Should Republicans Bang the Tara Reade Drum?

How should Republicans handle the Tara Reade story?

  • Defend Biden for being targeted maliciously with ghost allegations from decades old events

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I dont know if I fully believe Tara Reade's story. Too many inconsistencies, it is too convenient for her politically (she is a Sanders fan) and the timing smells fishy to me.

Here is an article that critiques her claims, and another that supports her.

But I suspect Biden did something that offended her, but she was willing to continue supporting him politically for decades anyway.

Honestly, I sympathize with Biden on this one. The early 70s were crazy in sexual behavior. Almost any Baby Boomer probably has some sexual skellies in the closet.

Is it smart for Republicans to spend alot of time on this question?

I think that there are better issues to bring in voters that the GOP should spend more time on, like Trumps pragmatism in managing the COVID19 pandemic instead of just ignoring it (and he did not ignore it) vrs locking down the entire economy and watch it die.

Pelosi's obsession with impeaching Trump and driving this Russian collusion BS and then the Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo nonsense shows the Dimocrats cannot do anything productive so they try to distract the public with polikaka instead.

Trump got this economy humming along at tip top[ efficiency and it will be once again by end of October with lots of new Federali spending once again back for the new fiscal year.

Trumps trade deals have been phenomenal, and he has secured our borders with a drop of over 85% in illegal entries year over year.

Republicans should focus on that rather than aid Sanders partisans in cutting down Biden over decades old BS that 99% of voters could not care less about.
I like your take on this one. Had to go with the "discuss, but back burner". How it will ultimately shake out is not known and jumping on without definitive proof is exactly what they accuse (and rightly so) the Democrats of doing. Nice question options BTW.
On the enemy you go with full force.

Biden "banged" the woman, and wants to "bang" our economy as well, spare no resource in "banging" him.
On the enemy you go with full force.

Biden "banged" the woman, and wants to "bang" our economy as well, spare no resource in "banging" him.
There are so many issues for this election, that using much oxygen on a he-said-she-said story seems like you can easily smother all the legit issues to your own harm.
33 million unemployed people waiting in lines 3 miles long to get food, all they care about is dumping Trump and republicans -
I dont know if I fully believe Tara Reade's story. Too many inconsistencies, it is too convenient for her politically (she is a Sanders fan) and the timing smells fishy to me.

Here is an article that critiques her claims, and another that supports her.

But I suspect Biden did something that offended her, but she was willing to continue supporting him politically for decades anyway.

Honestly, I sympathize with Biden on this one. The early 70s were crazy in sexual behavior. Almost any Baby Boomer probably has some sexual skellies in the closet.

Is it smart for Republicans to spend alot of time on this question?

I think that there are better issues to bring in voters that the GOP should spend more time on, like Trumps pragmatism in managing the COVID19 pandemic instead of just ignoring it (and he did not ignore it) vrs locking down the entire economy and watch it die.

Pelosi's obsession with impeaching Trump and driving this Russian collusion BS and then the Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo nonsense shows the Dimocrats cannot do anything productive so they try to distract the public with polikaka instead.

Trump got this economy humming along at tip top[ efficiency and it will be once again by end of October with lots of new Federali spending once again back for the new fiscal year.

Trumps trade deals have been phenomenal, and he has secured our borders with a drop of over 85% in illegal entries year over year.

Republicans should focus on that rather than aid Sanders partisans in cutting down Biden over decades old BS that 99% of voters could not care less about.
Should we "bang' Tara's drum?

WTF? The democrat's circular firing squad is in full view and the OP wants to do something?
Let it play, see what happens. Either way Trump wins and there is even more dissension in the dem party.
Did Bernie put Tara up to it?
Did someone else put her up to it? Is a book deal involved?
After what the dems put Kavanaugh thru, this Tara furor is well deserved.
The trump people’s really want to throw this stone ?

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