Tips For Safer Browsing in USMB

Suppose if overly concerned about security, whatever's on your system shouldn't be. :) Get another, non-internet connected one for doing finance or whatever other sensitive things. Or better yet, use encryption and secure-delete progs. Often enough, when people get hacked or messed with it's because things they thought they deleted, weren't really gone. OS don't remove data once it's there, the OS just marks the space it occupied 'overwritable' but it might be some time before new data occupies that space. Especially on newer TB-size drives. A prog that overwrites deleted date multiple time obscuring it is the best solution. And an undelete app can determine when it's well and truly gone.

Bottom line though, if there's something on your machine you'd be embarassed about having appear on the Times Square jumobotron, that machine shouldn't be connected to the net.
Have been on computers since about '82. In my considerable experience, best way to avoid icky things is not go to icky websites or use dodgy apps. More stuff you rely on to secure your machine, more likely you're not using common sense trusting that stuff will protect you (like modern cars with auto-brakes and radar so drivers can focus on things other than driving.)

If a hacker wants to hack you, me or someone they're gonna do it and no add-on is gonna prevent it.

Anyone can edit Wikipedia and by clicking on a link, it can send your anti-virus /anti-malware into a tailspin.

Anyone can buy advertising from reputable news sites like your television station. The news stations don't care and sometimes the buyers are not reputable and malware can be introduced by the websites that don't check.

What is reputable when the internet is self-regulated or should I say the standards for regulation are so low that it isn't regulated. You pay money for police protection but no one is protecting your property from the internet.

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