So Rick Perry is the left wing's latest, meanest boogey man?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
It's so cyclical it's almost funny. The left wing's rabid hate maching basically churns with whoever the right wing may be supporting. I get it, it's politics. If Obama didn't run, we'd analyze their new guy. But not with such predictable and ridiculous fury and hate.

So Perry is the latest, greatest "Worst Person in the World" to the left. This guy apparantely is so evil, so wicked, so mean....and he's been running a state full of poor minorities and innocent, law abiding illegal immigrants for so long...yet no lefties mentioned him til now. They were obsessed with warning the world about Sarah Palin...then John McCain. Then John Boehner. Then Chris Christie. Then Scott Walker. Then Michelle Bachman. Then back to Palin. Then Romney. Then Christine O'Donnell. Then Palin again.

Now that they see the right is probably not going with any of the above, they have directed their wrath to Perry. Who'd have thought the most wicked, evil man to ever exist has been running Texas for years and no one mentioned it. Til now.

You lefties are so predictable. But how about, just this ONE time, lay out your plans to fix the country rather than just attacking yet another boogey man.
It's so cyclical it's almost funny. The left wing's rabid hate maching basically churns with whoever the right wing may be supporting. I get it, it's politics. If Obama didn't run, we'd analyze their new guy. But not with such predictable and ridiculous fury and hate.

So Perry is the latest, greatest "Worst Person in the World" to the left. This guy apparantely is so evil, so wicked, so mean....and he's been running a state full of poor minorities and innocent, law abiding illegal immigrants for so long...yet no lefties mentioned him til now. They were obsessed with warning the world about Sarah Palin...then John McCain. Then John Boehner. Then Chris Christie. Then Scott Walker. Then Michelle Bachman. Then back to Palin. Then Romney. Then Christine O'Donnell. Then Palin again.

Now that they see the right is probably not going with any of the above, they have directed their wrath to Perry. Who'd have thought the most wicked, evil man to ever exist has been running Texas for years and no one mentioned it. Til now.

You lefties are so predictable. But how about, just this ONE time, lay out your plans to fix the country rather than just attacking yet another boogey man.

Insert name

Select level of outrage

select out of context subject

Play race card and terrorist card.

repeat regurgitate parrot.
It's so cyclical it's almost funny. The left wing's rabid hate maching basically churns with whoever the right wing may be supporting. I get it, it's politics. If Obama didn't run, we'd analyze their new guy. But not with such predictable and ridiculous fury and hate.

So Perry is the latest, greatest "Worst Person in the World" to the left. This guy apparantely is so evil, so wicked, so mean....and he's been running a state full of poor minorities and innocent, law abiding illegal immigrants for so long...yet no lefties mentioned him til now. They were obsessed with warning the world about Sarah Palin...then John McCain. Then John Boehner. Then Chris Christie. Then Scott Walker. Then Michelle Bachman. Then back to Palin. Then Romney. Then Christine O'Donnell. Then Palin again.

Now that they see the right is probably not going with any of the above, they have directed their wrath to Perry. Who'd have thought the most wicked, evil man to ever exist has been running Texas for years and no one mentioned it. Til now.

You lefties are so predictable. But how about, just this ONE time, lay out your plans to fix the country rather than just attacking yet another boogey man.

Thanks for telling us what we think. Didn't realize we had a clairvoyant on the board!!! Here's a clue. You tell us what you think and we'll tell you what we think, K? That way neither of us ends up looking foolish, deal? The right hardly has room to talk on this score.
No the right has boogey men.

The left has people.

This particular person you are recently touting is a flip flopper gigantucus.

He used to be for all the things he is now against and found alot of great quick money making land deals that helped him see the republican light.
Thanks for telling us what we think. Didn't realize we had a clairvoyant on the board!!! Here's a clue. You tell us what you think and we'll tell you what we think, K? That way neither of us ends up looking foolish, deal? The right hardly has room to talk on this score.

Why, because you know what WE think? :lol:
Thanks for telling us what we think. Didn't realize we had a clairvoyant on the board!!! Here's a clue. You tell us what you think and we'll tell you what we think, K? That way neither of us ends up looking foolish, deal? The right hardly has room to talk on this score.

Why, because you know what WE think? :lol:

NO, because the right looks for boogey-(wo)men, too. I can see it in every picture of Obama released by a right wing source. Did the same to Hillary.
Thanks for telling us what we think. Didn't realize we had a clairvoyant on the board!!! Here's a clue. You tell us what you think and we'll tell you what we think, K? That way neither of us ends up looking foolish, deal? The right hardly has room to talk on this score.

Why, because you know what WE think? :lol:

NO, because the right looks for boogey-(wo)men, too. I can see it in every picture of Obama released by a right wing source. Did the same to Hillary.

did you need some tissue? As if the left doesnt engage in the very same practice.

come on remember how long you loved being scared of Osama, you know right up until the Obama admin put a bullet through his head
So let's update our list....

We are not allowed to post negative threads about:

1. Booosh
2. Reagan
3 Palin
4. trump
5 Bachman
6 Paul

Now let's add..........Perry
So let's update our list....

We are not allowed to post negative threads about:

1. Booosh
2. Reagan
3 Palin
4. trump
5 Bachman
6 Paul

Now let's add..........Perry

looking....still looking......looking some more.
Cant find where we say you are not allowed to post negative threads about anyone.

Instead, we are commenting how silly you guys look when ALL YOU do is post negative threads about ANYONE that has an R next to their name and considering a run for the WH.

It is a sign of desperation.

Curious...why did you see it as us saying "you are not allowed to"?
No the right has boogey men.

The left has people.

This particular person you are recently touting is a flip flopper gigantucus.

He used to be for all the things he is now against and found alot of great quick money making land deals that helped him see the republican light.

Here is the real reason that the left doesn't like Perry. He like Reagan, used to be one of them. He knows how they think and he knows how to do an end run around their BS. This scares the hell out of the left.
So let's update our list....

We are not allowed to post negative threads about:

1. Booosh
2. Reagan
3 Palin
4. trump
5 Bachman
6 Paul

Now let's add..........Perry

looking....still looking......looking some more.
Cant find where we say you are not allowed to post negative threads about anyone.

Instead, we are commenting how silly you guys look when ALL YOU do is post negative threads about ANYONE that has an R next to their name and considering a run for the WH.

It is a sign of desperation.

Curious...why did you see it as us saying "you are not allowed to"?

Hmmmmm.....looking around

Where did you say you posted that Pro-Obama thread?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the left isn't frightened of Perry or any other Republican candidate. Right now, Perry is the front-runner. Also, he's an easy target - have you seen the things he's been saying? He doesn't believe in evolution or climate change; he said that Ben Bernanke's economic policies are 'treasonous'; he questioned whether Obama loves America; then there's the old secession talk from a couple of years back.

Of course the left is going to go after him for those comments. That's the way it goes in politics. Let's not act like Obama wasn't relentlessly attacked in 2008 (and is still being attacked) for every little thing he did or said. Hell, the right still can't let go of the '57 states' comment. If you're going to complain about the left doing the same thing that the right has done (is doing), then perhaps you shouldn't be playing this game.

Having said all of that, it's not just his gaffes and out-of-the-mainstream views that have the left going after him. His biggest problem is his policies as gov of TX. This piece sums it up pretty well. Yes, it's from SALON (gasp!), but the facts are the facts.

The truth about Rick Perry's "Texas miracle" - Mobile

The news that Texas Governor Rick Perry might consider running for president is sure to give dispirited Republicans a huge jolt of energy. If Perry throws his Stetson into the ring, the GOP would have a candidate that both party elites and grass roots Tea Partiers could get excited about. Rick Perry is a social and fiscal conservative who can raise a lot of money and has great hair. What's not to like?

But for the country as a whole, the possibility that Gov. Perry might actually win the Republican nomination and go on to defeat Obama should offer a little less reason for cheer. Does the United States really need a president who will do for the whole nation what he has done to Texas? Didn't we already try that once?

Let's outsource some commentary to Barbara Bush, mother of the last Texas governor before Perry. In an opinion piece published for the Houston Chronicle on February 5, warning against new cuts to education funding, she wrote:

Our schools are in crises: We rank 36th in the nation in high school graduation rates. An estimated 3.8 million Texans do not have a high school diploma. We rank 49th in verbal SAT scores, 47th in literacy and 46th in average math SAT scores. We rank 33rd in the nation on teacher salaries.

Two days later, in an article discussing Texas' $25 billion dollar budget deficit, the L. A. Times' Evan Halper, quoted Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's view on how to deal with the hole in state finances.

"A lot of the things we are doing arguably aren't priorities for the people of Texas," he said. "People could stake me and Gov. Perry on the ground and torture us, and we still would not raise taxes."

That's Texas: Don't even think about messing with taxes! And so, the inevitable result: This week Texas legislators took a big step toward resolving the state's financial problems by approving a new budget with $15 billion in cuts "to all levels of state government, including health care." $4 billion of those cuts will hit public education.

So, to recap: Texas schools are in crisis, but the government's response to a budget shortfall is to cut funding for education even further. It doesn't take someone with good math SAT scores to figure out what's going to happen next.

Once upon a time Texas prided itself on what it called the "Texas Miracle." The state initially didn't get hit as hard by the recession as other parts of the county, a fact that legislators claimed was due to its low-regulation, low-tax, business-friendly culture. During Rick Perry's re-election campaign last year, the governor boasted that the state had "billions in surplus." Less than two months later, however, the news of a gaping deficit made the miracle look a bit less wondrous, as Paul Krugman was quick to observe:

But reality has now intruded, in the form of a deficit expected to run as high as $25 billion over the next two years.

And that reality has implications for the nation as a whole. For Texas is where the modern conservative theory of budgeting -- the belief that you should never raise taxes under any circumstances, that you can always balance the budget by cutting wasteful spending -- has been implemented most completely. If the theory can't make it there, it can't make it anywhere.

Krugman is not exaggerating. Texas ranks 49th out of all 50 states in per capita state tax burden. There is no fat left to cut. When revenue collapses because of an economic downturn, what little social services remain must be gutted. And it's only going to get worse, because Texas' population is growing, and the demands for services will continue to rise.
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Is this the precursor to another all inclusive derangement syndrome deflector shield fabricated for a right wing darling?
Rick Perry is just one more cookie cutter Republican who if elected president would give us one more version of everything we got under Bush.

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