent households and criminalize divorce (good luck) ... next we'll have to mandate one parent stays at home criminalizing two income families ... mandating a high school diploma for the privilege of reproducing ... compelling private companies provide educational materials on the internet for free? ... sounds like the Soviet Union to me ...

Yes ... it bothers me that public schools are tasked with feeding the children breakfast ... having the children brush their teeth and comb their hair ... public schools are the only place many children get disciplined in any form at all ... too many parents just don't raise their own children, so government has to step in and raise them ... stupid stupid stupid ... parents who can't be troubled bathing their own won't educate them either ... and children will not educate themselves ...

Public schools are in deep trouble ... it's not the schools, it's the public that's at fault ... "only stupid people are breeding" ...
That wont work with many kids. Both parents working. No internet. Etc etc
Will they just be left out of the loop?
Not a very thought out OP

If the rural areas didn't invest in internet that's their problem.

Capitalism prevented it from happening. It's not profitable for a company to put it in the rural areas. The rural areas aren't willing to pay the taxes to put it in themselves.

So sad that they didn't do the right thing when it was easy and cheap.

So sad that conservative politicians refused to mandate that private business put it in rural areas even though they won't make a profit off those areas.

Now the conservative attitude of not giving a crap about people is coming back to bite those rural areas in the butt.

I want to have sympathy for them but they have what they want. They shouldn't complain about it.

Meanwhile the solution to that isn't to kill children, parents, grandparents and adults who work at the schools. The solution isn't to cause the virus to be spread more resulting in more damage to our nation and people.

There is internet in rural areas, just not fast internet. Give an iPad or computer to those who don't have one.

As for the parents needing to go to work, no they don't. They need to rise to the situation and stop being so lazy. Stop putting their wants before the needs of their children and our nation.

There are essential jobs that need to be done but others can be done from home or there is unemployment insurance. That's what it's for.

Opening up too early is going to destroy our nation.

There are solutions to problems if you want to find them.

Stop being so lazy. Work to find the solutions instead of complaining about those who do.
I was referring to being able to afford it. But nice hacked out rant, anyways :rolleyes-41:

Afford high speed internet in rural areas?

Are you kidding?

There's tons of money for that. All we need to do is not buy an aircraft carrier or any military we don't need.

Raise taxes on the rich.

Mandate by law for private companies to put it in. Let them use the cost as a deduction off their tax liability.

There are solutions to most problems. All you have to do is stop being so lazy to look for them.

If you aren't willing to make the necessary sacrifices for our children and our nation get out of the way of those who are.

Just because you aren't wiling to put the needs of children and our nation before your selfish wants doesn't mean that everyone is like you. There are those of us out there who are.

So just get out of our way and let us adults fix this mess you people got us into. Stop doing all you can to make the situation worse.
You are fucking crazy
I think those who advocate home schooling should actual try and home school their children ... you'll quickly learn why we only employ college graduates as teachers ... in households where only one parent works outside the home, and the other parent stays at home, the stay-at-home parent has basically a full time job teaching, leaving the cooking, housecleaning and laundry to the parent that works outside the home ...

I think its takes a special skill to get children to learn.

My sister is teaching her kids at home, while also doing her own job from home.

The schools have a curriculum which she doesn't know anything about even though she's a college educated gal.

If the kids have query about math or science, she can answer them as she's an engineer. But other garbage like literature or history, she doesn't really know much about it.
What responsible adult leaves their child alone?

When did I state to leave a child alone?

There is such a thing as a tutor and babysitters.

Maybe the conservatives should have listened all these decades when people have been talking about the need for reliable child care?

In the case of a single parent household, the parent likely has to work. Most single parents I'm aware of usually don't have the resources to pay for care or a full time tutor. Regardless, a child care worker isn't likely to have a teaching credential, so the issue of education is still not going to be addressed...

If people would stop being so lazy and did the hard work to defeat this virus they would realize that most people will be working from home remotely so their kids won't be home alone.

Three months ago almost everyone I knew was working from home. Now? I think I know three people doing that...

For those kids who have parents with jobs that are essential, there are tutors and babysitters. There is such a thing as a community coming together to work to help everyone.

Kumbaya and all that, right?

Tutors and day care aren't cheap. Many parents rely on schools so that their kids have a place to be during the day, and on after school programs to occupy the rugrats until the parents can get home. I'm not saying that's good or right, but it's reality...

That's one of the things that used to make America exceptional. Our willingness to put our selfishness aside and help those who need it.

We're not talking about a barn raising here. We're talking about teaching kids various subjects, and I would have to believe that most adults aren't in a position to do that, not only because they don't know how to teach or even the subject matter, but because they need to go to work to provide for their families...

We can come together to help those who need it. To help those kids who don't have their parents home to make sure they are learning.

You people can stop thinking of just yourselves. You can stop being lazy. You can be real Americans who pitch in to get a job done.

There are solutions to problems. You just have to stop being so lazy and look for them.

And you can stop looking through the world with rose colored glasses.

Your solution is, so far as I can tell, to have everyone stay home and teach everyone else's kids subjects they know nothing about. Forgive me for not seeing that as a viable option...

Teachers can work remotely. They can take attendance. They can report back to the parents that the child is or isn't doing their school work. They can let the parents know the child isn't on line working remotely with the teacher.

Believe it or not, there are kids out there who don't have internet access. This is especially true for inner city kids, and they're the ones for whom a solid education could have the greatest impact...

If you are too lazy and selfish to pitch in to help our nation defeat this virus you are part of the problem and may as well get out of the way of those of us who are looking for solutions.

Earlier in this thread, someone brought up a profoundly important point: Why didn't any of the kids contract the virus? Kids seem to be resistant to it, but that doesn't mean they can't, and dn't, get it. Perhaps it's something as simple as the teachers altering how they conduct themselves in the classroom...
The republicans/conservatives have been cheering about homeschooling since the 80s. They hate public schools.

Now they seem to love public schools and want them open in the fall.

Here is a solution to the problem of opening schools during a pandemic raging out of control in our nation.

Home and internet schooling. Keep the teachers on zoom remote teaching and add websites like the following:

Children continue their education and everyone stays safe.

it's a win/win.

Problem solved.

Shows how foolish you are.

Schools became a big deal during the industrial revolution.

A lot of sociology books were very frank about calling them what they were.....huge babysitting institutions. They solved a lot of issues during the I.D. as mom and dad trotted off to the factory.

Now, mom has gone back to the factory and we need them again for what they were.

The big business of education (which fails miserably at education) does not like being called a babysitting service, but that is just what schools are.

Besides being a babysitting service, they are also expensive 'soup kitchens' for poorer tykes.

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