"So, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters...?"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

I don't think the media has done a good enough job of explaining Biden's past when it comes to African Americans. See the video montage and article below:

Do Black voters know Biden's record?
A detailed summary of Biden's record that cannot be found in the mainstream media's narrative heading into the last month of the Presidential Election. His 47yrs of experience have now given many instances of his evolving perspective on race related issues, and Blacks in particular.

"Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as“predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate— and white supremacist senators as his friends." (see full article below for additional examples)

[Collection of Biden's comments throughout the years (Videos)]
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.
Who needs to lie about Racist Joe?
Pro policies of Economic Slavery
'If you ain't black...'
I can stay in my basement because some black woman stocks shelves...
Blacks are not 'diverse'...

The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

That kid was prepped to ask that silly question.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

Fingers Joe's line is " I dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle."

Any comments on this one?
That kid was prepped to ask that silly question.

Prove it.

*You think blacks should just vote for Democrats as they have for decades while getting the same results like 'good little conditioned / obedient negroes'?

You don't think Blacks want to know:

'After 47 years of oppressive / negative legislation and support for practices harmful tpo blacks, after 47 years of doing NOTHING, why should we vote for you?'

Blacks are diverse, and they are not all sheep like snowflakes, who vote for Democrats no matter what.

You sound like Biden - the 'black kid' isn't smart enough to ask Biden why he and other blacks should vote for Biden - he had to be coached.

Thanks for that input, 'Joe'....and I will look for that proof he was 'prepped'.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

Fingers Joe's line is " I dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle."

Any comments on this one?
I agree with him. Are you aware of the context of that remark? Biden opposed Busing..as, I'm pretty sure, you did. It is amusing to watch you guys castigate Biden for positions that, in all likelihood, you support..to this day..while he has disavowed his positions of 45 years ago.

Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?

Most Blacks don't give a hoot about Biden's past..they assume that given his age, race and gender..that he's racist to a degree--but being that he is not Trump...they are willing to accept it.
That kid was prepped to ask that silly question.

Prove it.

*You think blacks should just vote for Democrats as they have for decades while getting the same results like 'good little conditioned / obedient negroes'?

You don't think Blacks want to know:

'After 47 years of oppressive / negative legislation and support for practices harmful tpo blacks, after 47 years of doing NOTHING, why should we vote for you?'

Blacks are diverse, and they are not all sheep like snowflakes, who vote for Democrats no matter what.

You sound like Biden - the 'black kid' isn't smart enough to ask Biden why he and other blacks should vote for Biden - he had to be coached.

Thanks for that input, 'Joe'....and I will look for that proof he was 'prepped'.
You prove Russian Collusion was real first.
Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

I didn't think he sounded that bad.
Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
Trump reinvented himself with that canard..he based his entire career and political rise on that lie...it was with that lie that the Trump base was formed.
Trump WAS the driving force---and to this day I bet 80% of his base believe it.

Clinton's campaign floated the idea of catching Obama in a self-serving lie--and dropped it...as pie in the sky idiocy.
Joe Biden’s Infamous and Racist 1993 Crime Bill Speech

"So I don’t want to ask. What made them do this? They must be taken off the street. There’s a second thing that we all have agreed upon, and that is unless we do something about that cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them born out of wedlock without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing have not been socialized... “But for a simple, pragmatic reasons, if we don’t, they will, or a portion of them will become the predators 15 years from now. And, Madam President, we have predators on our streets that society has, in fact, in part because of this neglect created.'

In 1993 Biden argued that because so many blacks were born to parents out of wedlock, to a single-parent home, where the father was not around, where there was no structure, no discipline and grew up without a conscience... they failed to be domesticated....socialized...and instead grew up to be 'PREDATORS'.

Joe said 'WE HAVE TO GET THEM OFF THE STREET' in defense of his crime bill but noted that unless this single-parent, absent-father situation is addresses and solved the cycle would repeat and they would stay 'PREDATORS'.

(Lack of 'Diversity', right Joe?)
Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
Trump reinvented himself with that canard..he based his entire career and political rise on that lie...it was with that lie that the Trump base was formed.
Trump WAS the driving force---and to this day I bet 80% of his base believe it.

Clinton's campaign floated the idea of catching Obama in a self-serving lie--and dropped it...as pie in the sky idiocy.
Trump made his political career on being one of the American people, NOT a Washington Insider, NOT a member of the 'Deep State' - which people were sick of. He sounded like average people - he could relate to them & they could relate to him. And unlike the usual lying politicians, he delivered on his promises.

No one gives a shit if Barry was from the US, Kenya, or Mars. What is important was that he was the most criminally non-compliant President with the FOIA & FRA in US history, illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President...who criminally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, aided terrorists, attempted a failed political coup, & more.. The 'birther' thing only appears in the top 100 criticisms of Barry to snowflakes who continues to push the lie that Trump came up with it.
Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.

Specifically Mark Penn.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.
Agree, Biden and democrats have been lying about President Trump from day one.
Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
Trump reinvented himself with that canard..he based his entire career and political rise on that lie...it was with that lie that the Trump base was formed.
Trump WAS the driving force---and to this day I bet 80% of his base believe it.

Clinton's campaign floated the idea of catching Obama in a self-serving lie--and dropped it...as pie in the sky idiocy.
Trump made his political career on being one of the American people, NOT a Washington Insider, NOT a member of the 'Deep State' - which people were sick of. He sounded like average people - he could relate to them & they could relate to him. And unlike the usual lying politicians, he delivered on his promises.

No one gives a shit if Barry was from the US, Kenya, or Mars. What is important was that he was the most criminally non-compliant President with the FOIA & FRA in US history, illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President...who criminally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, aided terrorists, attempted a failed political coup, & more.. The 'birther' thing only appears in the top 100 criticisms of Barry to snowflakes who continues to push the lie that Trump came up with it.

All true -

Too late to worry whether he was eligible or not - it's past.

I think that he was born on a Pacific Island that had only recently became a part of the US.
It did not have a US tradition, and neither did Obama.
A lot of the islanders did not want to be part of the US.

That was always the main issue -
I'm sorry but the majority of Blacks have swallowed the democrat bait hook line and sinker. Trump has done nothing to harm blacks. On the other hand, Obama, and the democrats have used black people like a political lever and filled them full of hate and disdain. No one has furthered the divide between black and white America more than Obama and these democrats. And the worst part is that the majority of blacks take the bait and are shamed if they try to question the status quo. Breonna Taylor is a great example. Horrible circumstances in that case but Democrat leaders and supporters from all angles screamed from the top of the rafters that she was killed because of racism and that it was Trumps America and all that. Those kinds of cases are never cut and dry and the rush to judgement by black leaders and democrat leaders alike was shameful. Once the investigation was done, Daniel Cameron did what he was legally obligated to do and what happened? Blacks and whites alike called him "Uncle Tom" and a "step and fetch negro". Look whats happening to Ice Cube today. Backlash because he dared to reach out to Trump to call attentions to needs in the black community? If blacks want to see racism ended once and for all, they need to stop trying to force all blacks to think alike, act alike, and make the same decisions. Black men and women are allowed to have their own opinion and are allowed to make decisions based on how THEY see the world around them.

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