Slow computer? 9 ways to make it run faster


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

There are times I want to take a hammer to this PC even though it’s fairly new, Looking forward to trying these out.

1. Check your hard drive space and your temporary files

2. Uninstall programs that you don't use

3. Turn off visual effects

4. Prevent unneeded Startup programs

5. Clean out malware

6. Defragment your drives (Windows 10 will do this automatically is you set it to)

7. Hardware solutions

8. Restart occasionally

9. Clean your computer, literally

There are times I want to take a hammer to this PC even though it’s fairly new, Looking forward to trying these out.

1. Check your hard drive space and your temporary files

2. Uninstall programs that you don't use

3. Turn off visual effects

4. Prevent unneeded Startup programs

5. Clean out malware

6. Defragment your drives (Windows 10 will do this automatically is you set it to)

7. Hardware solutions

8. Restart occasionally

9. Clean your computer, literally
I prefer using a bull whip.........
More memory helps as well.
Not with the problem he's referring to, caches fill up with temp files over time slowing down the system, updates leave old unused files still sitting on the HD which are still read in a system search during process running. Basically using the computer is like giving the computer arthritis over time which is why programs like CCleaner are around. The best way to speed up an older system is to do a clean OS install every once in a while.
I am being serious....with Windows 10, a good half of these solutions are inapplicable.
Despite my advice, an office manager bought a couple 4 GB RAM PC's from WalMart, with Win10 on them. At times they are virtually unusable. With just a browser open, and just opened to tab open...67% of the CPU is eaten and as much as 70% of memory is used up.
Finally after pouring through online blogs etc. I managed to get the computers to be better...but I had to do a bunch of crap...with the full knowledge that most likely M$ will undo everything with an update.

I use win 7 still. I'll add, keep current with the O/S updates. I also occasionally update all my drivers. I've also been trying out "Process Lasso" application. So far, so good, at least on my 64-bit system.

I use win 7 still. I'll add, keep current with the O/S updates. I also occasionally update all my drivers. I've also been trying out "Process Lasso" application. So far, so good, at least on my 64-bit system.
I never use a third party driver update program, have tried many in the past with mixed results not to mention being somewhat unsecure. I know what hardware is on all my computers and go directly to the manufacturer's site for updates.

I use win 7 still. I'll add, keep current with the O/S updates. I also occasionally update all my drivers. I've also been trying out "Process Lasso" application. So far, so good, at least on my 64-bit system.

All good until Windows stops providing updates for Win 7.
Not likely for quite awhile as people are still buying new PC's with Win 7...which btw is the first time in PC history that oem manufactures are selling computers with an 8 year old operating system that is two versions back. This shows you just how bad Win 10 is.
Frankly I do not see a clear path for Windows in the coming years. Their obvious #1 priority is to turn everyone's computer into a datamining tool for selling to advertisers. And more and more regular people are becoming aware of this.

I use win 7 still. I'll add, keep current with the O/S updates. I also occasionally update all my drivers. I've also been trying out "Process Lasso" application. So far, so good, at least on my 64-bit system.

All good until Windows stops providing updates for Win 7.
Not likely for quite awhile as people are still buying new PC's with Win 7...which btw is the first time in PC history that oem manufactures are selling computers with an 8 year old operating system that is two versions back. This shows you just how bad Win 10 is.
Frankly I do not see a clear path for Windows in the coming years. Their obvious #1 priority is to turn everyone's computer into a datamining tool for selling to advertisers. And more and more regular people are becoming aware of this.

Didn't MS say W10 was the last they were putting out?
Yeah I learned a few months back they can still make keys for Windows 7. I bought a key for Windows 7 Ultimate off a site (Bonanza) and it worked fine for a long time, and suddenly it said it wasn't authentic. I contacted Microsoft and they said the dealer had sold the same key to multiple people. I asked if I was screwed... and after them asking me several times, they would only give me a new key if I gave them remote access to get into my computer and see where I bought the key and paid for it. In a few minutes they deleted the old key, installed the new one, and created a notebook file with the key in it.

There are times I want to take a hammer to this PC even though it’s fairly new, Looking forward to trying these out.

1. Check your hard drive space and your temporary files

2. Uninstall programs that you don't use

3. Turn off visual effects

4. Prevent unneeded Startup programs

5. Clean out malware

6. Defragment your drives (Windows 10 will do this automatically is you set it to)

7. Hardware solutions

8. Restart occasionally

9. Clean your computer, literally

If you throw it out of an airplane, it'll be going very fast by the time it hits the ground.
Yeah I learned a few months back they can still make keys for Windows 7. I bought a key for Windows 7 Ultimate off a site (Bonanza) and it worked fine for a long time, and suddenly it said it wasn't authentic. I contacted Microsoft and they said the dealer had sold the same key to multiple people. I asked if I was screwed... and after them asking me several times, they would only give me a new key if I gave them remote access to get into my computer and see where I bought the key and paid for it. In a few minutes they deleted the old key, installed the new one, and created a notebook file with the key in it.

Cool. So 7 is going to be around a while? I liked 7, but for the most part I also like 10.
I have used Key Finder several times over the years to get my key...I guess I had lost it or whatever.
KeyFinder | Magical Jelly Bean
All good until Windows stops providing updates for Win 7.Not likely for quite awhile as people are still buying new PC's with Win 7...which btw is the first time in PC history that oem manufactures are selling computers with an 8 year old operating system that is two versions back. This shows you just how bad Win 10 is.Frankly I do not see a clear path for Windows in the coming years. Their obvious #1 priority is to turn everyone's computer into a datamining tool for selling to advertisers. And more and more regular people are becoming aware of this.
I'll move to Linux before I touch win 10.
All good until Windows stops providing updates for Win 7.Not likely for quite awhile as people are still buying new PC's with Win 7...which btw is the first time in PC history that oem manufactures are selling computers with an 8 year old operating system that is two versions back. This shows you just how bad Win 10 is.Frankly I do not see a clear path for Windows in the coming years. Their obvious #1 priority is to turn everyone's computer into a datamining tool for selling to advertisers. And more and more regular people are becoming aware of this.
I'll move to Linux before I touch win 10.

Yeah I learned a few months back they can still make keys for Windows 7. I bought a key for Windows 7 Ultimate off a site (Bonanza) and it worked fine for a long time, and suddenly it said it wasn't authentic. I contacted Microsoft and they said the dealer had sold the same key to multiple people. I asked if I was screwed... and after them asking me several times, they would only give me a new key if I gave them remote access to get into my computer and see where I bought the key and paid for it. In a few minutes they deleted the old key, installed the new one, and created a notebook file with the key in it.

Cool. So 7 is going to be around a while? I liked 7, but for the most part I also like 10.
I have used Key Finder several times over the years to get my key...I guess I had lost it or whatever.
KeyFinder | Magical Jelly Bean

KeyFinder is cool to have. Gives you more info than just the Key.
All good until Windows stops providing updates for Win 7.Not likely for quite awhile as people are still buying new PC's with Win 7...which btw is the first time in PC history that oem manufactures are selling computers with an 8 year old operating system that is two versions back. This shows you just how bad Win 10 is.Frankly I do not see a clear path for Windows in the coming years. Their obvious #1 priority is to turn everyone's computer into a datamining tool for selling to advertisers. And more and more regular people are becoming aware of this.
I'll move to Linux before I touch win 10.

Because Win 10 basically turns your 'personal computer' into what is essentially a dedicated Microsoft workstation that is also a data-miner and ad-ware platform disguised as an operating system.
Even if one is still using Win 7 there are specific updates to avoid, or delete if already installed, with Win 8/8.1 you're still semi-screwed with certain updates they won't let you block.

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