Smack down of americans


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Right “smacks down Americans” by going after obamacare and the Left “smacks down Americans” by going after Arizona immigration laws. Neither have the best interest of America and Americans but their own agendas.
Obama and the Left is looking out for the interest of Illegal Aliens and the Right looking out for the interest of corporations and the rich.
The Right “smacks down Americans” by going after obamacare and the Left “smacks down Americans” by going after Arizona immigration laws. Neither have the best interest of America and Americans but their own agendas.
Obama and the Left is looking out for the interest of Illegal Aliens and the Right looking out for the interest of corporations and the rich.

I disagree, because the Obama law in not the best thing for people. It's basically Medicare on steroids. It's gonna be bloated, your quality will go down.

I work at a pharmacy and private insurance is much, much better than medicare. MUCH better.

I do agree with your point on AZ. If the feds wont do it, then the state should be able to enforce the law.
"Smack down"? The left seems to be drifting further and further into idiocracy. Maybe they are just confused about the role of the Supreme Court.
The corporations smack down americans by moving jobs offshore.

And the list goes on.

But corporations are not supposed to be representing the best interests of all citizens now are they?

If it is good for Wall Street it is good for America?

And long term the US corporations offshoring are shooting themselves in the foot.

the more money Americans have the more things they buy.
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The corporations smack down americans by moving jobs offshore.

And the list goes on.

But corporations are not supposed to be representing the best interests of all citizens now are they?

If it is good for Wall Street it is good for America?

And long term the US corporations offshoring are shooting themselves in the foot.

Maybe maybe not but it's up to the corporations to decide what they do not anyone else.
The Right “smacks down Americans” by going after obamacare and the Left “smacks down Americans” by going after Arizona immigration laws. Neither have the best interest of America and Americans but their own agendas.
Obama and the Left is looking out for the interest of Illegal Aliens and the Right looking out for the interest of corporations and the rich.

I disagree, because the Obama law in not the best thing for people. It's basically Medicare on steroids. It's gonna be bloated, your quality will go down.

I work at a pharmacy and private insurance is much, much better than medicare. MUCH better.

I do agree with your point on AZ. If the feds wont do it, then the state should be able to enforce the law.

I have never been impressed with private medicine, they have not proven to be any better to me than the VA.
The Right “smacks down Americans” by going after obamacare and the Left “smacks down Americans” by going after Arizona immigration laws. Neither have the best interest of America and Americans but their own agendas.
Obama and the Left is looking out for the interest of Illegal Aliens and the Right looking out for the interest of corporations and the rich.

I disagree, because the Obama law in not the best thing for people. It's basically Medicare on steroids. It's gonna be bloated, your quality will go down.

I work at a pharmacy and private insurance is much, much better than medicare. MUCH better.

I do agree with your point on AZ. If the feds wont do it, then the state should be able to enforce the law.

I have never been impressed with private medicine, they have not proven to be any better to me than the VA.

Uh, ok.....that explains alot about you. But Ive seen both, I'll take private. Private plans are very differenct, "diverse" if you will, but they are almost always better than medicare. I havent seen the plan for veterans.
But corporations are not supposed to be representing the best interests of all citizens now are they?

If it is good for Wall Street it is good for America?

And long term the US corporations offshoring are shooting themselves in the foot.

Maybe maybe not but it's up to the corporations to decide what they do not anyone else.

True, however the US government should not reward them with tax breaks and such for damaging the USA.

And Americans should not support those industries that harm the USA.

But the sheeple do as they are told.
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By "doing nothing" or wanting to "do only what is necessary" the left equates that with looking out for corporations or the rich. I haven't made a personal determination whether it is just base jealousy of others or if it is something else. Even when it's a good idea, the laws and regulations MUST logically follow in the mind of the left. If you're against the regulations or laws, then you are AGAINST the policy.

Everytime I read this, I have to chuckle. The left absolutely LOVES mandates, laws, regulations and imperial proclamations. I have said this many, many times and almost every thread in this forum proves it's validity. In the mind of the left, you CANNOT be for something and NOT support the laws, mandates, laws and imperial proclamations that go along with it. The two ARE NOT seperable. If you are against mandates and laws then you CANNOT support the policy.

For example, take hate crimes. If you are against hate crimes, then you MUST support a bevy of laws that define, identify and provide specific punishment for the hate crime. If a man is killed and it is racially motivated, NEVER MIND the fact that the person might suffer the death penalty simply for the act of killing itself. No, you have to support the application of the hate crime statutes which add NOTHING to the prosecution. If you do not support hate crime legislation then naturally it follows in the mind of the left, that you MUST be for hate crimes. Therefore, you are a closet member of the KKK.

Wall street must be regulated, but to what degree? The left has already shown that there are businesses "too big to fail" and is guilty of not letting the free enterprise system work as it should. But by disliking a mountain of laws, regulations and imperial proclamations, conservatives are immediately "out for the rich."

The basis of this OP is typical... I'm waiting for the next one.
Obamacare should have been Obama's legacy. Rahm Emmanuel was desperately trying to rein in the heavy handed tactics of Reid and Pelosi but his opinions and pleadings were shunned. The WH should have taken its time with this legislation.

And although his language was inflammatory, hells bells he was bang on the money. No wonder he ran from the WH as soon as he could. Although I find rarely I ever agree with Rahm's policies, there is no doubt that the man is one of the most astute political players on the freaking planet.

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel apologized to the head of the Special Olympics today after the Wall Street Journal reported the fiery Chicagoan privately called a group of liberal activists "f—ing retarded."

Last August, Emanuel "showed up at a weekly strategy session featuring liberal groups and White House aides," the Journal's Peter Wallsten reported lastTuesday.

"Some attendees said they were planning to air ads attacking conservative Democrats who were balking at Mr. Obama's health-care overhaul. 'F—ing retarded,'

Mr. Emanuel scolded the group, according to several participants. He warned them not to alienate lawmakers whose votes would be needed on health care and other top legislative items."

Rahm Apologizes for Privately Calling Liberal Activists “Retarded” - ABC News
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If it is good for Wall Street it is good for America?

And long term the US corporations offshoring are shooting themselves in the foot.

Maybe maybe not but it's up to the corporations to decide what they do not anyone else.

True, however the US government should not reward them with tax breaks and such for damaging the USA.

And Americans should not support those industries that harm the USA.

But the sheeple do as they are told.

No business should get special treatment under the law. No people either for that matter

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