Should taxpayers fund abortions for illegal immigrants? It's aborting an anchor baby

Should taxpayers fund abortions for illegal immigrants?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Reluctantly, yes....but no anchor babies!

  • Reluctantly, no.....because I want as many anchor babies as possible.

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Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
My pragmatic PERSONAL take is let's pay for the abortion and then deport the illegal immigrant.
So you really don't care about the right to life, do you. Shocking.......

I wish abortion didn't exist, but I also like minimal government constraints on people's freedoms.

For an example, I fucking hate root beer, but I don't want it outlawed.

My opinions are my own....shocking......

So you really don't care about the issue....just my opinion....shocking....
She's already got the money to pay for it, and it's not going to cost the taxpayers a thing.

Ever think that the reason she came here is because the healthcare where she came from sucks and she didn't want to have the kid, but she didn't want to die from the procedure either?
Last I heard abortion was still legal. Why can't an illegal immigrant find some abortion activist organization that will pay to hire a technician to kill her unborn baby and not burden taxpayers with the curse and the expense?
Maybe this should be in the 'HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE" forum. Sorry.
Last I heard abortion was still legal. Why can't an illegal immigrant find some abortion activist organization that will pay to hire a technician to kill her unborn baby and not burden taxpayers with the curse and the expense?

While I agree......they can't pay for birth control...and condoms are legal.

Illegal Immigrants are helpless and we need to pay for them entirely.
Last I heard abortion was still legal. Why can't an illegal immigrant find some abortion activist organization that will pay to hire a technician to kill her unborn baby and not burden taxpayers with the curse and the expense?
Even if she speaks flawless English, she can't locate resources if she is in custody.
What is even worse, is they are keeping this girl from going to REQUIRED doctor's appointments (ultrasound, talking to a doctor about alternatives), and if they stop her much longer, she will be past the 20 week point and not allowed to abort.
Why should the US be providing services, or assisting in obtaining services, to an illegal alien? Deport and she can get an abortion in Mexico.
Why should the US be providing services, or assisting in obtaining services, to an illegal alien? Deport and she can get an abortion in Mexico.

She's already got the full payment in cash, and no government funds are going to her at all. If it's legal, and she can pay, why stop her? She probably came here to the US so that she wouldn't die during the procedure.
Appeals court halts ruling allowing illegal immigrant teen to get abortion

According to the above report, federal officials are refusing to transport her or to free her to others to transport her for her abortion. They thus are keeping her as a slave. The report also notes that federal officials did transport her to a "pregnancy crisis center," which she has not indicated that she wants. In these circumstances. It also says that "HHS argued to the appeals court the department had a policy of "refusing to facilitate abortions" except in "very limited circumstances." Why this policy? It's none of the business of the federal government to force sectarian religious doctrine on any person or to force any person to comply with them, or to funnel any person into one of these spuriously operated religious indoctrination centers. What is wrong with HHS???
In these circumstances, I would recommend a lawsuit and hope that this girl wins damages in the millions. She already deserves it.
She can be deported, but her right to make her own decisions as to her condition should not be infringed with impunity.
She's already got the full payment in cash, and no government funds are going to her at all. If it's legal, and she can pay, why stop her? She probably came here to the US so that she wouldn't die during the procedure.

Deport her ass. It's not the government's job to taxi invaders around so they can do what they want to do before they're deported.

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