What is a nuclear document?
Are they nuke codes.....codes that expired within 24 hrs after they were issued?
Are they technical diagrams of bombs?
Was Trump trying to build a nuke reactor and start a war against the Democrat Party from his home?
Was he selling secrets to the Chinese, like Bill Clinton did?
Did he have documents proving he gave drone technology to Iran, and selling arms to Mexican drug traffickers, like Obama did?
Did he have documents showing the sale of uranium to Russia, like Hillary did?
Did he have pictures of Biden meeting with Ukrainian and Chinese officials, like Biden did?
Did he have a zip drive with pictures of Hunter Biden screwing underage boys and smoking crack?
No.....the Democrats felt they had to justify this invasion of a former president's home by making the worse possible claim and leaking it to the Washington Post. Yeah......that's the ticket. He had Nuclear Documents!!!!!
Instead of answering questions about what was in those 15, no....now it's 20 boxes of files ....they release practically nothing to us and let the press make wild accusations about what Trump supposedly had...but can't be verified because they didn't allow his lawyer to be present during the search. None of this evidence can be used in court anyway because they didn't adhere to proper chain of custody.
No, Trump didn't commit actionable treason or espionage
The headlines are damning: Trump had national security documents or classified documents or nuclear secret documents in his possession, a clear criminal violation. One former CIA head even put out a tweet effectively saying that Trump shou...