So, Is Putin Ever Going To Be Stopped?

He attacked Ukraine not the other way around. He's on the offense, not the defense. Why do so many people even conservatives fail to understand this?

Sure, Putin drew first blood. But what instigated this action now at this time and why has no media gone to Putin to hear HIS side of it?


What if Russia invades Uzbekistan next? Will we go to world war over that as well? Why not?

Ever smack a child for misbehaving? So now, who's at fault, you for going on the offense or the child for flagrantly and knowingly misbehaving for hours on end pushing your buttons to see how far he could push you?
He attacked Ukraine not the other way around. He's on the offense, not the defense. Why do so many people even conservatives fail to understand this?

From President Putin's point of view, Ukraine is part of Russia, and he sees himself as the Soviet Lincoln.

When Lincoln ordered Grant to Virginia, was he "invading" a foreign country? Some would say yes and others no.

But I guess if Sleepy Joe wants to get involved in a civil war in Asia, he wouldn't be the first Democrat to do so.
Any comments? If so,.. how exactly when he's threatening nuclear action against whoever tries to stop him.
just cut his oil- gas cash and he is done

Ukraine has praised the courage of three European leaders who made a long, hazardous journey by rail from Poland to Kyiv in a show of support as the city came under further Russian attack.
The prime ministers of Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic arrived on Tuesday evening as the Ukrainian capital went under a 35-hour curfew.
just cut his oil- gas cash and he is done

Ukraine has praised the courage of three European leaders who made a long, hazardous journey by rail from Poland to Kyiv in a show of support as the city came under further Russian attack.
The prime ministers of Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic arrived on Tuesday evening as the Ukrainian capital went under a 35-hour curfew.
Theoretically, you are right. But Western Europe still needs the oil and gas that Russia produces.

So the question is can they do without it longer than Putin can go without selling it to them. And can Putin find other markets in China and India for the product.

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