Silence at Times Square as ultrasound shows 4D baby in utero

Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
Don't sugar-coat it, call those baby killers what they really are: mothers.
They are mothers, but they are also vulnerable, exploited, and abused by the real monsters...the people who fund and run the abortion abattoirs.

The #1 cause of death for pregnant women is MURDER. Women get abortions because they are told to, and because they are vulnerable and afraid, they do it.
You don't get much more Far Leftist Radical than NYC. I'm sure many were aghast at human life in the womb, because it shows them they are murderers. However, Times Square get a lot of tourists, so hopefully there were some that thought it was cool.
It takes extreme re-education for someone to think killing the baby is cool
Lol get a hold of yourself, nutjob
Yeah.. Human Rights is so nutty.
You cheer your President as he covers up murders to keep selling weapons to militaries that are killing babies. Then you falsely claim people you disagree with think killing babies is cool. So I ask myself, why am I engaging a total nutjob? can always identify the board members who never quite connected the dots correctly in college classes. Moral equivalence that makes as much sense as ketchup on a big pretzel. Knee jerk rote responses are Jimmy Carter who based his foreign policy on human rights but crashed and burned in spectacular fashion. Or Soetero who funded the Iranian military with taxpayer $.

Zero correlation to the OP''s topic.:cul2::cul2::deal:
Gotcha you go on supporting war for profit and I’ll support women’s rights. If people think you’re crazy for walking around with posters of fetus appendages don’t blame me.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
Don't sugar-coat it, call those baby killers what they really are: mothers.
They are mothers, but they are also vulnerable, exploited, and abused by the real monsters...the people who fund and run the abortion abattoirs.

The #1 cause of death for pregnant women is MURDER. Women get abortions because they are told to, and because they are vulnerable and afraid, they do it.
Research shows women are not necessarily more likely to experience violence at the hands of an intimate partner during pregnancy; most pregnant women who experience violence have been abused before. But violence against pregnant women is more likely to be frequent and severe in nature.

These terrible stats make a good case for more help for abused women in general and abused pregnant women in particular, something everyone should be in favor of. It might also make abortions more rare, something everyone should be in favor of.
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.

Dude, time to move on from the Dark Ages.
All death cultists think they're *progressive* and *modern*...*evolved* and *civilized*.

The spartans..who threw their 8 year old children into the wilderness to sink or swim...also left children out in the cold, if they were deformed, unwanted, or otherwise undesirable.

The point being, your understanding of what is primitive, and what is evolved, is skewed.

The next time you get into an abortion debate, and thank you for the OP by the way, inform all of these so-called "liberated" feminist baby-killers about who exactly "saved" them from the oppressive male hierarchy by pushing abortion onto post-Enlightenment Era societies and women in particular. The unknown "hero" of the pro-death movement of Western Civilization is none other than Le Marquis de Sade. Research de Sade if you get the chance. You'll find uncanny similarities to his rotten core beliefs in the ideology of the modern American Left. De Sade philosophized abortion as a means of population control. Myself? I just find it ironic that most militant feminists and their male ideologues have no clue that when they march for or have abortions in the name of feminist freedom, what they're really doing is allowing the fervor and perversion of a long dead French MAN to control their bodies. So much for their vaunted, hallowed self-empowerment.
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.

Dude, time to move on from the Dark Ages.
All death cultists think they're *progressive* and *modern*...*evolved* and *civilized*.

The spartans..who threw their 8 year old children into the wilderness to sink or swim...also left children out in the cold, if they were deformed, unwanted, or otherwise undesirable.

The point being, your understanding of what is primitive, and what is evolved, is skewed.

The next time you get into an abortion debate, and thank you for the OP by the way, inform all of these so-called "liberated" feminist baby-killers about who exactly "saved" them from the oppressive male hierarchy by pushing abortion onto post-Enlightenment Era societies and women in particular. The unknown "hero" of the pro-death movement of Western Civilization is none other than Le Marquis de Sade. Research de Sade if you get the chance. You'll find uncanny similarities to his rotten core beliefs in the ideology of the modern American Left. De Sade philosophized abortion as a means of population control. Myself? I just find it ironic that most militant feminists and their male ideologues have no clue that when they march for or have abortions in the name of feminist freedom, what they're really doing is allowing the fervor and perversion of a long dead French MAN to control their bodies. So much for their vaunted, hallowed self-empowerment.
Al salam alaykum?
Uhhh, she was aPlanned Parenthood director...
Near the end of Alive From New York - a pro-life event held in New York City May 4, 2019 - a Live ultrasound was performed to reveal a third-trimester baby. The mother of the baby shown in the Live ultrasound is Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

Before the Live ultrasound, a video explaining how and why the picture appears a certain way plays.

Please share this video, and videos like it, with everyone you know.
who is Abby Johnson.
Johnson revealed in January 2011 that she had had two abortions herself before the birth of her daughter.[6] She lives in Texas with her husband Doug[2] and seven children.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.
Near the end of Alive From New York - a pro-life event held in New York City May 4, 2019 - a Live ultrasound was performed to reveal a third-trimester baby. The mother of the baby shown in the Live ultrasound is Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

Before the Live ultrasound, a video explaining how and why the picture appears a certain way plays.

Please share this video, and videos like it, with everyone you know.
who is Abby Johnson.
Johnson revealed in January 2011 that she had had two abortions herself before the birth of her daughter.[6] She lives in Texas with her husband Doug[2] and seven children.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.
She became pro-lfe after she witnessed a baby trying to get away from the tool that was going to kill it. Maybe you should witness that, nevermind you might like that.

That has been debunked on her wiki page. She was also outed as someone who got 2 abortions so she had to admit it. PS: I never had an abortion but I understand why some women do, but 2, I guess she thought it was just a from of birth control.
And she regrets it.

So she says. She is Ceo of a business now, non profit mind you, kind of like a ministry, wrote books and has a movie. I am leery of people that find God, as most of them lose him as quick as they find him.
Well I can't argue with some of what you said, some people use God for the wrong reasons. I hope she isn't.
If NAMBLA sucked off Trump in the Middle of 5th Avenue he’d still have your vote
if that happened he'd be a Democrat and he'd get your vote.

You wouldn't even need Mayor Pete BootyCrack to make you feel good about yourself.
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If NAMBLA sucked off Trump in the Middle of 5th Avenue he’d still have your vote
if that happened he'd be a Democrat and he'd get your vote.
He was a Democrat for decades and nobody took him seriously because he’s a moron. He switched to republican and is worshipped now. You’d vote for him and his NAMBLA bj sessions if he demanded it of you.
He was a Democrat for decades and nobody took him seriously because he’s a moron. He switched to republican and is worshipped now. You’d vote for him and his NAMBLA bj sessions if he demanded it of you.
You seem to be supressing feelings.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
Third trimester abortions are basically not legal unless there are serious health issues.
They should build temples and roll the dead baby bodies down the steps to bring rain.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
Third trimester abortions are basically not legal unless there are serious health issues.

Such as?

Psst..there are no serious health conditions that can be fixed by killing the baby.
The way it usually works in the chop houses in oregon is they ask the women in the final trimester if they feel their well being is at risk if they don't kill the baby.

They say yes, and that's the *medical reason*.

In reality, there is no medical condition that requires the murder of the unborn to *cure*. It's just a lie. A lie that leftists feed to desperate, ignorant, terrified women so they will continue to risk their own lives and kill their that leftists can harvest the baby parts and get lots of money for them.
Such as?

Psst..there are no serious health conditions that can be fixed by killing the baby.
There are very rare reasons that a mother's life is threatened by childbirth.

Being pro life I accept those exception.

The other 99% of children should live.

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