CDZ So.... Facebook. (Tech geeks invited)


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Wondering if anyone here can explain this.

Regarding Facebook's controversy over its role in, or any influence it had in, the Jan 6th attack: I keep seeing that there are things they can do to stop the spread of misinformation and other dangerous activity. It seems like a foregone conclusion that they have the tools.

Does anyone know exactly what they can do? I haven't seen any details. It seems to me that if they flag certain keywords, then people can just use code words or slightly misspelled words and have the same effect.

Does anyone have any details on this? Thanks in advance.
There has not yet been an effective algorithm invented that can distinguish extremist activity from regular everyday right wing griping.
I personally do not think there is any way for them to do it successfully. There is just too much traffic for them to control it all. FB generates 4 petabytes of new information daily. I am not going to lie, I had to look up what a petabyte is it is 1 million gigabytes.
Sure... example... my account is censored.
I didn't notice it at first. What I noticed was no one was responding, in any way, to some things I was posting. Which was odd.
I learned I was targeted when I posted this meme...


No one liked it, commented, nothing... it was the third or fourth item like this. Then I posted a photo of my granddaughter. Same thing... no one paid any attention to it at all.
So I asked a couple of my acquaintances, as well as my wife... can you see this post? They could not see it. In fact the only way they could see ANY image post I made was to go directly to my page. No one does that. Facebook censored all post I made that was an image.

If they have the presence and ability to filter an account that only posted up 2 or 3 memes - they certainly have the power and ability to recognize and filter 1000s of accounts that suddenly start posting in a single thread or page.
There has not yet been an effective algorithm invented that can distinguish extremist activity from regular everyday right wing griping.
I personally do not think there is any way for them to do it successfully. There is just too much traffic for them to control it all. FB generates 4 petabytes of new information daily. I am not going to lie, I had to look up what a petabyte is it is 1 million gigabytes.
If this is the case, I wonder why I keep hearing that they're choosing not to fix this.

The only thing I can think of is the way they flood you with posts and information that is similar to what you have read or "liked". While I can see that can lead to intellectual isolation, that's just pretty much standard marketing and personalization.
Wondering if anyone here can explain this.

Regarding Facebook's controversy over its role in, or any influence it had in, the Jan 6th attack: I keep seeing that there are things they can do to stop the spread of misinformation and other dangerous activity. It seems like a foregone conclusion that they have the tools.

Does anyone know exactly what they can do? I haven't seen any details. It seems to me that if they flag certain keywords, then people can just use code words or slightly misspelled words and have the same effect.

Does anyone have any details on this? Thanks in advance.
The only thing they can really do is hire a shitload more moderators. The automatic crap is too easy to bypass.
yep, the Republicans have been doing that I agree.

But the Dems have also
Nice try. The scapegoats and monsters have been universal 'Republicans' and it has been going on since they dared to say, "Hey, we disagree".

Then the long lines have been drawn out against them and 30-years of incessant whining about how they are getting in the way of our vision.
Nice try. The scapegoats and monsters have been universal 'Republicans' and it has been going on since they dared to say, "Hey, we disagree".

Then the long lines have been drawn out against them and 30-years of incessant whining about how they are getting in the way of our vision.

The Repubs blame Dems, the Dems blame Repubs....there is little difference between the two
The Repubs blame Dems, the Dems blame Repubs....there is little difference between the two
That is true. There is just far more of it from the left with the added bonus that Republicans are just whiners while ignoring decades of whining by the left.
I personally do not think there is any way for them to do it successfully. There is just too much traffic for them to control it all. FB generates 4 petabytes of new information daily. I am not going to lie, I had to look up what a petabyte is it is 1 million gigabytes.

This is my favorite social media story ever. Facebook's algorithms went after a gardening group for using the word "hoe"

Just spend less time on FACE BOOK. keep it to friends & family, not so much political misinformation, we would all be better off.
I personally do not think there is any way for them to do it successfully. There is just too much traffic for them to control it all. FB generates 4 petabytes of new information daily. I am not going to lie, I had to look up what a petabyte is it is 1 million gigabytes.
Just spend less time on FACE BOOK. keep it to friends & family, not so much political misinformation, we would all be better off.
The only thing they can really do is hire a shitload more moderators. The automatic crap is too easy to bypass.
The one thing I CAN'T LOSE FROM FACEBOOK is when people take a picture of what they're EATING.


People need someone to blame, it is human nature.
like blaming Trump for everything even shot he's got nothing to do with. not you, but what the people all. agosh in surprise now always to to Trump.

Facebook can change algorhythms on the fly and yes, limit traffic to your post as easily as they can push traffic to what you pay them to push.

however, it's rediculois to think all of your friends will see every post you make. I only have 180 friends or so intentionally. some people I never see post at all. as it gets based over people interaction over time by default.

as for Facebook interfearance...

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like blaming Trump for everything even shot he's got nothing to do with.

yep. and just like the right is now blaming Biden for everything even though he has nothing to do with it.

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