So, Texas has had nearly 50 straight days of 100+ weather.

It’s amazing watching these climate assholes try to convince people that weather that has happened their entire fucking lives as climate change. And if you’ll only give them all of your money in taxes they can fix it, with a .02% drop in the temperature in a hundred years. You just need to live in poverty to make this happen. Think of the children. They could live in poverty and in a hundred years still live in the same weather patterns their great grandparents lived with. Oh of course, just .02 degrees less. Great fucking marketing point.
Indeed. Money money money
Another newsflash: 100 degree temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, to go along with the worst drought in a 1000 years.

But you don't understand climate change.

Unless that "weather" persist for decades, you can't call it climate. And if as you claim the last time it occurred was a thousand years ago, it obviously was just "weather" then as well.

East coast above average rain and relatively cool. Weather patterns change and we didn't do it.

It's called a typical La Niña year.

It's called a typical La Niña year.

all controlled by the Pacific Ocean. The current flows. I wish the demofks educated themselves, the discussions would be so much better.

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