Should Trump Have Withheld Military Aid to Ukraine ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I can’t believe people are still going with the Biden corruption angle when it was so thoroughly disproven in last weeks testimony.
Trump Schmump. why dont the failing new york times open up a fucking foreign bureau from moscow to kyiv and investigate the Bidens, if they really want the facts, after they find nothing on our great president!
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I can’t believe people are still going with the Biden corruption angle when it was so thoroughly disproven in last weeks testimony.

Wowzers. Define disproven. State department cronies with axes to grind saying so doesn't prove shit.
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I want to break down your 'alternative facts' with the actual facts

a) The President of the United States had already had the reports from U.S. military and the U.S. State Department regarding corruption. The standard was not 'no corruption' but that corruption had been reduced- and that didn't change when Trump abruptly released the funds. Remember the only thing that changed from the time that President Trump put a hold on the funds to the time he released them was 1) Congress found out about his secret withholding of the funds, 2) Trump found out someone had filed a whistleblower report that was going to end up in Congress and 3) Zelinsky had agreed to make a public announcement on CNN that Ukraine was investigating Trump's political rival.

Also remember- at no point has Trump asked Ukraine to investigate corruption in Ukraine- he asked Ukraine to investigate a) a conspiracy theory about Ukraine and the 2016 U.S. election, the mythical DNC server/Crowdstrike and Joe and Hunter Biden. All of those date back to 2016 or before and none of them have anything to do with the current state of Ukrainian corruption. Which the U.S. military and state department both certified as being improved.

b) There was no need for Trump to inquire about his political rival- because he has law enforcement to pursue actual investigations. As you know there is no evidence of any crimes by either Hunter or Joe Biden, but if there was, certainly the FBI would be the correct way to pursue it- not a secret call to a foreign leader pressuring him to make a public announcement of an inquiry into his political rival.

c) The Ukrainians have been dealing with corrupt regimes since the fall of the Soviet Union. The entire American aid program has always been contingent on Ukraine reducing the levels of corruption. That was one of the key missions of Yovanovich. The new President of Ukraine got elected in large part to fight corruption. By Trump calling him to ask him for a purely personal political favor in exchange for American aid just contradicts America's entire plan in Ukraine.

d) Obama didn't give just blankets. Once again you are just parroting what you hear from your Dear Leader and his Fox propaganda wing.

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Armored Humvees are not blankets.
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I can’t believe people are still going with the Biden corruption angle when it was so thoroughly disproven in last weeks testimony.

Wowzers. Define disproven. State department cronies with axes to grind saying so doesn't prove shit.

Well lets see.
There is no evidence of either Hunter Biden or Joe Biden committing any crime.

There is evidence of Trump having a secret phone call and secret inquiries to get Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation into his political rival.

I can’t believe people are still going with the Biden corruption angle when it was so thoroughly disproven in last weeks testimony.
It was proven when Biden allowed his threat to the Ukrainians to be videoed. It is is airhead Hunter and his big money job.
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I can’t believe people are still going with the Biden corruption angle when it was so thoroughly disproven in last weeks testimony.

Wowzers. Define disproven. State department cronies with axes to grind saying so doesn't prove shit.

Well lets see.
There is no evidence of either Hunter Biden or Joe Biden committing any crime.

There is evidence of Trump having a secret phone call and secret inquiries to get Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation into his political rival.


Lol, you sure hopped back off that disproven shit in a hurry. Nice thinkin.

Nothing yet has come out that you don't have to read into to come to the conclusions that you knuckleheads are coming to. "What he REALLY meant was. . ." or "the ACTUAL reason he told Biden not to go to the inauguration". If the democrats want to vote to impeach based on circumstance + suspicion and then watch that shit fizzle sadly when put up against the actual legal standards of a trial before the senate, I say more power to 'em. Show the American public just how far they're willing to go with this Trump derangement nonsense, maybe some of the worst shitheads will get shuffled out over it.

God damn it I miss when the left was sane.
Trump Schmump. why dont the failing new york times open up a fucking foreign bureau from moscow to kyiv and investigate the Bidens, if they really want the facts, after they find nothing on our great president!
The Bidens need not be investigated. There is nothing to investigate, All is clear. Joe threatened to withhold aid if a prosecutor he didn't like wasn't fired. and his know-nothing son was being paid $80,00/month just to be a Biden.
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I want to break down your 'alternative facts' with the actual facts

a) The President of the United States had already had the reports from U.S. military and the U.S. State Department regarding corruption. The standard was not 'no corruption' but that corruption had been reduced- and that didn't change when Trump abruptly released the funds. Remember the only thing that changed from the time that President Trump put a hold on the funds to the time he released them was 1) Congress found out about his secret withholding of the funds, 2) Trump found out someone had filed a whistleblower report that was going to end up in Congress and 3) Zelinsky had agreed to make a public announcement on CNN that Ukraine was investigating Trump's political rival.

Also remember- at no point has Trump asked Ukraine to investigate corruption in Ukraine- he asked Ukraine to investigate a) a conspiracy theory about Ukraine and the 2016 U.S. election, the mythical DNC server/Crowdstrike and Joe and Hunter Biden. All of those date back to 2016 or before and none of them have anything to do with the current state of Ukrainian corruption. Which the U.S. military and state department both certified as being improved.

b) There was no need for Trump to inquire about his political rival- because he has law enforcement to pursue actual investigations. As you know there is no evidence of any crimes by either Hunter or Joe Biden, but if there was, certainly the FBI would be the correct way to pursue it- not a secret call to a foreign leader pressuring him to make a public announcement of an inquiry into his political rival.

c) The Ukrainians have been dealing with corrupt regimes since the fall of the Soviet Union. The entire American aid program has always been contingent on Ukraine reducing the levels of corruption. That was one of the key missions of Yovanovich. The new President of Ukraine got elected in large part to fight corruption. By Trump calling him to ask him for a purely personal political favor in exchange for American aid just contradicts America's entire plan in Ukraine.

d) Obama didn't give just blankets. Once again you are just parroting what you hear from your Dear Leader and his Fox propaganda wing.

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Armored Humvees are not blankets.
So then he (Obama) gets the same blame that I'm giving to Trump. Not only did he give them aid, but he gave them MILITARY aid (twice as bad).
It was proven when Biden allowed his threat to the Ukrainians to be videoed.

I don't believe it. There is no such tape. What you have is a tape of Joe talking about it a few years later. In reality our 1 billion in loan guarantees was dwarfed by EU and the IMF one. The EU and the IMF wanted the same thing we wanted. They were serious about rooting out corruption. Not strong arming a sovereign government into generating investigations into domestic political rivals.
I want to break down your 'alternative facts' with the actual facts

a) The President of the United States had already had the reports from U.S. military and the U.S. State Department regarding corruption. The standard was not 'no corruption' but that corruption had been reduced- and that didn't change when Trump abruptly released the funds. Remember the only thing that changed from the time that President Trump put a hold on the funds to the time he released them was 1) Congress found out about his secret withholding of the funds, 2) Trump found out someone had filed a whistleblower report that was going to end up in Congress and 3) Zelinsky had agreed to make a public announcement on CNN that Ukraine was investigating Trump's political rival.

Also remember- at no point has Trump asked Ukraine to investigate corruption in Ukraine- he asked Ukraine to investigate a) a conspiracy theory about Ukraine and the 2016 U.S. election, the mythical DNC server/Crowdstrike and Joe and Hunter Biden. All of those date back to 2016 or before and none of them have anything to do with the current state of Ukrainian corruption. Which the U.S. military and state department both certified as being improved.

b) There was no need for Trump to inquire about his political rival- because he has law enforcement to pursue actual investigations. As you know there is no evidence of any crimes by either Hunter or Joe Biden, but if there was, certainly the FBI would be the correct way to pursue it- not a secret call to a foreign leader pressuring him to make a public announcement of an inquiry into his political rival.

c) The Ukrainians have been dealing with corrupt regimes since the fall of the Soviet Union. The entire American aid program has always been contingent on Ukraine reducing the levels of corruption. That was one of the key missions of Yovanovich. The new President of Ukraine got elected in large part to fight corruption. By Trump calling him to ask him for a purely personal political favor in exchange for American aid just contradicts America's entire plan in Ukraine.

d) Obama didn't give just blankets. Once again you are just parroting what you hear from your Dear Leader and his Fox propaganda wing.

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Armored Humvees are not blankets.

1. So then he (Obama) gets the same blame that I'm giving to Trump, for giving aid to Ukraine, despite the Bidens corruption.

2. No point in giving me your Democrat propaganda wing parrot squawks.
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Well lets see.
There is no evidence of either Hunter Biden or Joe Biden committing any crime.

There is evidence of Trump having a secret phone call and secret inquiries to get Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation into his political rival.

The thread is not about what is or isn't a "crime". It is about whether aid should have been given to Ukraine, when there was openly admitted corruption by the Bidens.

Please stay on topic.
I don't believe it. There is no such tape. What you have is a tape of Joe talking about it a few years later. In reality our 1 billion in loan guarantees was dwarfed by EU and the IMF one. The EU and the IMF wanted the same thing we wanted. They were serious about rooting out corruption. Not strong arming a sovereign government into generating investigations into domestic political rivals.
Is that the latest bullshit coming from CNN, MSNBC or other laughingstock factories ?

Of course there is the tape and of course it was before the aid was given. Biden threatened them that he would withhold aid. It's impossible to say you're GOING TO withhold aid (future tense), and have it be a few years after. (when you're not even in power anymore) The video was made Jan. 23, 2016.

Another example of Democrats being willing to say anything. :rolleyes:

joe biden threatning to wihhold aid froim ukraine - Bing video
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I can’t believe people are still going with the Biden corruption angle when it was so thoroughly disproven in last weeks testimony.
It was proven when Biden allowed his threat to the Ukrainians to be videoed. It is is airhead Hunter and his big money job.

That Joe Biden, acting as the representative of the United States and as part of official U.S. policy pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor?

No one denies that.

That Joe Biden did anything wrong? There is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything that was not part of U.S. policy.

He wasn't making secret calls and asking a foreign government to investigate his political rival.
Trump Schmump. why dont the failing new york times open up a fucking foreign bureau from moscow to kyiv and investigate the Bidens, if they really want the facts, after they find nothing on our great president!
The Bidens need not be investigated. There is nothing to investigate, All is clear. Joe threatened to withhold aid if a prosecutor he didn't like wasn't fired. and his know-nothing son was being paid $80,00/month just to be a Biden.

Okay- we are in agreement- the Biden's didn't do anything illegal.

Why did Trump demand an investigation into Biden?

In order to smear his political rival.
First of all, as so commonly happens when Democrats try to pull off another anti-Trump coup, the entire definition of this issue has become distorted to how they wish it to appear.
The President of the United States is required to investigate whether foreign countries seeking US aid are involved in corruption, to insure that the aid is properly used. That aid is supposed to be withheld if corruption is found.

There was no need for Trump to inquire about corruption as pertaining to then Vice-President Joe Biden (who openly broadcasted it on video). Clearly, there was corruption pertaining to Hunter Biden, who brought nothing to the Burisma table other than being the son of the US Vice-President.

Maybe Trump was wrong to allow Ukraine to get the aid they got, as was Obama who also gave Ukraine aid (although he did withhold MILITARY aid, and just gave blankets). By giving aid in the face of the Biden/Burisma corruption, the Ukrainians now become comfortable in engaging in corruption, while requesting US aid.

I want to break down your 'alternative facts' with the actual facts

a) The President of the United States had already had the reports from U.S. military and the U.S. State Department regarding corruption. The standard was not 'no corruption' but that corruption had been reduced- and that didn't change when Trump abruptly released the funds. Remember the only thing that changed from the time that President Trump put a hold on the funds to the time he released them was 1) Congress found out about his secret withholding of the funds, 2) Trump found out someone had filed a whistleblower report that was going to end up in Congress and 3) Zelinsky had agreed to make a public announcement on CNN that Ukraine was investigating Trump's political rival.

Also remember- at no point has Trump asked Ukraine to investigate corruption in Ukraine- he asked Ukraine to investigate a) a conspiracy theory about Ukraine and the 2016 U.S. election, the mythical DNC server/Crowdstrike and Joe and Hunter Biden. All of those date back to 2016 or before and none of them have anything to do with the current state of Ukrainian corruption. Which the U.S. military and state department both certified as being improved.

b) There was no need for Trump to inquire about his political rival- because he has law enforcement to pursue actual investigations. As you know there is no evidence of any crimes by either Hunter or Joe Biden, but if there was, certainly the FBI would be the correct way to pursue it- not a secret call to a foreign leader pressuring him to make a public announcement of an inquiry into his political rival.

c) The Ukrainians have been dealing with corrupt regimes since the fall of the Soviet Union. The entire American aid program has always been contingent on Ukraine reducing the levels of corruption. That was one of the key missions of Yovanovich. The new President of Ukraine got elected in large part to fight corruption. By Trump calling him to ask him for a purely personal political favor in exchange for American aid just contradicts America's entire plan in Ukraine.

d) Obama didn't give just blankets. Once again you are just parroting what you hear from your Dear Leader and his Fox propaganda wing.

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Armored Humvees are not blankets.
So then he (Obama) gets the same blame that I'm giving to Trump. Not only did he give them aid, but he gave them MILITARY aid (twice as bad).

Just pointing out that you were the one that blindly parroted the lies you were fed.

I am not blaming Obama or Trump for giving any aid to Ukraine. Personally I think Obama should have been offering lethal aid. Also personally, I don't think Trump should have held up the Congressionally approved funding for Trump's own personal political interests.
Well lets see.
There is no evidence of either Hunter Biden or Joe Biden committing any crime.

There is evidence of Trump having a secret phone call and secret inquiries to get Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation into his political rival.

The thread is not about what is or isn't a "crime". It is about whether aid should have been given to Ukraine, when there was openly admitted corruption by the Bidens.

Please stay on topic.

There is no openly admitted corruption by the Biden's.

There was an openly admitted pressure by the United States to reduce corruption in Ukraine.

Which of course had nothing to do with Trump's pressure on Ukraine to make a public announcement it was investigating his political rival.
Until he gets down to the bottom of Ukraine meddling in the 2016 Election? I see no reason why he should play ball with them. The executive sets foreign policy.

From what it appears, the establishment and the corporate media are doing everything they can to deflect attention from the very real established facts of election meddling by the Ukrainian political establishment.

It seems to me, a real national and bureaucratic hypocrisy to focus on "Russian" meddling, while just giving a pass on Ukraine meddling that is an open secret.

No one seems to care.

Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side
Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side


". . . Thus, the audio recording made public in the Ukrainian media was one piece of evidence of Ukraine’s interference. According to it, a person with a voice similar to the voice of the head of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, admitted that he had supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election.

His office was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the Ukrainian «black ledger», which implicated Paul Manafort, to the media. The document contained a list of secret payments made by Ukraine’s Party of Regions to Manafort.

Earlier, the county administrative court of Kyiv had pledged the director of the NABU Artem Sytnyk, and a member of the Ukrainian Parliament Sergey Leshchenko guilty of publicizing the pre-trial investigation materials concerning Paul Manafort and election interference. The information was spread illegally and inflicted damage on the foreign policy of Ukraine.. . . . "



Admit unlawful acts of the director of the NABU A. Sytnyk and the Ukrainian MP S. Leshchenko concerning the disclosure and distribution of the information about D. Trump’s campaign chairman P. Manafort and the presence of P.Manafort’s name and signatures in the lists of “The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” in the materials of the pre-trial investigation, which was the result of interference in the electoral processes of the United States of America in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine.



“The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” saved the world. Manafort, who was fed from Yanukovich’s hands, leaves with dishonor. Guess, after such a blow Trump will not recover.

P.S. We can clearly see the reaction of the Ukrainian politicians involved in “Yanukovich’s black ledgers”. Political culture – you’ve either got it or you haven’t”.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

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