So i was watching the local news meteorologist and he seemed pretty disappointed when there wasnt a lot of storm activity in the Atlantic.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
A new study suggests that, by the end of the century, "Katrina-like extreme events" could become as much as 10 times as commonplace due to changes caused by global warming.
Using more than 10 different climate change predictor models, Aslak Grinsted, a climate scientist with Denmark's Centre for Ice and Climate, says that the world has seen a "significant positive trend" of strong hurricanes, and that the trend is likely to continue as global temperatures increase.
And like all the other global warming predictions, they just havent come true. Thanks to the Fox 30 Jacksonville news meteorologist, showing how activity in the Atlantic as non existent at the moment, even though the Atlantic ocean temperatures around our area are still in the 80s, God just isnt playing the Global Warming Zealots game.

So Viktor, you progressive slave who said that scientific predictions would come true, this again, just proves you wrong.

1634641153861.png And like all the other global warming predictions, they just havent come true. Thanks to the Fox 30 Jacksonville news meteorologist, showing how activity in the Atlantic as non existent at the moment, even though the Atlantic ocean temperatures around our area are still in the 80s, God just isnt playing the Global Warming Zealots game.

So Viktor, you progressive slave who said that scientific predictions would come true, this again, just proves you wrong.

View attachment 553567
A slow week doesn't make a bad climate change prediction.
" ... there have been hurricanes the size of Katrina roughly once every 20 years since 1923 ... "

You know the article is full of lies when they claim to have satellite photos from 1923 ... ha ha ha ... surprising the number of fools who swallow this kind of crap everyday ...

I'm assuming they mean diameter, and Katrina did have one of the larger diameters in the Atlantic Basin ... but the typhoons they get in the Western Pacific are much much larger ... Typhoon Tip would have stretched from Brownsville, TX all the way to Winnepeg, Manitoba ... imagine hurricane winds from Georgia to New York City ...

Anyway ... all the data is available on the internet ... anyone can crunch the numbers and see there's been no increase in frequency or strength of hurricane over the past 50 years ... try it yourself ...

Your local TV station will keep a weather girl on staff whether there's hurricane activity or not ... but the big commercial outfits, like the Weather Channel, rely on these events to stay in business ... so yeah, a calm season is bad financial news ...
" ... there have been hurricanes the size of Katrina roughly once every 20 years since 1923 ... "

You know the article is full of lies when they claim to have satellite photos from 1923 ... ha ha ha ... surprising the number of fools who swallow this kind of crap everyday ...

I'm assuming they mean diameter, and Katrina did have one of the larger diameters in the Atlantic Basin ... but the typhoons they get in the Western Pacific are much much larger ... Typhoon Tip would have stretched from Brownsville, TX all the way to Winnepeg, Manitoba ... imagine hurricane winds from Georgia to New York City ...

Anyway ... all the data is available on the internet ... anyone can crunch the numbers and see there's been no increase in frequency or strength of hurricane over the past 50 years ... try it yourself ...

Your local TV station will keep a weather girl on staff whether there's hurricane activity or not ... but the big commercial outfits, like the Weather Channel, rely on these events to stay in business ... so yeah, a calm season is bad financial news ...
Maybe the reason why Typhoons are larger is that the Pacific is larger than the Atlantic so the storms can build up a little longer? That is science at work..
So what have the scientists to say;

So what have the scientists to say;

Use your own fucking eyes you stupid fuck, after Katrina the "supposed" scientist had said that the hurricanes do to global warming(Increase of CO2 every year) would cause an increase in activity and intensity. Guess what, it didnt fucking happen, and i dont give a rats ass what your links say. I live down here in Florida and it just isnt happening. You are a typical Joe Biden Voter.

Here's the simplest to refute, the rest can be done so with varying degrees of complexity:

"Tropical cyclone intensities globally are projected to increase (medium to high confidence) on average (by 1 to 10% according to model projections for a 2 degree Celsius global warming). This change would imply an even larger percentage increase in the destructive potential per storm, assuming no reduction in storm size. Storm size responses to anthropogenic warming are uncertain."

Intensity means barometric pressure ... so let's do a little simple arithmetic ... Hurricane Irma (2017) made landfall near Naples, Florida with a central pressure of 937 mb ... subtracting from the normal 1013 mb we get our 76 mb intensity ... in the extreme, 10% of 76 mb is 7.6 mb ... which means, in 100 years, this exact storm would be 929 mb central pressure at landfall here in ... ummm ...

... oops ...

Where's Naples now? ... all I'm seeing here is more of the Florida Straits ... landfall isn't for another few hours up in Tampa ...

Storm size responses to anthropogenic warming are uncertain.

That's not all that's uncertain ... CCC is assumption based on assumption based on assumption ... just one thing comes up short and the whole collapses like a house of cards ... c.f. Colin Powell's speech to the UN Feb 6th, 2003 ... same thing ... Democrats can't learn from their own mistakes, what makes us think they'll learn by Republican mistakes? ...

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