Sinema Lowers The Boom On Democrat Party In Way Out The Door; Gabbard Joins 'Drop Mike' Moment

'Fat little god'?!

There's that simmering, hate-driven, obsessive TDS that lives 24/7 in that pea si,ed brain of yours...


True, he is not really all that little. But again, you are the one that keeps bringing him up, why is that?
'Fat little god'?!

There's that simmering, hate-driven, obsessive TDS that lives 24/7 in that pea si,ed brain of yours...


They were out in the desert. All the same, they had a Constitutional right to due process.

They weren't out in the desert for fun, they were at an enemy training camp.


What she will do is threaten to run as an Independent if Democrats primary her.
Splitting the Democratic vote and ensuring a Republican takes the seat

I agree, declaring herself an independent gives her an advantage. Democrats will have to either acquiese to her candidacy or risk splitting the vote.
They weren't out in the desert for fun, they were at an enemy training camp.


Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki (also spelled al-Aulaqi, Arabic: عبدالرحمن العولقي; August 26, 1995 – October 14, 2011) was a 16-year-old United States citizen who was killed while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen by a drone airstrike ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama on October 14, 2011.[2][3][4][5] Abdulrahman al-Awlaki's father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was alleged to be an operational leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[6] Anwar was killed by a CIA drone strike[7] also ordered by Obama two weeks prior to the killing of his son.

Killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

Even Yemeni had the decency to at least try Anwar al-Awlaki in court.

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki (also spelled al-Aulaqi, Arabic: عبدالرحمن العولقي; August 26, 1995 – October 14, 2011) was a 16-year-old United States citizen who was killed while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen by a drone airstrike ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama on October 14, 2011.[2][3][4][5] Abdulrahman al-Awlaki's father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was alleged to be an operational leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[6] Anwar was killed by a CIA drone strike[7] also ordered by Obama two weeks prior to the killing of his son.

Killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

Even Yemeni had the decency to at least try Anwar al-Awlaki in court.

Well, Daddy shouldn't have taken him into a war zone, then.
"Americans are told that we have only two choices — Democrat or Republican — and that we must subscribe wholesale to policy views the parties hold, views that have pulled further and further toward extremism. This is a "false choice."

The party is "now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness," "racializing every issue, stoking anti-white racism" and "actively working to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution."

View attachment 738903

And yet, Democrats won almost every election in Arizona.


Because cult!

Why because they don't tow the party line? I wish more Democrats and Republicans would become independent minded and think for themselves. This two-party thinking BS is hurting America.
Gabbard is looking for attention after being spurned by Democrats
Sinema is trying to survive with 30 percent approval ratings
Gabbard is looking for attention after being spurned by Democrats
Sinema is trying to survive with 30 percent approval ratings
Sinema in the end voted for the Prog agendas. If Sinema and Manchin who has not made any statements caucus with the Republicans than there will be some sanity still with insane agendas passing. Otherwise, the difference will be slight.
Uh, still not seeing your point. This kid went to an active war zone where terrorists were hanging out and was killed in a drone strike.

Only some bizarre thinking makes him the victim here.

He was at a restaurant. He was a kid. He had done nothing.

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