So many places saying you can't enter without proof of vaccination.

The communist left is taking over the nation with the tens of millions of illegal swine flooding in
The new DemoRAT slogan is :
Don’t act like a bunch of joos- just get the vaccine and you can’t lose
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.

Democrats told Clayton the Blowhard to think ...

1) Covid is such a crisis that vaccinated people need to wear masks that don't work and everyone needs to carry papers with them to prove they were vaccinated

2) Covid is nothing, a million untested illegals entering the country every six months is perfectly fine

Clayton the Blowhard thinks it: I see it, I believe! You don't? What are you, stupid?

LOL, you my friend have reached the highest level of Democrat party enlightenment, you are full sheep. You have no brain at all
See you don’t change the policy every other day just because you don’t know what you are doing nor how to finally get it right
We are not lab rats
I can’t tell you how many county officials stated vaccination cards could not EVER be required . I knew they lie so I kept mine
How about the rest of you?
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With the progress that has been achieved, homophobes are no longer very successful in imposing their prejudices upon society.

Interestingly, in January 1777, General George Washington ordered the inoculation of all members of his army.

He said, “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder [smallpox] infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy.”

In the 1905 Supreme Court case, 197 U.S., Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the High Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the power of the state to enforce public health measures.

There is no shortage of Typhoid Mary wannabe's, but it is still sanctioned by the State.
This was for open sewer pits and other health issues of 100+ years ago
Libbies Cannot live in the present.
it’s always ancient history that they try and fakely attach to the here and now.
You take care of your health and I mine and all is well
Libbies want to dictate my health also and there is the problem
Went to the market this morning. Maskless of course. Over the speaker system, they said "thank you for shopping with us. We ask that those NOT vaccinated to please wear a mask". So I chuckled, but I didn't put one on, nor am I vaxxed. Dumb fucks think the maskless is spreading the CHINA virus. Nope. It's the vaxxed that are sick and dying now. Couldn't get them the first round, so they came up with the ready made waiting to go vax they cooked up and NOW they get to see more keel off. Next will be water supply.
Went to the market this morning. Maskless of course. Over the speaker system, they said "thank you for shopping with us. We ask that those NOT vaccinated to please wear a mask". So I chuckled, but I didn't put one on, nor am I vaxxed.
Have you ever cared about anyone, other than yourself?

Do you ever think about, or place any priority in, the well-being of others?

Just curious.
Actually...this is an invastion of our privacy. You CANNOT ask a person WHY they have an ESA animal or a service animal. Period. Illegal. So what makes them think this is any different having to show your ss number when entering a store, for example. If they demand to see your "paper", tell them to fuck off and go somewhere else.
Have you ever cared about anyone, other than yourself?

Do you ever think about, or place any priority in, the well-being of others?

Just curious.

LOL, yeah, Democrats care about people other than yourselves all the time. Like, um, OMG you don't, LOL.

Here's an idea. Get vaxxed, then you can stop worrying about what other people do. Didn't think of that one, huh?
Went to the market this morning. Maskless of course. Over the speaker system, they said "thank you for shopping with us. We ask that those NOT vaccinated to please wear a mask". So I chuckled, but I didn't put one on, nor am I vaxxed. Dumb fucks think the maskless is spreading the CHINA virus. Nope. It's the vaxxed that are sick and dying now. Couldn't get them the first round, so they came up with the ready made waiting to go vax they cooked up and NOW they get to see more keel off. Next will be water supply.
Thank you for going maskless. Whenever I wear a mask, you can be assured that an enforcer has had to go out of his way to have me mask up. I won't ever volunteer the mask. Thank you for thinking about other people who think masks are bullshit!
Your hyper-partisan rage is being replaced by more and more Republican politicians abandoning their ideological dogma and now respecting public health experts.
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Arkansas governor blames ‘myths’ for vaccine resistance

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he regretted signing a law banning local mask mandates as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in his state.
The Republican was asked at a press conference Tuesday why he signed the ban. He replied, “Our cases were at a low point. Everything has changed now, and yes, in hindsight, I wish that had not become law, but it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation.”​

Arkansas governor blames ‘myths’ for vaccine resistance

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he regretted signing a law banning local mask mandates as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in his state.
The Republican was asked at a press conference Tuesday why he signed the ban. He replied, “Our cases were at a low point. Everything has changed now, and yes, in hindsight, I wish that had not become law, but it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation.”​

There is no AIDS pandemic, nor a vaccine to inoculate against it as is the case with Covid.


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