Skins: "The Most Dangerous Show on Television"

Further, 90210 you said has merit for it's messages.

What about this show giving you a pretty up close horror show of the consequences of taking drugs? Buying drugs? Having house parties when your parents are away?

I mean, they're showing the consequences. That's not a message?

You know everything, you're the center of the Universe. have all the answers.....yes.......those were the days :(

On the off-chance that some day, your perspective will change (based on ACTUALLY experiencing things, and AMAZINGLY finding them to be different from what you IMAGINED they would be) may I preemptively say:

"I told you so."

Have your kiddie porn and glorified drug abuse. Embrace it, enjoy it. I sincerely and genuinely hope it brings you all the gratification and self-righteousness you seem to so desperately seek in defending it.

Now, as a Cherokee Indian, I am off to write a paper on what its like to be an immigrant to America. Because until this discussion, I did not realize that I am an (imagined) expert on the subject.

YOU can't say I told you so, to me. YOU took my future approach. YOU said your daughter is adjusted enough to watch this, like EZ's daughter was. Dismissed.

1. Do you have any kids?

2. If you don't, just wait......
The subject isn't crappy tv; it's child porn.

Material specifically tailored to represent children having sex.
No kid is "adjusted" enough. I had a good friend of mine who was "adjusted." never did a bad thing in his life...went to college, went buck-ass wild....
It now appears that even MTV is having concerns over the show as well. They have ordered the 3rd episode be edited to remove partial nudity of a minor, and "frequent showings" of one of the minor male actor's erection, which "is a running joke in the show."

Looks like the free market may win after all.

that would be best

Let me know when you want to get serious about your rap. I've never written a rap song, never performed a rap song, never really listened to much rap at all (can't stand it!), but I've thought about it a lot and I've realized and imagined everything there could possibly be to know about it, plus I know lots of people who have rap in their lives, so I'm a qualified expert on the subject of writing successful rap "music." You'd be a fool not to follow my advice. (Whatever you do, don't listen to any rap musicians.....just because they do it every day, they don't know any better than I).
It now appears that even MTV is having concerns over the show as well. They have ordered the 3rd episode be edited to remove partial nudity of a minor, and "frequent showings" of one of the minor male actor's erection, which "is a running joke in the show."

Looks like the free market may win after all.

that would be best

Let me know when you want to get serious about your rap. I've never written a rap song, never performed a rap song, never really listened to much rap at all (can't stand it!), but I've thought about it a lot and I've realized and imagined everything there could possibly be to know about it, plus I know lots of people who have rap in their lives, so I'm a qualified expert on the subject of writing successful rap "music." You'd be a fool not to follow my advice. (Whatever you do, don't listen to any rap musicians.....just because they do it every day, they don't know any better than I).


EZ has a child that she'd let watch it, having a child didn't change her perspective on whether or not she'd let her kid watch it, and I'm taking the same position as her that I'd also let mine watch it. Dunno how that's hard to "imagine."
that would be best

Let me know when you want to get serious about your rap. I've never written a rap song, never performed a rap song, never really listened to much rap at all (can't stand it!), but I've thought about it a lot and I've realized and imagined everything there could possibly be to know about it, plus I know lots of people who have rap in their lives, so I'm a qualified expert on the subject of writing successful rap "music." You'd be a fool not to follow my advice. (Whatever you do, don't listen to any rap musicians.....just because they do it every day, they don't know any better than I).


EZ has a child that she'd let watch it, having a child didn't change her perspective on whether or not she'd let her kid watch it, and I'm taking the same position as her that I'd also let mine watch it. Dunno how that's hard to "imagine."


Still not serious about the rap, huh?

Just say the word.

Until then, you're a poser.
Let me know when you want to get serious about your rap. I've never written a rap song, never performed a rap song, never really listened to much rap at all (can't stand it!), but I've thought about it a lot and I've realized and imagined everything there could possibly be to know about it, plus I know lots of people who have rap in their lives, so I'm a qualified expert on the subject of writing successful rap "music." You'd be a fool not to follow my advice. (Whatever you do, don't listen to any rap musicians.....just because they do it every day, they don't know any better than I).


EZ has a child that she'd let watch it, having a child didn't change her perspective on whether or not she'd let her kid watch it, and I'm taking the same position as her that I'd also let mine watch it. Dunno how that's hard to "imagine."


Still not serious about the rap, huh?

Just say the word.

Until then, you're a poser.

Yea, this is a totally legitimate comparison.

Anyways, have fun with this thread man. When the conversations turn this way with snide remarks and shits, it stops being interesting to me tbh.

EZ has a child that she'd let watch it, having a child didn't change her perspective on whether or not she'd let her kid watch it, and I'm taking the same position as her that I'd also let mine watch it. Dunno how that's hard to "imagine."


Still not serious about the rap, huh?

Just say the word.

Until then, you're a poser.

Yea, this is a totally legitimate comparison.

Anyways, have fun with this thread man. When the conversations turn this way with snide remarks and shits, it stops being interesting to me tbh.

You mean, when someone tries to apply your logic to you, you haul ass, right?

I am just as much an expert in rap as you are in parenting. We both have the same experience in our respective areas of "expertise."

Still not serious about the rap, huh?

Just say the word.

Until then, you're a poser.

Yea, this is a totally legitimate comparison.

Anyways, have fun with this thread man. When the conversations turn this way with snide remarks and shits, it stops being interesting to me tbh.

You mean, when someone tries to apply your logic to you, you haul ass, right?

I am just as much an expert in rap as you are in parenting. We both have the same experience in our respective areas of "expertise."

No, here's where you lose me.

You're trying to apply the logic that "because you've parented, and I haven't, that automatically gives your parenting "skills" of what you would, and wouldn't do, in certain situations, more weight.

If this were true, then hell, where are all of our little mal-adjusted retards coming from? I mean, because once someone's a parent they "know how to properly parent," right? More than anyone else, right?

That's not "logic," so you're not "using my logic" against me. You're just bloviating about "I'm a parent you're not so you have no idea how to handle this situation!" Which is a fallacy.

Anyways, people that have never ever rapped before could also be better at Rap then a lot of Rappers. So, you're still not using my logic against me really you're just continuing your fallacy that people who don't have experience in something are automatically void of a legitimate opinion. It's a fallacy.
I am flummoxed as to why someone would let their child watch this, what exactly would be the purpose? what not to do? you can tell them that, they need to see it? Take them to a jail, show'em around. take them to skid row.....

and I thought one of the major issues was MTV may have used underage actors?
I am flummoxed as to why someone would let their child watch this, what exactly would be the purpose? what not to do? you can tell them that, they need to see it? Take them to a jail, show'em around. take them to skid row.....

and I thought one of the major issues was MTV may have used underage actors?

The purpose is a philosophical one. There's a couple of schools of thought.

#1 is that you shelter someone from the wrongs of the world....which could go wrong because they *may* be void of what to do once the shelter is lifted as pertaining to said situation. But it could all work out.

#2 is that you don't censor, you instead teach-of............and hope that they understand. This could also go wrong in-that your kid might be gullible and wrought by (said show/thing in life's) wrath.
Skins” is surely one of the most sexually charged programs that MTV has featured. Before it even had its premiere, the Parents Television Council, a TV watchdog group, labeled “Skins” the “most dangerous program that has ever been foisted on your children.” The group objected to the gratuitous scenes of drug and alcohol use, violence and sexual acts.

Of course, those scenes may be what attract young viewers in the first place. Jessica Bennett, a senior writer for Newsweek, wrote last week, “ ‘Skins’ may be the most realistic show on television.”

The show is off to a running start. It attracted 3.3 million to its premiere on Monday night and set a new first-episode record for the channel among viewers ages 12 to 34.

Has anyone seen it? I did. Worse than you can possibly imagine. And I can tell you as someone who spends every day with teenagers (who often give me TMI), this is NOT "the most realistic show on television."

The most disturbing part for me was the end of the first episode. Driving stoned, the kids run their car off a bridge into the water. Amazingly all the passengers emerge completely unscathed and one announces "Oh shit, The weed got wet". And they laugh and laugh and laugh... Scary.

Glorifying sex, drugs, and child prostitution is dangerous. Glorifying teen driving accidents is deadly.

This, a product of capitliasm... give the consumer what it wants. There is no morality when tit comes to profit. It's so funny to me that it is often conservatives who complain about television and it's material, yet are the foremost proponents for free-market capitalism, yet it is capitalism that directly produces these kinds of shows.
I am flummoxed as to why someone would let their child watch this, what exactly would be the purpose? what not to do? you can tell them that, they need to see it? Take them to a jail, show'em around. take them to skid row.....

and I thought one of the major issues was MTV may have used underage actors?

The purpose is a philosophical one. There's a couple of schools of thought.

#1 is that you shelter someone from the wrongs of the world....which could go wrong because they *may* be void of what to do once the shelter is lifted as pertaining to said situation. But it could all work out.

#2 is that you don't censor, you instead teach-of............and hope that they understand. This could also go wrong in-that your kid might be gullible and wrought by (said show/thing in life's) wrath.

The original discussion was whether or not the show is dangerous and irresponsible. GT (no kids) and others (MOSTLY no kids) think its fine just the way it is, and not anything anyone should be concerned with.

Me (parents), and others (MOSTLY parents) think it sends a dangerous and irresponsible message to kids of a VERY impressionable age.

One of the tangents that GT and the other "pro-show" crowd have taken the original discussion along is that we are trying to censor the show.

Some are.

I'm not.

I see it for how it could affect teenagers, and thus, their parents. Not as a cheap thrill for people who it can't affect (those past the age of impression, or those without children of that age).

Its shock tv, no question.

And it appears the sponsors and the network are beginning to see that it isn't being received very well, even though it is chock full of kiddie sex and drug use.

I predict it will be gone before the first season is completed.

And you're of the major issues is that the ages of ALL of the actors playing the major characters are between 15 and 19. Not a single adult in the central cast.

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