Silence at Times Square as ultrasound shows 4D baby in utero

Such as?

Psst..there are no serious health conditions that can be fixed by killing the baby.
There are very rare reasons that a mother's life is threatened by childbirth.

Being pro life I accept those exception.

The other 99% of children should live.
Child birth. So tell me which of those conditions requires the execution of the child.
Child birth. So tell me which of those conditions requires the execution of the child.
There are several medical conditions a woman can have that would make pregnancy deadly to her. You should know that.

Typically these women are sterilized to prevent pregnancy, but not always.

My friend had a severe heart defect but opted to bring her beautiful child to birth knowing she had a high risk of death, along with her child. She lived but is on a list for a heart transplant. The child is not without defect but healthy and happy.

These things are not common but happen.
Such as?

Psst..there are no serious health conditions that can be fixed by killing the baby.
There are very rare reasons that a mother's life is threatened by childbirth.

Being pro life I accept those exception.

The other 99% of children should live.
Child birth. So tell me which of those conditions requires the execution of the child.

An ectopic pregnancy comes to mind. Maybe in the future we'll have the technology to correct it but for now, so far as I know, we don't - and allowing one to continue would critically endanger the mother.
Such as?

Psst..there are no serious health conditions that can be fixed by killing the baby.
There are very rare reasons that a mother's life is threatened by childbirth.

Being pro life I accept those exception.

The other 99% of children should live.
Child birth. So tell me which of those conditions requires the execution of the child.

An ectopic pregnancy comes to mind. Maybe in the future we'll have the technology to correct it but for now, so far as I know, we don't - and allowing one to continue would critically endanger the mother.
among many other conditions
Such as?

Psst..there are no serious health conditions that can be fixed by killing the baby.
There are very rare reasons that a mother's life is threatened by childbirth.

Being pro life I accept those exception.

The other 99% of children should live.
Child birth. So tell me which of those conditions requires the execution of the child.

My bad, further review of the conversation shows you were referring to 3rd trimester pregnancies. I can't say I'm aware of any medical conditions that would necessitate an abortion that late. I do recall a twitter post that recently went viral by an OBGYN of some sort that said there are medical conditions that would require delivering the child early (generally by C-section) but none that required termination.
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.
^ walks around with posters of bloody fetus parts, calls others anti-social

^most moronic attack against pro-lifers.

You’re the ones that defends chopping up fetuses.
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.
^ walks around with posters of bloody fetus parts, calls others anti-social

^most moronic attack against pro-lifers.

You’re the ones that defends chopping up fetuses.

The female that had the ultrasound had 2 abortions. Now she has a ministry and targets abortion clinics with prayer warriors to make workers and woman feel guilty for working there and women guilty for possibly getting an abortion. So it was ok for her, but not others to decide to get an abortion?
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.
^ walks around with posters of bloody fetus parts, calls others anti-social
Remembering the crazy "pro-lifer" group that would park in front of elementary schools here with big color posters of alleged abortions for all the elementary school kids to see when they left school in the afternoon.

No bitch, we has an ice cream truck, wtf? :eek:
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.
^ walks around with posters of bloody fetus parts, calls others anti-social

^most moronic attack against pro-lifers.

You’re the ones that defends chopping up fetuses.

The female that had the ultrasound had 2 abortions. Now she has a ministry and targets abortion clinics with prayer warriors to make workers and woman feel guilty for working there and women guilty for possibly getting an abortion. So it was ok for her, but not others to decide to get an abortion?

She regrets it so much, she's devoted to be against it now, dumbshit.

What's the take on abortion in Russia?
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.

If women who have had a prior abortion end up being some of the most anti-abortion, what does that tell you?

It tells me she doesn't want freedom for other women and what about the males? what does that tell you?

It also tells me there is more money in writing books and ministry.

You're not the most perceptive person, huh? What about Russia's stance on abortion?
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.

If women who have had a prior abortion end up being some of the most anti-abortion, what does that tell you?

It tells me she doesn't want freedom for other women and what about the males? what does that tell you?

It also tells me there is more money in writing books and ministry.

You're not the most perceptive person, huh? What about Russia's stance on abortion?

The CDC reported an increase in the maternal mortality ratio in the United States from 18.8 deaths per 100,000 births to 23.8 deaths per 100,000 births between 2000 and 2014, a 26.6% increase; It is estimated that 20-50% of these deaths are due to preventable causes, such as: hemorrhage, severe high blood pressure, and ...
Maternal mortality in the United States - Wikipedia


I don't know what russia's is but in Israel the state pays for abotions and pretty much anyone can get one. I know Ingraham adopted 2 boys from russia.

I was curious so I found it:

Maybe it’s the old Communist in him, maybe he’s always been a closet feminist, or maybe it’s because he just doesn’t want to annoy half of the country’s voters four months before he runs for re-election. Whatever the reason, Russian President Vladimir Putin finally came out as pro-choice on Thursday.

“In the modern world, the decision is up to the woman herself,” Russia’s president said in his annual marathon press conference on Wednesday, which ran to just shy of four hours. Any attempt to suppress it, he added, would only push the practice underground, causing immense damage to women’s health.
Guess What? Vladimir Putin Is a Pro-Choice Champion
Last edited:
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.

If women who have had a prior abortion end up being some of the most anti-abortion, what does that tell you?

It tells me she doesn't want freedom for other women and what about the males? what does that tell you?

It also tells me there is more money in writing books and ministry.

You're not the most perceptive person, huh? What about Russia's stance on abortion?

The CDC reported an increase in the maternal mortality ratio in the United States from 18.8 deaths per 100,000 births to 23.8 deaths per 100,000 births between 2000 and 2014, a 26.6% increase; It is estimated that 20-50% of these deaths are due to preventable causes, such as: hemorrhage, severe high blood pressure, and ...
Maternal mortality in the United States - Wikipedia


I don't know what russia's is but in Israel the state pays for abotions and pretty much anyone can get one. I know Ingraham adopted 2 boys from russia.

Meaningless stats and the next part doesn't concern me, because I'm from the US.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
That’s why the baby murderers don’t want women to have an ultrasound prior to an abortion.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.

If women who have had a prior abortion end up being some of the most anti-abortion, what does that tell you?

It tells me she doesn't want freedom for other women and what about the males? what does that tell you?

It also tells me there is more money in writing books and ministry.

You're not the most perceptive person, huh? What about Russia's stance on abortion?

The CDC reported an increase in the maternal mortality ratio in the United States from 18.8 deaths per 100,000 births to 23.8 deaths per 100,000 births between 2000 and 2014, a 26.6% increase; It is estimated that 20-50% of these deaths are due to preventable causes, such as: hemorrhage, severe high blood pressure, and ...
Maternal mortality in the United States - Wikipedia


I don't know what russia's is but in Israel the state pays for abotions and pretty much anyone can get one. I know Ingraham adopted 2 boys from russia.

Meaningless stats and the next part doesn't concern me, because I'm from the US.

What the hell did you ask for?? Next time you ask anything, I will say look it up for yourself.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
That’s why the baby murderers don’t want women to have an ultrasound prior to an abortion.

Why would a woman have an ultrasound if she has decided to have an abortion? So politicians can stick something up her vagina?

BTW: this looks to be an eight-to-nine-month pregnancy. This is not two or three months. That's impossible.

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