Simple fact about Afghanistan.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
Do you think Trump would leave the Taliban the 2nd most sophisticated militaty equipment in history

My God the defense mechanisms you libturds have

Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
Biden is the worst President in US history. We were freer and less fucked when we lived under King George
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do
No one would think it were a success if Trump did this in this way...we all wanted out but not if it would mean we would lose the war and get who knows how many good Afghans killed before and after we left...and especially if 13 marines died...I'm the biggest MAGA guy here and that would have caused me to dump Trump in a heartbeat....Biden fucked up huge...if he had any integrity at all he would resign and give the keys to Kamala....
Yeah. It’s not working. It’s just makes them look like the morons they are.

I already knew they were morons. Why do they have to keep proving it to me over, and over, and over?

Maybe they keep running back to their MSNBC and Huffington Post for new talking points, thinking they'll wow everyone with the latest spin on what a great job Joe is doing.

But they keep making themselves look stupider and stupider, as Joe fucks up more and more. You'd think they'd wise up by now.
Who feeds you this hilariously delusional nonsense, and why do you fall for it?

(Okay, we know why you fall for it. You're remarkably stupid.)
OMG. You people are unreal. If I would have listened to you I'd have punched a time card for a miserable existence

I feel so sorry for you slaves. My God
I already knew they were morons.
Because your cult told you so!

What else did the cult tell you, little fruitloop? Come on, spill. After all, it's not like a brainwashed psycho like you can think independently. Posting dumb pictures is all you've ever been capable of.

Are you proud of what your butthurt has turned you into?
OMG. You people are unreal.
Says the cult kook loser who thinks some rifles and grenade launchers and humvees are "The 2nd most sophisticated military equipment in history."

Just admit it. Like the other Trump cult beta-pervs here, you get an actual sexual thrill from being terrified into wetting yourself. That's why you allow yourself to fall for such stupid things.

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