Simone Bails


Do you see me claiming no on has claimed Biles was injured?
Turns out Biles confirms she wasn't injured.
Try again, you illiterate douche.

"It's EXACTLY that. When we start viewing mental health problems like physical injuries fewer of these athletes (and everybody else) will stop suffering, and just maybe fewer regular folks out there will push shit down in shame until it busts out in a horrible tragedy."
Add in that Osaka cried about pressures and the media, yet willingly speaks to Japanese media that pay her for interviews. Looks like money makes her feel better. ....
Did you ever consider that the Japanese media isn't in full attack mode all the time, every time like the press in the US and many other places, dumbass?
Few things people seem to not get people who do gymnastics start at a very young age and while 24 is still very young life wise for a gymnasist you are near the end of the line and years of doing that take a toll on your body ask yourself when was the last time you saw someone 30 or older doing that stuff. I believe she went there with full intent to compete and win but reality hit her and she knew she couldn't do it and steped down. There is an old but true saying in sports the spirit is willing but the body is not.
Few things people seem to not get people who do gymnastics start at a very young age and while 24 is still very young life wise for a gymnasist you are near the end of the line and years of doing that take a toll on your body ask yourself when was the last time you saw someone 30 or older doing that stuff. I believe she went there with full intent to compete and win but reality hit her and she knew she couldn't do it and steped down. There is an old but true saying in sports the spirit is willing but the body is not.

Spin it any way you want.

She let her team down.

None of us will ever know that pressure.
Was she constitutionally incapable of ignoring the trash-talkers? I'm not trying to be snarky. Think about the discipline and hard work she did to get where she is and then think about her CHOOSING to allow the haters into her head at exactly the worst possible time. I'm 60 and I can't remember any other Olympian from the U.S. QUITTING once they made it to the pinnacle like this. Can you?

That is what her legacy will be. It's a damned shame, IMO.
She is not a kid. She is 24 years old, she has 30 gold medals.
I find this stunning and beyond forgivability on the surface. She was their leader, the best of the best of the best in history.
For her to quit one day before it is over is simply unbelievable.

Once a quitter, always a quitter.

Someone once told me no matter how good you are at something, if you quit that's all you will be known as, a quitter.
She'll now be remembered as the girl who cost the American women's gymnastic team the gold medal in Tokyo.

Truly unfortunate, it looks like she let social media get the best of her.

The Boston Globe

Simone Biles cites mental strain for Olympic team final withdrawal: ‘I just never felt like this’​

Show us that the U.S. would have 100% won with her on the team. I'll wait.
Did you ever consider that the Japanese media isn't in full attack mode all the time, every time like the press in the US and many other places, dumbass?
Please. The media fawns over Osaka and have ever since she beat Serena at the U.S. Open. Steffi Graf, Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert, Billie Jean King, and a slew of others got more attention than Osaka and never complained.
That's the sport. If she has mental issues than maybe it's time to hang them up and let a new breed right to the occasion.

Sports is pressure. If you can't do it, fine, bow out. How can she be trusted going forward? There are alot of peoples lives who are impacted when you don't have the top talent in place. Just look at Canada economy for example...

Do it or don't. Criticism will follow, but it's not malicious for the most part. It's basically stating, "if you can't do it, you can't do it. Let's stop the narrative and fill her spot next time".

She has the right to leave if she can't handle it. Comparitivelty speaking though, this isn't pressure. Being a single mother who has been evicted is pressure. Being in a war and shot at from God knows where is pressure. Trying to make ends meet month to month is pressure.

Life is pressure. Without judging her, I'm sure her teammates and coaches wishes she would have dealt with this before the Olympics, not during...

It is this. Perhaps not in her case particularly, but it certainly would be a prime "suspect".

Everyone her age has a therapist, and everyone talks about "my anxiety" and "my depression". Mental issues is an easy reason not to do a variety of things. On Twitter she's being fiercely defended for this, because all the young liberal-leaning do it too.

ETA: this is NOT to say that real mental illness does not exist. It does. But young people mistake stress for anxiety all the time. And just the knocks of daily living for stuff they can't deal with. In my experience. Not all, but entirely too many.

Of course, we did this to them. See: helicopter parenting.
They had a privilege to step up and didn't, what is there to boo about.
There is nothing wrong with choking. It is being paid massive amounts of money for being uplifted by political agendas that is the culprit. Being told that a person is head and shoulders so much greater then anyone else in the sport she is in should be a no brainer for winning everything. We live in a nation now where we put the cart before the horse. She was not an amateur anymore. She was a Progressive Socialist promoted goddess for the totalitarian state in transition. Behind the scenes this bothers the elites.
And let the virtue signaling begin!!!!!!!!!!


Like I said yesterday Simone will make a great source for virtue signaling! And sure enough... social media is on fire with "Leave Simone alone!!" Racist!! She had the world on her shoulders!!


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