Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England​

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.
March 28, 2024 Anne Fischer

Coal plant.
Following a settlement between Sierra Club, The Conservation Law Foundation, and the Environmental Protection Agency, New Hampshire’s two coal plants will close and be replaced by a solar plant with battery storage.
Under the settlement agreement, Granite Shore Power (GSP), owner of the two plants, shall cease operation of the Merrimack plant no later than June 1, 2028 and the Schiller plant no later than December 31, 2025.
After a long, but eventually fruitful fight, the Sierra Club estimates that 560 MW of fossil-fuel derived energy is set to go offline. GSP stated that from its “earliest days” the company had planned to transition its fossil-fuel burning facilities to clean energy, and said that the agreement to close the plants will facilitate the creation of “the first-of-their-kind renewable energy parks” in N.H.

BYE BYE! One more step closer to ending coal for good! Poisonous shit!
And when the power is most needed, neither solar nor wind can be asked to increase their output. It is all dependent on the wind and the sunshine. Duh!

Meanwhile, China, India, and Pakistan are building hundreds of coal-fired power plants.

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England​

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.
March 28, 2024 Anne Fischer

Coal plant.

BYE BYE! One more step closer to ending coal for good! Poisonous shit!
If you live there, I highly recommend a backup FUEL POWERED generator. Just sayin

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England​

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.
March 28, 2024 Anne Fischer

Coal plant.

BYE BYE! One more step closer to ending coal for good! Poisonous shit!
Good luck trying to charge up your EV using Solar.

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England​

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.
March 28, 2024 Anne Fischer

Coal plant.

BYE BYE! One more step closer to ending coal for good! Poisonous shit!

That's all well and good but New Hampshire does not strike me as an optimal place for solar output. Perhaps they should go with wind turbines instead.
And when the power is most needed, neither solar nor wind can be asked to increase their output. It is all dependent on the wind and the sunshine. Duh!

Meanwhile, China, India, and Pakistan are building hundreds of coal-fired power plants.

We can put Coal back on top of the energy and we won't have any sunlight. Either we do something about it or we end up with a runaway c02 like Venus has. BTW, if Venus didn't have a runaway global heating problem, it might have life on it. Venus is actually in the Goldielocks area and even has other features that allows earth to have life. But with it's runaway greenhouse going, nothing we know of an survive. We can't even land anything on it because of the heat and pressure destroys the lander very quickly.

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England​

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.
March 28, 2024 Anne Fischer

Coal plant.

BYE BYE! One more step closer to ending coal for good! Poisonous shit!

Wow, look at all that terrible water vapor coming out of the smoke stacks.

We can put Coal back on top of the energy and we won't have any sunlight. Either we do something about it or we end up with a runaway c02 like Venus has. BTW, if Venus didn't have a runaway global heating problem, it might have life on it. Venus is actually in the Goldielocks area and even has other features that allows earth to have life. But with it's runaway greenhouse going, nothing we know of an survive. We can't even land anything on it because of the heat and pressure destroys the lander very quickly.

Take a science class. Earth doesn't have anything approaching the amount of carbon to create a CO2 atmosphere.

Venus is hot not because of the ghg effect of CO2, it's hot because of the DENSITY of the atmosphere.

I suggest you start with the Ideal Gas Laws.

Study them until you actually understand them.

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England​

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.
March 28, 2024 Anne Fischer

Coal plant.

BYE BYE! One more step closer to ending coal for good! Poisonous shit!
We saw a coming horror the other day with Texas residents in horror as storms destroyed a solar panel area and leaching of chemicals was feared. But the point is , Most people don't know what BIden did behind their back about 3 weeks ago

BLM proposes to open 22 million acres in Western states to solar development​

That's all well and good but New Hampshire does not strike me as an optimal place for solar output. Perhaps they should go with wind turbines instead.
Coal is being replace by NG because it's cheaper. Renewables are just adding extra capacity.

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