So What Does Kapernick Want ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We've all heard Colin Kapernick's rants and rails against America, and his claims of social injustice and "oppression" he calls it, of American blacks. And last Friday, regarding a lawsuit Kapernick filed against the NFL, the NFL caved in to Kapernick's lawyers, and agreed to pay Kapernick $60-$80 Million to settle out of court.

So Kapernick is coming out the big winner in this whole ludicrous fiasco. But is this where Kapernick was going to begin with ? Did he have a plan to make it end this way ?

Or did Kapernick actually feel that blacks are oppressed ? (in a country with 54 years of Affirmative Action privileges for blacks, all done at the expense of discriminated against whites)

The whole thing looks pretty absurd, but now with Kapernick coming out with a huge win financially, one could see this in more than one way. It seems less and less like Kapernick really had a grudge against America, causing him to kneel during the national anthem.

It's beginning to look more and more like Kapernick somehow got privy to some inside information about the NFL, that the NFL was afraid to allow to become public. Knowing that is exactly what would happen if they went to court against Kapernick, they were willing to bend at about $2 Million per team (chump change for them), and keep their secrets intact.

So did Kapernick really want something to happen regarding black people in America, or did he want a quick $60-$80 Million (who wouldn't?), being in a position (with his legal team) to make that happen ? If that's the case, then all the players who followed his lead, and knelt during the national anthem with him, ought to be feeling pretty silly, right about now.
We've all heard Colin Kapernick's rants and rails against America, and his claims of social injustice and "oppression" he calls it, of American blacks. And last Friday, regarding a lawsuit Kapernick filed against the NFL, the NFL caved in to Kapernick's lawyers, and agreed to pay Kapernick $60-$80 Million to settle out of court.

So Kapernick is coming out the big winner in this whole ludicrous fiasco. But is this where Kapernick was going to begin with ? Did he have a plan to make it end this way ?

Or did Kapernick actually feel that blacks are oppressed ? (in a country with 54 years of Affirmative Action privileges for blacks, all done at the expense of discriminated against whites)

The whole thing looks pretty absurd, but now with Kapernick coming out with a huge win financially, one could see this in more than one way. It seems less and less like Kapernick really had a grudge against America, causing him to kneel during the national anthem.

It's beginning to look more and more like Kapernick somehow got privy to some inside information about the NFL, that the NFL was afraid to allow to become public. Knowing that is exactly what would happen if they went to court against Kapernick, they were willing to bend at about $2 Million per team (chump change for them), and keep their secrets intact.

So did Kapernick really want something to happen regarding black people in America, or did he want a quick $60-$80 Million (who wouldn't?), being in a position (with his legal team) to make that happen ? If that's the case, then all the players who followed his lead, and knelt during the national anthem with him, ought to be feeling pretty silly, right about now.

Kuck Fapernick.
We've all heard Colin Kapernick's rants and rails against America, and his claims of social injustice and "oppression" he calls it, of American blacks. And last Friday, regarding a lawsuit Kapernick filed against the NFL, the NFL caved in to Kapernick's lawyers, and agreed to pay Kapernick $60-$80 Million to settle out of court.

So Kapernick is coming out the big winner in this whole ludicrous fiasco. But is this where Kapernick was going to begin with ? Did he have a plan to make it end this way ?

Or did Kapernick actually feel that blacks are oppressed ? (in a country with 54 years of Affirmative Action privileges for blacks, all done at the expense of discriminated against whites)

The whole thing looks pretty absurd, but now with Kapernick coming out with a huge win financially, one could see this in more than one way. It seems less and less like Kapernick really had a grudge against America, causing him to kneel during the national anthem.

It's beginning to look more and more like Kapernick somehow got privy to some inside information about the NFL, that the NFL was afraid to allow to become public. Knowing that is exactly what would happen if they went to court against Kapernick, they were willing to bend at about $2 Million per team (chump change for them), and keep their secrets intact.

So did Kapernick really want something to happen regarding black people in America, or did he want a quick $60-$80 Million (who wouldn't?), being in a position (with his legal team) to make that happen ? If that's the case, then all the players who followed his lead, and knelt during the national anthem with him, ought to be feeling pretty silly, right about now.

No, it was about the money. That's why he came up with this anti-American schtick in the first place. His skills as a football player were in free fall from his Superbowl days, he knew he couldn't make Tom Brady kind of money just based on his playing.

So he found another way to gin up interest by becoming an anti-american heel that fans would pay to see get knocked down on his keister. That got old after awhile, and people tired of it. I thought that Kaepernick would have been a good match for New England or perhaps Pittsburgh, because of the huge national hatred those teams already have. But apparently not.

So the lawsuit was the way to go and worked out well for him.

I would not be surprised to see Mr. Kaepernick make a face turn and become super-patriotic like Sgt Slaughter did after being beat by Hogan.

We've all heard Colin Kapernick's rants and rails against America, and his claims of social injustice and "oppression" he calls it, of American blacks. And last Friday, regarding a lawsuit Kapernick filed against the NFL, the NFL caved in to Kapernick's lawyers, and agreed to pay Kapernick $60-$80 Million to settle out of court.

So Kapernick is coming out the big winner in this whole ludicrous fiasco. But is this where Kapernick was going to begin with ? Did he have a plan to make it end this way ?

Or did Kapernick actually feel that blacks are oppressed ? (in a country with 54 years of Affirmative Action privileges for blacks, all done at the expense of discriminated against whites)

The whole thing looks pretty absurd, but now with Kapernick coming out with a huge win financially, one could see this in more than one way. It seems less and less like Kapernick really had a grudge against America, causing him to kneel during the national anthem.

It's beginning to look more and more like Kapernick somehow got privy to some inside information about the NFL, that the NFL was afraid to allow to become public. Knowing that is exactly what would happen if they went to court against Kapernick, they were willing to bend at about $2 Million per team (chump change for them), and keep their secrets intact.

So did Kapernick really want something to happen regarding black people in America, or did he want a quick $60-$80 Million (who wouldn't?), being in a position (with his legal team) to make that happen ? If that's the case, then all the players who followed his lead, and knelt during the national anthem with him, ought to be feeling pretty silly, right about now.
Police are more wary than ever before of murdering unarmed blcack people. So there’s a win for Kap. Besides the millions of dollars from taking the NFL to court, that is.
Police are more wary than ever before of murdering unarmed blcack people. So there’s a win for Kap. Besides the millions of dollars from taking the NFL to court, that is.
If police are more wary than ever to reach for their gun, that could cause themselves to get killed, and/or innocent people, usually blacks.
I used to wonder how the hell a black athlete with millions of dollars, could crab about blacks being oppressed, when they're all getting affirmative action benefits$$.
Now I wonder if that (and the police brutality line) was ever sincere to begin with.

Was this guy just scamming the NFL ? If he was, he got the job done. Also showed the nation just how anti-American some blacks and some white supporters, can be. (and think nothing of it)
We've all heard Colin Kapernick's rants and rails against America, and his claims of social injustice and "oppression" he calls it, of American blacks. And last Friday, regarding a lawsuit Kapernick filed against the NFL, the NFL caved in to Kapernick's lawyers, and agreed to pay Kapernick $60-$80 Million to settle out of court.

So Kapernick is coming out the big winner in this whole ludicrous fiasco. But is this where Kapernick was going to begin with ? Did he have a plan to make it end this way ?

Or did Kapernick actually feel that blacks are oppressed ? (in a country with 54 years of Affirmative Action privileges for blacks, all done at the expense of discriminated against whites)

The whole thing looks pretty absurd, but now with Kapernick coming out with a huge win financially, one could see this in more than one way. It seems less and less like Kapernick really had a grudge against America, causing him to kneel during the national anthem.

It's beginning to look more and more like Kapernick somehow got privy to some inside information about the NFL, that the NFL was afraid to allow to become public. Knowing that is exactly what would happen if they went to court against Kapernick, they were willing to bend at about $2 Million per team (chump change for them), and keep their secrets intact.

So did Kapernick really want something to happen regarding black people in America, or did he want a quick $60-$80 Million (who wouldn't?), being in a position (with his legal team) to make that happen ? If that's the case, then all the players who followed his lead, and knelt during the national anthem with him, ought to be feeling pretty silly, right about now.

He probably knows there IS racism out there and really if he can hurt the NFL for $60-$80 million so be it. The owners have enough crooked liars and welfare sucks in their crowd I feel no allegiance to them.

Kneeling during the anthem, god, even as a fellow with a battleship avatar I might do it now just to find a few easily offended snowflakes.

Did he have a master plan, I dunno.

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