Similarities between battered women and Black Democrat voters.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Women often stay in abusive relationships out of fear and an irrational belief that their batterer will change. These poor women take repeated beatings but keep coming back and give their abusers "One more chance". Ever since LBJ ushered in government control of Black people under the guise of "The Great Society" Black voters have voted nearly 90% Democrat. It was and is one of the most diabolically successful political strategies in American history.

Just like an abusive husband, it offers a false sense of security and uses fear to stay in control. It has worked for over half a century. However there are signs that this new generation of Black people may not be so easy whip into line, but we won't know until November.
But but next time they won't let us down...they said it will never happen again....gee my black eye hurts....
Women often stay in abusive relationships out of fear and an irrational belief that their batterer will change. These poor women take repeated beatings but keep coming back and give their abusers "One more chance". Ever since LBJ ushered in government control of Black people under the guise of "The Great Society" Black voters have voted nearly 90% Democrat. It was and is one of the most diabolically successful political strategies in American history.

Just like an abusive husband, it offers a false sense of security and uses fear to stay in control. It has worked for over half a century. However there are signs that this new generation of Black people may not be so easy whip into line, but we won't know until November.
The blacks voted for FDR also...If the whites let them...
Women often stay in abusive relationships out of fear and an irrational belief that their batterer will change. These poor women take repeated beatings but keep coming back and give their abusers "One more chance". Ever since LBJ ushered in government control of Black people under the guise of "The Great Society" Black voters have voted nearly 90% Democrat. It was and is one of the most diabolically successful political strategies in American history.

Just like an abusive husband, it offers a false sense of security and uses fear to stay in control. It has worked for over half a century. However there are signs that this new generation of Black people may not be so easy whip into line, but we won't know until November.
The Republican party has never done anything for blacks since Abraham Lincoln, and blacks know that.
The difference between black Democrats and battered women is that black Democrats weren't asking for it. :eusa_shifty:

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