Since Trump is self destructing and Hillary is poison, still how can one consciously vote liberalism

Stop fooling yourself, Boss.

Work on your relationship with Jesus.

And I counsel strongly you reread Colossians the first two chapters humbly and reverently with the spirit of inquiry and willingness to repent if called upon by the Spirit to do so.

You are substituting your philosophy for the clear language of the Constitution.

Because liberalism by and large implies and deploys secular liberalism in this nation.

Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a religious value is considered bad for society by secular liberalism. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Their course and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism allows a lying criminal like Hillary to get away with murder. Only because they have a corrupt mainstream media ready to do their bidding and support their every cover up and lie. This is a sickness that is killing America or has killed America.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!

Liberals built this country, asshole. STFU until you learn your history you braid dead moron.

You miserable cocksucker, how the fuck did you come up with that "conclusion"

Oh wait , liberals love Orwellian double-talk , so "to build" means "to destroy"...I get your drift.

Jake: Stop fooling yourself, Boss. [You left the rest of it out, so:] Work on your relationship with Jesus.

And I counsel strongly you reread Colossians the first two chapters humbly and reverently with the spirit of inquiry and willingness to repent if called upon by the Spirit to do so.

You are substituting your philosophy for the clear language of the Constitution.[

Boss: Concession duly noted.

Jake: Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

That takes a big heart.
Last edited:
Jake: Stop fooling yourself, Boss. [You left the rest of it out, so:] Work on your relationship with Jesus.

And I counsel strongly you reread Colossians the first two chapters humbly and reverently with the spirit of inquiry and willingness to repent if called upon by the Spirit to do so.

You are substituting your philosophy for the clear language of the Constitution.[

Boss: Concession duly noted.

Jake: Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

That takes a big heart.
Hillary, Trump, and War with Russia: The Goddamdest Stupid Idea I Have Ever Heard, and I Have Lived in Washington


A good reason to vote for Trump, a very good reason whatever his other intentions, is that he does not want a war with Russia. Hillary and her elite ventriloquists threaten just that. Note the anti-Russian hysteria coming from her and her remoras.

Our individual sovereignty was endowed by a higher power, but that cannot be found in the Constitution. What one will find is that individual sovereignty guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. That guarantee and protection comes from the Rule of Law embodied within the Constitution. The Constitution is merely a social contract and not a compact with God! You are dead wrong in your notion that the Constitution is non-secular in nature and you can't present a single clause from it to back up your claim! By its very nature, construction and rhetoric, any reasonable person can read that the Constitution is secular by design and formed a constitutional federal republic, your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding!

Individual sovereignty endowed by a higher power doesn't need to be guaranteed by anything. It's inalienable. The Constitution doesn't need a clause stating it's non-secular. It's basis and foundation for existence is non-secular. And yes, I most certainly have presented a clause from the Constitution... "to secure the blessings of liberty." Blessings do not come from secular sources. Not to mention, all the freedoms and rights listed in the Constitution are among those which are inalienable because they were endowed by our Creator.

The Constitution is certainly NOT secular by design. It is intentionally absent of religious dogma because it's not intended to establish a theocracy. You are interpreting that as being secular but secular is the absence of religious or spiritual basis, and that's not the Constitution. It's basis is very much spiritual/religious... that all men are created equal and endowed inalienable rights by a Creator.

Individual sovereignty endowed by a higher power doesn't need to be guaranteed by anything.
Try shoveling that shit to a black man who has been required to pass a literacy test before he can vote. Tell that to a Native American who has displaced from his reservation home protected by treaty because the White Man wants what is under the ground where he lived. Tell that to a woman who's right to privacy is invaded by the State for unnecessary medical procedures as a deterrence to obtain a LEGAL medical procedure! The only way to curb those unconstitutional abuses and protect the smallest minority of the individual are the rights defined in the Constitution and NOT some ethereal inalienability.

I most certainly have presented a clause from the Constitution... "to secure the blessings of liberty." Blessings do not come from secular sources.
That's from the preamble, not the lawful body of the Constitution. Try using that in a lawsuit and you'll get thrown out of court for a frivolous claim and forced to pay costs! There is no way you are capable of proving the Constitution is a non-secular document. Did you wife's parents give you their blessing to marry their daughter? If they did, what Deity are they, fool. Look up the definition of blessings and note they are not all non-secular in nature, dummy!

The Constitution is certainly NOT secular by design. It is intentionally absent of religious dogma because it's not intended to establish a theocracy.
Now you are claiming the Constitution is "intentionally absent of religious dogma". For the moment, let's forget you completely contradicted yourself and are now in total agreement with me for the moment. You are correct that the framers never intended to create a theocracy!

Now for you let's return to your obvious contradiction. You want the Constitution to be secular when it's convenient for your assertions. However, you characterize the Constitution as non-secular when it's convenient for a different assertion. The obvious conclusion to draw from your penchant to say one thing here and the opposite thing there is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Piss off now and have a nice Day!
Try shoveling that shit to a black man who has been required to pass a literacy test before he can vote. Tell that to a Native American who has displaced from his reservation home protected by treaty because the White Man wants what is under the ground where he lived.

I don't have to shovel anything, a noted black man by the name of Frederick Douglass already read our founding documents long before I came along. He found absolute brilliance in the wording of Madison and others which actually MADE their case for abolition and freedom. The same can be said for Native Americans who have now been able to establish casinos and have tribal sovereignty they were denied. The very brilliantly constructed Constitution is strong. It enables freedom of the individual.
Jake: Stop fooling yourself, Boss. [You left the rest of it out, so:] Work on your relationship with Jesus.

And I counsel strongly you reread Colossians the first two chapters humbly and reverently with the spirit of inquiry and willingness to repent if called upon by the Spirit to do so.

You are substituting your philosophy for the clear language of the Constitution.[

Boss: Concession duly noted.

Jake: Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

That takes a big heart.

Hillary, Trump, and War with Russia: The Goddamdest Stupid Idea I Have Ever Heard, and I Have Lived in Washington


A good reason to vote for Trump, a very good reason whatever his other intentions, is that he does not want a war with Russia. Hillary and her elite ventriloquists threaten just that. Note the anti-Russian hysteria coming from her and her remoras.

This one excerpt can sum up that whole article and crisis >> “The military has become entirely the plaything of unaccountable elites.”

Sadly, the majority of the nation will not comprehend or agree. They will argue Trump with his ego and bravado would be more impetuous or reckless than Hillary would be in major military confrontations. Not even.

I believe Hillary would be more easily frightened by the magnitude of it all, and very vulnerable to being backed into a corner by all those powerful players this article mentioned into doing what they are insisting is the only option for America and for her as president. She may be an angry and dictatorial woman at times, but I do not find her very smart, brave or impressive at all. She is a scary reality.
Now you are claiming the Constitution is "intentionally absent of religious dogma". For the moment, let's forget you completely contradicted yourself and are now in total agreement with me for the moment. You are correct that the framers never intended to create a theocracy!

Now for you let's return to your obvious contradiction. You want the Constitution to be secular when it's convenient for your assertions. However, you characterize the Constitution as non-secular when it's convenient for a different assertion. The obvious conclusion to draw from your penchant to say one thing here and the opposite thing there is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Piss off now and have a nice Day!

I didn't contradict anything. The Constitution is not Secular or Theocratic.

You are arguing that the Constitution is "Secular" and I am opposing that argument.

The lack of theocratic dogma doesn't mean it's secular.

Secular is the absence of anything related to spiritual or religious beliefs. The Constitution is rooted in and based upon a spiritual and religious concept of individual freedom endowed by our Maker. What part of this are you failing to grasp? :dunno:

You're trying to argue the lack of theocratic dogma within the Constitution proves it's secular and that's not true. It's not supposed to be chock-full of theocratic dogma, we weren't establishing a theocracy and a theocracy is impossible to ever have no matter how much Christians or any other religion would like to do so. But it's still not secular... it's still rooted in a non-secular concept of individual liberty endowed by a Creator and inalienable by man.
Boss, you have every right to believe your illogical construction of the Constitution's a priori basis in God given rights, and you just go for it, buddy.

If you tried this in a graduate level philosophy of history class, you would get a B for spirit and a D for logic.
Try shoveling that shit to a black man who has been required to pass a literacy test before he can vote. Tell that to a Native American who has displaced from his reservation home protected by treaty because the White Man wants what is under the ground where he lived.

I don't have to shovel anything, a noted black man by the name of Frederick Douglass already read our founding documents long before I came along. He found absolute brilliance in the wording of Madison and others which actually MADE their case for abolition and freedom. The same can be said for Native Americans who have now been able to establish casinos and have tribal sovereignty they were denied. The very brilliantly constructed Constitution is strong. It enables freedom of the individual.
Tricky little edit of my post, leaving out the conclusion. You must have missed that so here it is again, asshole!

"Try shoveling that shit to a black man who has been required to pass a literacy test before he can vote. Tell that to a Native American who has displaced from his reservation home protected by treaty because the White Man wants what is under the ground where he lived. Tell that to a woman who's right to privacy is invaded by the State for unnecessary medical procedures as a deterrence to obtain a LEGAL medical procedure! The only way to curb those unconstitutional abuses and protect the smallest minority of the individual are the rights defined in the Constitution and NOT some ethereal inalienability."

Your dishonesty and lack of decent character is proving to have no bounds! You obviously didn't want to address the point of the post your purposely left out. So transparent!
Boss argues poorly, so he will violate the rules, slicing and dicing to take opponents' comments out of context. He did to me above (I pointed it out) as well as to you.

That is his admission he is failing in this discussion.
Boss, you have every right to believe your illogical construction of the Constitution's a priori basis in God given rights, and you just go for it, buddy.

If you tried this in a graduate level philosophy of history class, you would get a B for spirit and a D for logic.

Oh, I have the right to believe whatever... that's not what we're arguing here. The Constitution cannot be a secular document if it is rooted and based on the founding intent as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Doesn't matter what I believe or what you believe.

Now... you can pretend we're playing school and I'm your little sister and you're the teacher handing out my bad grades.... that's fine if you like pretend games. But I am an adult who has studied history and the constitution my whole life. I know what the hell I'm talking about and I've backed it up. You continue to flop around like some kind of goofy jerk who doesn't know what to do... awkwardly trying to figure out a clever way to insult me some more.

Have you or the other jerkwater figured out where the hell "blessings" come from that are Secular? It's stated in the very opening lines of the Constitution that we are to secure these "blessings of liberty" and from every indication I have found, "blessings" are something based on a spiritual/religious belief. What would be an example of a secular blessing?
Try shoveling that shit to a black man who has been required to pass a literacy test before he can vote. Tell that to a Native American who has displaced from his reservation home protected by treaty because the White Man wants what is under the ground where he lived.

I don't have to shovel anything, a noted black man by the name of Frederick Douglass already read our founding documents long before I came along. He found absolute brilliance in the wording of Madison and others which actually MADE their case for abolition and freedom. The same can be said for Native Americans who have now been able to establish casinos and have tribal sovereignty they were denied. The very brilliantly constructed Constitution is strong. It enables freedom of the individual.
Tricky little edit of my post, leaving out the conclusion. You must have missed that so here it is again, asshole!

"Try shoveling that shit to a black man who has been required to pass a literacy test before he can vote. Tell that to a Native American who has displaced from his reservation home protected by treaty because the White Man wants what is under the ground where he lived. Tell that to a woman who's right to privacy is invaded by the State for unnecessary medical procedures as a deterrence to obtain a LEGAL medical procedure! The only way to curb those unconstitutional abuses and protect the smallest minority of the individual are the rights defined in the Constitution and NOT some ethereal inalienability."

Your dishonesty and lack of decent character is proving to have no bounds! You obviously didn't want to address the point of the post your purposely left out. So transparent!

Wasn't tricky, I posted the portion of your quote exactly in context and how you wrote it. The extra part you added is a nice opinion but it means nothing to your point. I addressed your point in my response.

Obviously, my response struck a nerve and now you're going to be a dick.

Oh fuckin' well.

Because liberalism by and large implies and deploys secular liberalism in this nation.

Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a religious value is considered bad for society by secular liberalism. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Their course and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism allows a lying criminal like Hillary to get away with murder. Only because they have a corrupt mainstream media ready to do their bidding and support their every cover up and lie. This is a sickness that is killing America or has killed America.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!

The biggest mistake conservatism ever made was getting cozy with the religious right. Secularism is the only morally acceptable solution for a free society.
Boss, you have every right to believe your illogical construction of the Constitution's a priori basis in God given rights, and you just go for it, buddy.

If you tried this in a graduate level philosophy of history class, you would get a B for spirit and a D for logic.

Oh, I have the right to believe whatever... that's not what we're arguing here. The Constitution cannot be a secular document if it is rooted and based on the founding intent as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Doesn't matter what I believe or what you believe.

Now... you can pretend we're playing school and I'm your little sister and you're the teacher handing out my bad grades.... that's fine if you like pretend games. But I am an adult who has studied history and the constitution my whole life. I know what the hell I'm talking about and I've backed it up. You continue to flop around like some kind of goofy jerk who doesn't know what to do... awkwardly trying to figure out a clever way to insult me some more.

Have you or the other jerkwater figured out where the hell "blessings" come from that are Secular? It's stated in the very opening lines of the Constitution that we are to secure these "blessings of liberty" and from every indication I have found, "blessings" are something based on a spiritual/religious belief. What would be an example of a secular blessing?
You can be the equivalent of my little sister, Boss, if you wish, but, despite your insistence, the intent articulated in the Declaration is not repeated in the Constitution. The governing intent of the Constitution flows from the Articles and Amendments, none of which link liberty with God-given rights. Your insistence does not cover that gap.

An aside: are you LDS? If not, read Cleon Skousen.

Because liberalism by and large implies and deploys secular liberalism in this nation.

Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a religious value is considered bad for society by secular liberalism. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Their course and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism allows a lying criminal like Hillary to get away with murder. Only because they have a corrupt mainstream media ready to do their bidding and support their every cover up and lie. This is a sickness that is killing America or has killed America.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!

The biggest mistake conservatism ever made was getting cozy with the religious right. Secularism is the only morally acceptable solution for a free society.
Indeed, as long as the protection of minority rights shields the theist, atheist, don'tknoweist, and don'tcareist to believe as they wish without interference.
Jake: Stop fooling yourself, Boss. [You left the rest of it out, so:] Work on your relationship with Jesus.

And I counsel strongly you reread Colossians the first two chapters humbly and reverently with the spirit of inquiry and willingness to repent if called upon by the Spirit to do so.

You are substituting your philosophy for the clear language of the Constitution.[

Boss: Concession duly noted.

Jake: Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

That takes a big heart.

Hillary, Trump, and War with Russia: The Goddamdest Stupid Idea I Have Ever Heard, and I Have Lived in Washington


A good reason to vote for Trump, a very good reason whatever his other intentions, is that he does not want a war with Russia. Hillary and her elite ventriloquists threaten just that. Note the anti-Russian hysteria coming from her and her remoras.

This one excerpt can sum up that whole article and crisis >> “The military has become entirely the plaything of unaccountable elites.”

Sadly, the majority of the nation will not comprehend or agree. They will argue Trump with his ego and bravado would be more impetuous or reckless than Hillary would be in major military confrontations. Not even.

I believe Hillary would be more easily frightened by the magnitude of it all, and very vulnerable to being backed into a corner by all those powerful players this article mentioned into doing what they are insisting is the only option for America and for her as president. She may be an angry and dictatorial woman at times, but I do not find her very smart, brave or impressive at all. She is a scary reality.

Unfortunately Bill Clinton will act as another Dick Cheney , manipulating Hillary behind the scenes.

Remember Kosovo.

The biggest mistake conservatism ever made was getting cozy with the religious right. Secularism is the only morally acceptable solution for a free society.

Oh, it’s pretty secular already. There is not much we can do to stop secular interests from pushing on whatever is their latest concern. You haven’t noticed the change in the wind since the 70s? It’s now a gale for hedonism and self, your morally acceptable free society. A pretty depressed and frightened one too, I might add.

But I think you are right, there was no need for the republicans to go big on catering to any Christian conservative demand or policy --- we have nowhere else to go.

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