Should people be allowed to burn the gay pride flag?

I don't give a shit about the fag flag.

An American flag should only be burned at a VFW or American Legion Post in a flag burning ceremony, normally held by the Boy Scouts of America when the flag is tattered, torn or unserviceable.

We may have freedom of speech or freedom of "expression" but to me and many others, burning an American flag is one of the most heinous and despicable acts to dishonor Americans, along with kneeling NFL players. I have never witnessed a "freedom of expression" flag burning or ass wiping but if I did I would provoke the SOB into a fight and attempt to cripple or kill his (or her) sorry ass.

During a 4 day period in Nov 1965 I participated in a battle with 1000 other Americans and we lost a total of 234 men killed and 245 wounded.Whenever we go to the Viet Nam Wall now to mourn our dead I always apologize to them for the actions of the "freedom of expression" MFers. Plus, of the 1000 I mentioned, only about 75 of them are alive today. Agent Orange got us all.

I am sorry if I offended anyone here but I am just exercising my freedom of expression.

For anyone interested, you can read about the battle I described.

Battle of Ia Drang - Wikipedia

Well that's why we have a Bill of Rights and not a Bill of Obligations.

That's not in the Bill of Rights. It's all in the heads of the walking dead in SCOTUS and we're gonna change that shit.

Sure it is. You just exercised your Freedom of Speech, just like some NFLers do on game day in protesting Police Brutality. As a citizen of this great nation I'm under no constitutional obligation to stand with my hand over my heart during the National Anthem while attending a pubic event. Fascist nations may have such requirements but lack of such blatant authoritarianism is one of the things that makes this one of the greatest countries ever.
I don't give a shit about the fag flag.

An American flag should only be burned at a VFW or American Legion Post in a flag burning ceremony, normally held by the Boy Scouts of America when the flag is tattered, torn or unserviceable.

We may have freedom of speech or freedom of "expression" but to me and many others, burning an American flag is one of the most heinous and despicable acts to dishonor Americans, along with kneeling NFL players. I have never witnessed a "freedom of expression" flag burning or ass wiping but if I did I would provoke the SOB into a fight and attempt to cripple or kill his (or her) sorry ass.

During a 4 day period in Nov 1965 I participated in a battle with 1000 other Americans and we lost a total of 234 men killed and 245 wounded.Whenever we go to the Viet Nam Wall now to mourn our dead I always apologize to them for the actions of the "freedom of expression" MFers. Plus, of the 1000 I mentioned, only about 75 of them are alive today. Agent Orange got us all.

I am sorry if I offended anyone here but I am just exercising my freedom of expression.

For anyone interested, you can read about the battle I described.

Battle of Ia Drang - Wikipedia

Well that's why we have a Bill of Rights and not a Bill of Obligations.

That's not in the Bill of Rights. It's all in the heads of the walking dead in SCOTUS and we're gonna change that shit.
Hoss, SCOTUS is not going to back up on the rulings that it has made. The next set of rulings on weapons, for instance, will narrowly define just what set of "weapons of war" that civilians may have in their normal, daily lives.

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