So Trump Caused The Deaths of 600,000 People In America You Say?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I've been told that over and over here. I've tried to get a cogent reply on just what any president could do different that would have stopped Andrew Cuomo from putting sick Covid people in the same rooms as nursing home elderly to no avail, or any of the myriad other things that has killed people but you never get an answer. First Trump was mocked as a xenophobe just for restricting travel, then all the blue states insisted on defying him, then they finally concluded that Trump just didn't do enough. What if Trump had done like Australia now, when he was getting called a dictator over doing nothing?

Then I read this:

That 448,000 have died of Covid in tiny India! Do you know how small India is compared to the USA? Did Trump kill them too? Are they looking to deport their president or rig his election there to get him out of office for killing 448,000 people? And it likely could be many more. And the Indians have been batshit crazy about Covid, even spraying people down in the streets forcibly against their will spraying them with toxic chemicals to defend against the China virus. But TRUMP is the dictator.

At least India is offering to pay people $600 up to possibly as much as $5,000 to covid victims because it is a disaster.

So tell me again how and why Trump killed 600,000 here, yet the 448,000 in India was just from Covid? And never mind that 2000 more die every day under Select Joe even WITH three vaccines yet no one blames Joe for a single death. How can that be???

Could that be why the Left invented the "anti-vaxxer" threat fake news story? To get Joe off the hook?

I've been told that over and over here. I've tried to get a cogent reply on just what any president could do different that would have stopped Andrew Cuomo from putting sick Covid people in the same rooms as nursing home elderly to no avail, or any of the myriad other things that has killed people but you never get an answer. First Trump was mocked as a xenophobe just for restricting travel, then all the blue states insisted on defying him, then they finally concluded that Trump just didn't do enough. What if Trump had done like Australia now, when he was getting called a dictator over doing nothing?

Then I read this:

That 448,000 have died of Covid in tiny India! Do you know how small India is compared to the USA? Did Trump kill them too? Are they looking to deport their president or rig his election there to get him out of office for killing 448,000 people? And it likely could be many more. And the Indians have been batshit crazy about Covid, even spraying people down in the streets forcibly against their will spraying them with toxic chemicals to defend against the China virus. But TRUMP is the dictator.

At least India is offering to pay people $600 up to possibly as much as $5,000 to covid victims because it is a disaster.

So tell me again how and why Trump killed 600,000 here, yet the 448,000 in India was just from Covid? And never mind that 2000 more die every day under Select Joe even WITH three vaccines yet no one blames Joe for a single death. How can that be???

Could that be why the Left invented the "anti-vaxxer" threat fake news story? To get Joe off the hook?

Uh dude....India is the world's largest Democratic country With a population of 1.3B---btw..those covid numbers are regarded by most as being under-reported..what with the mass burning of bodies and such. "Tiny India?" ROTFLMAO~ You screwed the pooch this time.


If India was to accurately account for all the Covid-19 deaths in the country, it would likely double the confirmed global death toll for 2021.
The country may have undercounted its pandemic fatalities by seven or eight times, a new study conducted by researchers in India, Canada, and the US has found. This would take India’s Covid-19 mortality from the official 422,022 to between 3.1 and 3.4 million. To date, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 4.18 million people have died of Covid-19, of which about 2 million were in 2021.

During India’s brutal second wave of Covid-19 in the months between April and June, public health experts, human rights activists, and the international community blamed the Narendra Modi government for undercounting deaths. The sense was that several deaths were not being attributed to Covid-19, while the country’s crematoriums and makeshift riverside graveyards revealed a ghastly side of India’s Covid
I've been told that over and over here. I've tried to get a cogent reply on just what any president could do different that would have stopped Andrew Cuomo from putting sick Covid people in the same rooms as nursing home elderly to no avail, or any of the myriad other things that has killed people but you never get an answer. First Trump was mocked as a xenophobe just for restricting travel, then all the blue states insisted on defying him, then they finally concluded that Trump just didn't do enough. What if Trump had done like Australia now, when he was getting called a dictator over doing nothing?

Then I read this:

That 448,000 have died of Covid in tiny India! Do you know how small India is compared to the USA? Did Trump kill them too? Are they looking to deport their president or rig his election there to get him out of office for killing 448,000 people? And it likely could be many more. And the Indians have been batshit crazy about Covid, even spraying people down in the streets forcibly against their will spraying them with toxic chemicals to defend against the China virus. But TRUMP is the dictator.

At least India is offering to pay people $600 up to possibly as much as $5,000 to covid victims because it is a disaster.

So tell me again how and why Trump killed 600,000 here, yet the 448,000 in India was just from Covid? And never mind that 2000 more die every day under Select Joe even WITH three vaccines yet no one blames Joe for a single death. How can that be???

Could that be why the Left invented the "anti-vaxxer" threat fake news story? To get Joe off the hook?

I guess they figure you have to make allowances for the mentally infirm.
Uh dude....India is the world's largest Democratic country With a population of 1.3B---btw..those covid numbers are regarded by most as being under-reported..what with the mass burning of bodies and such. "Tiny India?" ROTFLMAO~ You screwed the pooch this time.

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If India was to accurately account for all the Covid-19 deaths in the country, it would likely double the confirmed global death toll for 2021.
The country may have undercounted its pandemic fatalities by seven or eight times, a new study conducted by researchers in India, Canada, and the US has found. This would take India’s Covid-19 mortality from the official 422,022 to between 3.1 and 3.4 million. To date, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 4.18 million people have died of Covid-19, of which about 2 million were in 2021.

During India’s brutal second wave of Covid-19 in the months between April and June, public health experts, human rights activists, and the international community blamed the Narendra Modi government for undercounting deaths. The sense was that several deaths were not being attributed to Covid-19, while the country’s crematoriums and makeshift riverside graveyards revealed a ghastly side of India’s Covid
Physically, India is tiny compared to the US. India is about a third the size of the US. Try again moron. Size of United States compared to India
The size of the country has nothing to do with it. The US ranks way down at number 20, as far as coronavirus deaths per capita.
As well it should, India, at 3x as large as the a shitshow. No one will ever really know, because citizens just burn their dead, without recording it.
..those covid numbers are regarded by most as being under-reported..

That is what I said. You should READ the OP before trying to flatulently comment on it. Maybe a MILLION have died of Covid in India and they are trying to play it down like China has. So how many of those nearly 500,000 there did Trump kill? Why are they Covid deaths but Trump gets blamed for every fucking death that happened here last year PLUS many that occurred since Select Joe took office? Yet Joe gets blamed for not one?

You sure screwed the tripped over rescue dog on THAT one.
Is that the best you've got when you haven't got a factual leg to stand on. He related the physical size of the country--anyone with an asshole for an eye knows that physical size and population are two different things. Moron, take your head out of your ass.
Fuck off're just playing rescue ranger here. He posted about Covid..and the him...vast differences in the death rate. It was all about population..or should have been. When you defend are seen as ignorant, just sayin'

also notice that no one is mentioning his lying numbers game..wonder why?
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That is what I said. You should READ the OP before trying to flatulently comment on it. Maybe a MILLION have died of Covid in India and they are trying to play it down like China has. So how many of those nearly 500,000 there did Trump kill? Why are they Covid deaths but Trump gets blamed for every fucking death that happened here last year PLUS many that occurred since Select Joe took office? Yet Joe gets blamed for not one?

You sure screwed the tripped over rescue dog on THAT one.
Nice recovery...LOL!
So the general consensus among the Trump haters is still that he caused 600,000 people to die?

Funny stuff. I haven't heard a single one of the ungrateful bastids get down on their knees and thank President Trump for those vaccine jabs they got. Imagine Operation Warp Speed never had happened? How would FJB be dealing with the pandemic right now? He'd be shittin' in his britches, which he does anyway.
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