Should we blacks celebrate 4th of July? Not this escaped slave!

All I see is frustrated people coming up with strawmen arguments borne out of their anger at the fact that they cannot give any reasons why blacks should celebrate the Independence of American whites from the British Crown at a time when the ancestors of blacks were still slaves and at a time when even free blacks didn't enjoy the same rights as free whites . This frustration is making me laugh.

I haven't read the thread, but the obvious answer is:

Because they're Americans.

If you don't consider yourself an American, get the hell out.

Like I said. I'm black first, American second.
Then you utterly fail to understand America.
P.S. I don't have to go anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. If you don't like my freedom on non-expression you are free to leave.
I love your freedom. You utterly fail to understand that, too.

Food for thought:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ad Council - I Am An American‬‏[/ame]
I haven't read the thread, but the obvious answer is:

Because they're Americans.

If you don't consider yourself an American, get the hell out.

Like I said. I'm black first, American second.
Then you utterly fail to understand America.
P.S. I don't have to go anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. If you don't like my freedom on non-expression you are free to leave.
I love your freedom. You utterly fail to understand that, too.

Food for thought:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ad Council - I Am An American‬‏[/ame]

I understand it perfectly. I spent 20 years of my life defending Americans rights to love or hate America and that's something you utterly fail to understand.
A lot of what is American was created by blacks and that is what I celebrate, and I have served in the AF so I don't need to show my loyalty to this country by celebrating some damn holiday that's meaningless to my people when viewed in the context of my ancestors history. Basically, I don't need to celebrate the independence of American whites from the British Drown to show loyalty to America since the fourth of July wasn't about the independence of all Americans as we know it today.
Like I said. I'm black first, American second.
Then you utterly fail to understand America.
P.S. I don't have to go anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. If you don't like my freedom on non-expression you are free to leave.
I love your freedom. You utterly fail to understand that, too.

Food for thought:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ad Council - I Am An American‬‏[/ame]

I understand it perfectly. I spent 20 years of my life defending Americans rights to love or hate America and that's something you utterly fail to understand.
Wrong. I did the same thing.

If you consider yourself black first, then American, I have to wonder where your loyalties lie.
Still no reasons given, this frustration is growing, maybe it has something to do with the fact that admitting that blacks have no reasons to celebrate 4th of July makes whites feel guilty about their ancestors so calling blacks who don't celebrate it ungrateful and angry at the past is their way of projecting that guilt.

I don't feel guilty for sh*t.
If you don't want to celebrate the 4th -- then don't.
Perhaps it is your own guilt feelings as to why you are not proud to be a member of this great country, perhaps you do nothing to justify your existence in it. Perhaps due to your own misguided poor judgements that your life is not what you expected and want to blame everyone but yourself for your troubles.
Perhaps you are angry that you have to make your own way to get what you want, that no one is going to give it to you simply because you want it - or some misguided belief that you deserve it.
Grow up. Count your blessings, if you don't have many to be thankful for - then go out and create things to be thankful for.

From my earlier post:

I find it funny that any time a black person makes a statement viewed as pro-black we are assumed to be non successful in our personal/professional lives. Isn't that a stereotype?

What he is saying is anything but "pro-black".
It is a shame that you see it that way for you appear to be much more intelligent that Bass.
He wants to talk about what people did a couple centuries ago and make that what America is forever. That is both foolish and contradictory to the success of your race.
All of those people who walked the streets, refused to have their rights limited, fought for your RIGHT to be an equal American - DID NOT do this so their offspring would consider themselves "black first - American second".
That is absurd.
Do whites feel they need to celebrate MLK's birthday to show their loyalty in the fight against racial discrimination against blacks? If they don't they must support racism, sounds really retarded doesn't it? If you think the above sounds dumb, you must agree that it sounds equally to dumb to say that blacks who don't celebrate 4th of July are somehow acting un-American and non-patriotic. Of course whites are assume to be patriotic and loyal, but not blacks.
Do whites feel they need to celebrate MLK's birthday to show their loyalty in the fight against racial discrimination against blacks? If they don't they must support racism, sounds really retarded doesn't it? If you think the above sounds dumb, you must agree that it sounds equally to dumb to say that blacks who don't celebrate 4th of July are somehow acting un-American and non-patriotic. Of course whites are assume to be patriotic and loyal, but not blacks.

So you're saying Dr. King's dream of being judged by character instead of color is bullshit.
Because they're Americans.

The fallacy of the monolithic black.
Wrong. Americans should consider themselves Americans first., regardless of any other identity.
Otherwise, the Fourth marks the beginning of a process that is far from complete.
Sure, if you subscribe to identity politics.

If Americans considered themselves and other Americans to be Americans first there would be no discrimination and racism.
Do whites feel they need to celebrate MLK's birthday to show their loyalty in the fight against racial discrimination against blacks? If they don't they must support racism, sounds really retarded doesn't it? If you think the above sounds dumb, you must agree that it sounds equally to dumb to say that blacks who don't celebrate 4th of July are somehow acting un-American and non-patriotic. Of course whites are assume to be patriotic and loyal, but not blacks.

So you're saying Dr. King's dream of being judged by character instead of color is bullshit.

I'm calling you a retard for intentionally distorting my post and the DR King that paraded around on his birthday is a repackaged and commercialized DR. King where only one quote out the many quotes he made is carefully selected by whites.
Still no answer to post #143 from Bass.
never expected it.

Your question was answered in my other posts, I don't need to celebrate the independence of American whites from the British Crown to show loyalty to my country. The only reason why whites require blacks to show loyalty to the country is because of the legacy of how whites treated blacks and find it hard to believe that anyone who has been through what we have been through would be loyal, despite the abundance of evidence that shows that blacks have been just as loyal to this country, if not more, than whites.
The fallacy of the monolithic black.
Wrong. Americans should consider themselves Americans first., regardless of any other identity.
Otherwise, the Fourth marks the beginning of a process that is far from complete.
Sure, if you subscribe to identity politics.

If Americans considered themselves and other Americans to be Americans first there would be no discrimination and racism.
True enough. So why do you want to perpetuate it?
Do whites feel they need to celebrate MLK's birthday to show their loyalty in the fight against racial discrimination against blacks? If they don't they must support racism, sounds really retarded doesn't it? If you think the above sounds dumb, you must agree that it sounds equally to dumb to say that blacks who don't celebrate 4th of July are somehow acting un-American and non-patriotic. Of course whites are assume to be patriotic and loyal, but not blacks.

So you're saying Dr. King's dream of being judged by character instead of color is bullshit.

I'm calling you a retard for intentionally distorting my post and the DR King that paraded around on his birthday is a repackaged and commercialized DR. King where only one quote out the many quotes he made is carefully selected by whites.
All you're doing is admitting I'm right. You consider skin color above everything else. Even your own.
Still no answer to post #143 from Bass.
never expected it.

Your question was answered in my other posts, I don't need to celebrate the independence of American whites from the British Crown to show loyalty to my country. The only reason why whites require blacks to show loyalty to the country is because of the legacy of how whites treated blacks and find it hard to believe that anyone who has been through what we have been through would be loyal, despite the abundance of evidence that shows that blacks have been just as loyal to this country, if not more, than whites.

As pointed out to you the 4th of July is larger than your narrow view of it.
No one is celebrating independence from Britain any more...and you know this to be true.
Like I said. I'm black first, American second.

P.S. I don't have to go anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. If you don't like my freedom on non-expression you are free to leave.

I don't know what that means "black first - American second"
Why do you feel they need to be separated?
You are an American whose race happens to be black. One doesn't impede the other.

If I "denounced" my citizenship and moved to Kenya, would I be an ex-American? Would I be an ex-black?

That makes no sense.
I don't know what that means "black first - American second"
Why do you feel they need to be separated?
You are an American whose race happens to be black. One doesn't impede the other.

If I "denounced" my citizenship and moved to Kenya, would I be an ex-American? Would I be an ex-black?

That makes no sense.

Moron, if he left America and moved to Kenya or any other country he wouldn't cease to be black, is that hard to realize?

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