So, is this the big one?


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
US now has the Ford carrier group and the Eisenhower carrier group in the Middle East, and China has apparently sent 6 warships there as well. The US has also sent 5000 more marines.

Where is this all headed?

Also, why is it you can find all sorts of mainstream sites that tell about the US deployment of ships and weapons to the Middle East, but the only ones reporting about China sending warships are some off brand websites. None of the mainstream sites apparently are reporting about the China ships.
Where is this all headed?

Where is this all headed?

  1. Instead of brokering peace and compromise between Russia and Ukraine, you try to act the BMOC with a nuclear superpower then throw a third of a trillion dollars at it trying to save face when sanctions don't work and Russia neither backs down or is defeated.
  2. You cover for China when you know it is only a matter of time before they invade and take the country whom you've invested all of your VITAL chip technology--- just twenty miles off the coast of the ROC.
  3. And now that Iran has done the inevitable after taking your 6 billion dollar gift as yet another sign of American weakness and appeasement and started a holy jihad against the Jews you knew was coming, that instead of just keeping Israel stocked with iron dome missiles, you jump in whole hog with your battle forces so deep that you can't pull out now and lose face while forcing every other interested superpower into joining in leading to inevitable escalation and confrontation!
And all of it could have been avoided by simply bombing Iran back to the stone age during the 25 years you easily and cheaply could have to prevent them from getting the bomb, because your generals like playing with their toys too much to pass on another war. And the GOP might have stopped it by impeaching Biden during the more than 3/4ths year they had to do it but are too busy running around like Keystone Cops running into walls and each other instead, unable to agree on even the simplest of decisions.
IF this current war is going to lead to a bigger war in the ME, or WWIII.... then I think everyone needs to hear these words, from a Washington DC think tank, over 10 years ago, regarding war with Iran.

For anyone short of time, the pertinent part starts at around 1:35.

US now has the Ford carrier group and the Eisenhower carrier group in the Middle East, and China has apparently sent 6 warships there as well. The US has also sent 5000 more marines.

Where is this all headed?

Also, why is it you can find all sorts of mainstream sites that tell about the US deployment of ships and weapons to the Middle East, but the only ones reporting about China sending warships are some off brand websites. None of the mainstream sites apparently are reporting about the China ships.

You sure about the Marines?
Last I saw reported we were sending 12k troops to the area.
That includes the sailors that run the two aircraft carriers of which there are 5000 on one,and 4500 on the other and the supporting troops needed in the carrier group.
US now has the Ford carrier group and the Eisenhower carrier group in the Middle East, and China has apparently sent 6 warships there as well. The US has also sent 5000 more marines.

Where is this all headed?

Also, why is it you can find all sorts of mainstream sites that tell about the US deployment of ships and weapons to the Middle East, but the only ones reporting about China sending warships are some off brand websites. None of the mainstream sites apparently are reporting about the China ships.

Doesn't China basically own the Democrat Media
US now has the Ford carrier group and the Eisenhower carrier group in the Middle East, and China has apparently sent 6 warships there as well. The US has also sent 5000 more marines.

Where is this all headed?

Also, why is it you can find all sorts of mainstream sites that tell about the US deployment of ships and weapons to the Middle East, but the only ones reporting about China sending warships are some off brand websites. None of the mainstream sites apparently are reporting about the China ships.

Col Douglas MacGregor Alleges US Special Forces Went into Gaza and “Were Shot to Pieces, Took Heavy Losses, I Understand”​

During their conversation Col. MacGregor dropped a bomb on the X audience. According to the Colonel, US special forces suffered considerable losses recently during an excursion into Gaza.

"Col. Douglas MacGregor: We don’t have the means to rapidly ship a large force of 80 to 100,000 troops on the ground into the region, which means that we’re reliant on special forces and right now 2000 marines and perhaps 2000 special forces and special operations forces. That’s not going to make much of a dent. And as we’ve seen quite recently, within the last 24 hours or so, some of our Special Ops forces and Israeli Special Ops forces went into Gaza to reconnoiter to plan for where they might want to go to free hostages and make an impact. And they were shot to pieces and took heavy losses as I understand it. I think that’s where we’re headed and I don’t see that as a win for Israel in any way, shape or form"

We are looking for information to back up the Colonel’s claim.

First, the tards whined that Biden was holding a picnic and not doing anything about the situation in the Middle East.

Now they are whining Biden is doing too much.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. This shit is right out of Orwell.
A carrier potentially getting the deep six and taking a couple thousand sailors with it.

There's a reason they're called "bomb magnets".
Carriers are surrounded by rings of destroyers and cruisers, all armed with an Aegis defense system which can shoot down any incoming missiles or aircraft. They are also accompanied by submarines which can deal with underwater threats.

Your BDS is out of control. You tards need to stop hoping for the worst for America just so you can blame Biden!
US now has the Ford carrier group and the Eisenhower carrier group in the Middle East, and China has apparently sent 6 warships there as well. The US has also sent 5000 more marines.

Where is this all headed?

Also, why is it you can find all sorts of mainstream sites that tell about the US deployment of ships and weapons to the Middle East, but the only ones reporting about China sending warships are some off brand websites. None of the mainstream sites apparently are reporting about the China ships.
Just think, this idiot Potatohead is supposedly directing all this. The biggest fuck up this country has ever seen. Even Queer Barry said he was a fuck up.


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