So why isn't there more hype about the hole in the ozone being fixed?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.
"Montreal Protocol"

Is it just me, or does that sound like a really terrible 'James Bond' knock-off from Canada?


Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

The Montreal protocol fixed nothing.... Its the sun and its cycles that did it....

Notice how the fixing of the ozone coincided with the globalist change in terminology from GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE.

Then they take credit for doing something and fixing something that was never there.

Think about that and how that applies to today.

Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

No, I don't think it was ever claimed that it was a major reason for global warming.
Why isn't there more hype? Because success by climate scientists is boring. It's old news. It's what's expected, given their track record.

We understand the butthurt on open display by denier cult acolytes here. Once more, the success of the science made the fraud and incompetence of the denier cult look that much worse. Cult leaders forbid the acolytes from being honest and admitting that. Instead, the cult mandates that the cultists chant loopy conspiracy theories in unison, in a vain attempt to deflect from yet another failure by the cult.

What, you cultists actually thought it wasn't obvious?
There was no "hole in the ozone." Kevin Costner isn't going to turn into aquaman cause the ice caps melted due to the hole in the ozone that didn't exist.

They of course take credit and doosh nozzles like mamooth don't care.

They are such deranged sheep.
Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.
You're wrong. They were two different problems. CFCs were the culprit for the enlarging hole in the ozone layer, which blocks solar radiation that can cause cancers and was greatly ameliorated by its bannung from most uses. AGW is caused by CO2 and other GHGs. I know CFC and CO2 both start with 'C', but your knowledge of the subject should be a little more in depth before posting!
There was no "hole in the ozone." Kevin Costner isn't going to turn into aquaman cause the ice caps melted due to the hole in the ozone that didn't exist

Dumbass, you've got it backwards, as usual. Ozone is a greenhouse gas, so less ozone made for a colder Antarctica.

So why want more ozone, if it's a greenhouse gas? It's an intelligent tradeoff. The damage from the loss of ozone would be much bigger than the damage caused by the greenhouse effects of ozone.

They of course take credit and doosh nozzles like mamooth don't care.

That's right, all those measurements of the ozone and CFCs are just a big conspiracy. Reality is all a big liberal conspiracy. You're so brilliant for figuring that out, and so brave for fighting reality from your comfy chair.

That's why you stay with your cult. They keep telling what a very special snowflake you are. That constant emotional validation is an irresistible lure to the weak-minded.

Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

The Montreal protocol fixed nothing.... Its the sun and its cycles that did it....

Notice how the fixing of the ozone coincided with the globalist change in terminology from GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE.

Then they take credit for doing something and fixing something that was never there.

Think about that and how that applies to today.

Oh it WAS and IS there.. It was fixing ITSELF before the bans.. And it PLATUEADED out at NEAR the highest levels recorded and largely STAYED there... They all got the POLITICAL credit for saving the world... But, it's really not convincing at all...


Montreal protocol was 1987... But the dates in the agreement for DEVELOPED countries didn't start until 1993.....

Acknowledging that special provision is required to meet the needs of developing countries

shall accept a series of stepped limits on CFC use and production, including:

from 1991 to 1992 its levels of consumption and production of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A do not exceed 150 percent of its calculated levels of production and consumption of those substances in 1986;
from 1994 its calculated level of consumption and production of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A does not exceed, annually, twenty-five percent of its calculated level of consumption and production in 1986.
from 1996 its calculated level of consumption and production of the controlled substances in Group I of Annex A does not exceed zero.
Here's some dates of measurement MORE recent... Note the other graph leveled out between 20 and 25 Mill Ksquared. And THIS one for 2016 thru 2018 is not showing any appreciable reduction.. Atmospheric retention time should be showing SOME decline because they forecasted to reduce the hole size by 2030....


It's a seasonal thing.. Thins in Southern hemi Fall season.. 2018 PEAK is just slightly higher than the 08 to 17 average...
Here's an easier view of "the progress"... LOL...


Just because you get NEW TOOLS and the ability to MEASURE something, doesn't mean there's a crisis..

We've only been able to WATCH this for about 40 years...

Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

Apparently you didn't hear, the Canadians used Duct Tape.
Fun fact... There was never technically "a hole".. The outermost ozone layer is about 3mm thick... THAT'S IT...

And you can juice up photos by playing with the pseudocolor.. No pseudocolor pics are valid WITHOUT A LEGEND for the colors..

The "hole" was 1/2 of normal when the panic set in and as the 2nd chart above shows "mostly seasonal"... So our ability to judge "repair" is likely at the boundaries of measurement. And depends on TOTAL atmos. ozone in the upper layers, more than it depends on staring at "the hole"....
The ozone hole is a different matter to global warming.
There's a lot of confusion in this thread.

Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

I think Ozone is still a problem

In particular, the suit asks the court to declare the EPA in violation of the Clean Air Act for not taking action on the upwind pollution problem affecting New Jersey and other states in the region, and to order the agency to propose and adopt federal plans that limit upwind states’ emissions by specific dates.

This is what happens when science deniers are running the government.

Even though New Jersey has some of the strictest limits on nitrogen oxide emissions in the United States, the EPA deems some counties out of compliance with federal standards for ground-level ozone due to emissions from coal-burning power plants and other pollution sources in other states.

Under the Trump Administration, EPA reversed course and finalized a rule in 2018 that required no new reductions from upwind states.

Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

Yes, they said we needed to stop using those aerosol sprays and we did and now the problem is fixed. Excellent. Thanks for letting us know.

The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are ozone-depleting chemicals that were once used in aerosol sprays, blowing agents for foams and packing materials, and refrigerants. Chlorine causes ozone depletion as the sun's ultraviolet radiation breaks down the CFCs into chlorine.
The ozone hole is a different matter to global warming.
There's a lot of confusion in this thread.

Lot of confusion that all that expensive refrigerant adjustment fixed anything also... I've got 3 diff HVAC systems in my home and they've become LESS dependable and a LOT more expensive...

But you're correct. There is a minor connection to climate. But in general, only the HYSTERIA is what they have in common...


Remember this was the major culprit and reason for the global warming. Well, not only do THEY claim it is now gone, but THEY also claim the "Montreal Protocol" fixed the problem.

I think Ozone is still a problem

NJ Attorney General leads EPA suit for failure to address ozone pollution - NJBIZ

In particular, the suit asks the court to declare the EPA in violation of the Clean Air Act for not taking action on the upwind pollution problem affecting New Jersey and other states in the region, and to order the agency to propose and adopt federal plans that limit upwind states’ emissions by specific dates.

This is what happens when science deniers are running the government.

Even though New Jersey has some of the strictest limits on nitrogen oxide emissions in the United States, the EPA deems some counties out of compliance with federal standards for ground-level ozone due to emissions from coal-burning power plants and other pollution sources in other states.

Under the Trump Administration, EPA reversed course and finalized a rule in 2018 that required no new reductions from upwind states.

You shouldn't be using terms like Science deniers" when you confusing 2 different things. SURFACE OZONE is due to pollutants and lightning and lot of other things then the CFC REFRIGERANTS that were supposed EATING UP the ozone in the thin outer atmospheric shell...

So your efforts here have NOTHING TO DO with "the ozone hole".. It's a different "pollution" topic..

It's pretty arrogant to ASSUME you understand these topics and have such a hate for people who HAVE been paying attention...

Bet ya didn't even know we'd ALL DIE if there was no "ozone pollution".... Ya just needed to take that quick political cheap shot.

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