Should we be worried that our ISP tech guys may be Jihadis?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Should we be worried that our ISP tech guys may be Jihadis?

I sometimes wonder if Muslims might be monitoring, and collecting my 'flagged' communications in a file somewhere to be used if the SHTF and there is a series of Jihadist terror attacks on outspoken opponents of Islamic conquest.
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I dunno, this just looks like a lotta work to me...
Should we be worried that our ISP tech guys may be Jihadis?

I sometimes wonder if Muslims might be monitoring, and collecting my 'flagged' communications in a file somewhere to be used if the SHTF and there is a series of Jihadist terror attacks on outspoken opponents of Islamic conquest.

In the cases of racist paranoids...Ya, I'd worry. :)
Should we be worried that our ISP tech guys may be Jihadis?

I sometimes wonder if Muslims might be monitoring, and collecting my 'flagged' communications in a file somewhere to be used if the SHTF and there is a series of Jihadist terror attacks on outspoken opponents of Islamic conquest.

In the cases of racist paranoids...Ya, I'd worry. :)

I reject your silly assumption that Muslims are of only one race. There are Muslims of every race. I do not hate them. I hate what they are instructed to do by their holy book. (or plural, I don't know).

It is not bigotry.

It is seeing a possible threat clearly so we might protect ourselves from it once it becomes a problem.

Nor is it paranoia when, after seeing them declare their intent, which is the exact same as all the other Islamic terrorists intentions. To bring America down and kill Americans to cause us to be terrorized as their holy book(s) instruct them to do.

When you read the instructions...and you have thousands of examples of Muslims doing just that in the news on TV, online or on 9/11...and they declare in recent beheading videos what their intent is as they kill Americans before your eyes.

And you read the landmark work by Dr. Peter Hammond that says after a free society exceeds 2% of Muslims the outward symptoms of Jihad and the uniquely toxic Muslim by products begin to show up.

And after all of that you REALLY think the American people are so stupid as to be cowed by your inaccurate assertions of bigotry and paranoia??


It is self preservation.

And if you think there is something wrong with self preservation that is the silliest argument there could be.

We may intentionally look the other way but you foreigners (like a Marvin the Martian wannabe) have another think comin if you think we will stay stuck on stupid indefinitely. Liberals are recognizing the truth in the hundreds of thousands every week.

The maximum concentrations of Muslims we can afford in America is 2%.

After that they become more of a problem to a free society than an asset or credit or even merely an innocuous presence.

Try again, Weirdo.
Dear Reader, you'll notice the typical method of dealing with an inconvenient truth.

They deflect and distract.

No one has addressed the larger implication that there ARE Jihadists in technically sensitive jobs which would afford them the ability to hack accounts and ID's and surveil us for information to use to blackmail us with and, most crucially, to help disrupt communications in a national or even a local emergency.

That is their typical way of responding to incriminating disclosures in forums such as this.
What is paranoid about suspecting the worst from Islamic extremists. They have recently cut the heads off Americans and Englishmen and made videos of it. There are currently men in custody in England for plotting to cut the heads off British citizens in England. I for one have had death threats from Muslims on another uncensored forum. I do not want to be identified by computer savy Muslims for this reason.
Should we be worried that our ISP tech guys may be Jihadis?

I sometimes wonder if Muslims might be monitoring, and collecting my 'flagged' communications in a file somewhere to be used if the SHTF and there is a series of Jihadist terror attacks on outspoken opponents of Islamic conquest.

YIKES! That possibility had never crossed my mind before. The IT techs from India I have used, could actually be anything. One never knows for sure with them. They call me infrequently to see if I need anything. I always wonder what they planted in my computer when I let them go in remotely once, on my new PC and about 3 times on my previous one. I think I'll stick with my local IT favorite even though he didn't catch the virus on this one, and the India boys, did.

Thanks for the question Mojo2. It has made me think more judiciously and suspiciously, as these days, that is a smart thing to be doing.
Dear Reader, you'll notice the typical method of dealing with an inconvenient truth.

They deflect and distract.

No one has addressed the larger implication that there ARE Jihadists in technically sensitive jobs which would afford them the ability to hack accounts and ID's and surveil us for information to use to blackmail us with and, most crucially, to help disrupt communications in a national or even a local emergency.

That is their typical way of responding to incriminating disclosures in forums such as this.

You deserve a more thoughtful response. So I tried to find a Google image of a strawman dressed as a "Jihadi". No luck yet though.
Dear Reader, you'll notice the typical method of dealing with an inconvenient truth.

They deflect and distract.

No one has addressed the larger implication that there ARE Jihadists in technically sensitive jobs which would afford them the ability to hack accounts and ID's and surveil us for information to use to blackmail us with and, most crucially, to help disrupt communications in a national or even a local emergency.

That is their typical way of responding to incriminating disclosures in forums such as this.

You deserve a more thoughtful response. So I tried to find a Google image of a strawman dressed as a "Jihadi". No luck yet though.

Call your ISP and ask the boys there to send you a selfie.

Then use your best powers of discernment to make sense of what you see.

That's all I ask.
Should we be worried that our ISP tech guys may be Jihadis?

I sometimes wonder if Muslims might be monitoring, and collecting my 'flagged' communications in a file somewhere to be used if the SHTF and there is a series of Jihadist terror attacks on outspoken opponents of Islamic conquest.

YIKES! That possibility had never crossed my mind before. The IT techs from India I have used, could actually be anything. One never knows for sure with them. They call me infrequently to see if I need anything. I always wonder what they planted in my computer when I let them go in remotely once, on my new PC and about 3 times on my previous one. I think I'll stick with my local IT favorite even though he didn't catch the virus on this one, and the India boys, did.

Thanks for the question Mojo2. It has made me think more judiciously and suspiciously, as these days, that is a smart thing to be doing.

You are welcome.

When we talk about creeping Islam and Stealth Jihad this is just one of the real live possibilities of how we are allowing Jihadists to silently, invisibly position themselves in our every day lives and in the most critical places to negatively impact our infrastructure and etc. should SHTF so they will be better able to undermine this country.

Doesn't this accurately describe our situation today?

Well, how shocked are you to realize we have done little to address these conditions since this was published in 2005?

Fitzgerald: Islam for Infidels, Part One
Hugh Fitzgerald Jan 13, 2005 at 2:25pm Uncategorized

Here is Part One of “Islam for Infidels,” a new three-part series by Jihad Watch Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald. (Part 2 is here, the first section of Part 3 is here, and the rest of Part 3 is here.)

"...Never before in history has one civilization allowed large numbers of those who come from an alien, and immutably hostile situation, to settle deep within that first civilization’s borders.

Never before have the members of one civilization failed to investigate, and even willfully refused to investigate, or to listen to those who warn about, the consequences for all non-Muslims of the belief-system of Islam.

In history, the phenomenon of the Barbarians at the Gates is hardly new. Those barbarians lay siege; if they win, they enter in triumph. Should they lose, the advanced civilization survives.

But never before have the gates been opened, to an entering force that has not even been identified or understood.

Never before have the inhabitants of the by-now vulnerable city made efforts not to recognize, or realize, what they have done, and what they have undone.

That demographic intrusion shows no signs of diminishing. The systematic building of mosques and madrasas, paid for by Saudi Arabia, everywhere in the Western world, helps to make the conduct of Muslim life easier.

Western populations have been trained to make much of “celebrating diversity” and “promoting difference” and constructing, on a base of militant but unexamined pluralism, an edifice of legal rights and entitlements.

These rights, these entitlements, this militant pluralism are exploited by Muslims who do not believe in pluralism.

Nor do they accept the individual rights of conscience and free speech, the legal equality of men and women, and of religious and racial minorities, recognized, for example, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Their current claim to support pluralism is based on the need to protect, and increase the power of, the Muslim umma, or Community, within the West, until such time as that umma no longer needs to pretend to have any interest in Western pluralism and Western values."

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Dear Reader, you'll notice the typical method of dealing with an inconvenient truth.

They deflect and distract.

No one has addressed the larger implication that there ARE Jihadists in technically sensitive jobs which would afford them the ability to hack accounts and ID's and surveil us for information to use to blackmail us with and, most crucially, to help disrupt communications in a national or even a local emergency.

That is their typical way of responding to incriminating disclosures in forums such as this.

You deserve a more thoughtful response. So I tried to find a Google image of a strawman dressed as a "Jihadi". No luck yet though.

Call your ISP and ask the boys there to send you a selfie.

Then use your best powers of discernment to make sense of what you see.

That's all I ask.

They're girls actually. I've met them. Country girls (middleaged women) with thick Appalachian accents.
Think I should zip down there and smite them in the name of the Lord, yea verily?

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