Should Either Political Side in the U.S. Object to this Statement by Trump, Re: Tarrifs on Companies that send Jobs out of the Country?

Political parties are the downfall of our country. Those folks are out of touch with the average American.
Lib hate extends beyond trump

As we can see from the posters on this forum libs hate MAGA’s just as much as they despise trump

The left wants a very different America and conservatives are standing in the way
Except Trump didn't mention repealing or replacing Obamacare in 2020.

But he's talking about doing it in 2024

In his early days on the campaign trail, circa 2015, he said on CNN he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with “something terrific,” and on Sean Hannity’s radio show he said the replacement would be “something great.” Fast-forward to 2020. Trump has promised an Obamacare replacement plan five times so far this year. And the plan is always said to be just a few weeks away.

Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes - KFF Health News
Only because you think that way. You are arguing "We have to vote for failure, we have no other choice". Bull.

Because they can't stand the two failed options. How many times should one be able to fail before being replaced?
1. We voters ALL think that way because that is REALITY. We do have choices, during the primaries. Whichever candidates win the primaries are the choices of the MAJORITY of voters. You are saying that the majorities are wrong. I disagree, That is how a democracy works.

2. You keep saying the two parties fail without proving so. If a third option was viable it would garner support. For example, if Joe Manchin ran as the "No Labels" party candidate he might do like Ross Perot and gain a significant number of votes, but still not win any electoral votes. Why? Because the "majority" of voters prefer the policies of the two main parties.

3rd party candidates are doomed to fail. A much better option is to join the R or D party and negotiate a policy modification or two. At least that would be a net gain, as opposed to always getting nothing.
Except Trump didn't mention repealing or replacing Obamacare in 2020.

But he's talking about doing it in 2024

In 2020 that was still too recent of a failure, so he could not talk about it. But he knows that by now all his followers have forgotten about his lies in 2016 and they will fall for it again
1. We voters ALL think that way because that is REALITY. We do have choices, during the primaries. Whichever candidates win the primaries are the choices of the MAJORITY of voters. You are saying that the majorities are wrong. I disagree, That is how a democracy works.

2. You keep saying the two parties fail without proving so. If a third option was viable it would garner support. For example, if Joe Manchin ran as the "No Labels" party candidate he might do like Ross Perot and gain a significant number of votes, but still not win any electoral votes. Why? Because the "majority" of voters prefer the policies of the two main parties.

3rd party candidates are doomed to fail. A much better option is to join the R or D party and negotiate a policy modification or two. At least that would be a net gain, as opposed to always getting nothing.

I might vote for Manchin. Why wouldn't you? Your neighbors? You are stuck in complete failure mode.
Lib hate extends beyond trump

As we can see from the posters on this forum libs hate MAGA’s just as much as they despise trump

The left wants a very different America and conservatives are standing in the way
There aren't enough conservatives in the GOP to stop the liberal agenda.
Its not a free hit. It hurts everyone. Tarriffs should be used when there are issues like slavery and other human ri.ghts abuses.
Trump is too dumb to understand this sort of thing.
I suppose as long as your country has a fully funded wipe-every-nose welfare state it makes sense to produce everything in china so that Brits can lounge around and do nothing all day

But we have a stronger work ethic in America
1. We voters ALL think that way because that is REALITY. We do have choices, during the primaries. Whichever candidates win the primaries are the choices of the MAJORITY of voters. You are saying that the majorities are wrong. I disagree, That is how a democracy works.

It is a reality because you choose to make it so.
Anyone can win if people will vote for them.

You are stuck in an endless loop of circular thinking.....
1. True.

2. It's NOT circular thinking, it's called REALITY. Voters know that there are NEVER 3rd party candidates that can get enough votes to win an election. Ross Perot gained a lot of votes but didn't win even one state. 3rd party candidates are ALWAYS doomed to fail. A much better option is to join the R or D party and negotiate a policy modification or two. At least that would be a net policy gain, as opposed to always getting nothing. Always losing and losing and losing.........
2. It's NOT circular thinking, it's called REALITY.

A self imposed reality due to your own choices.

A much better option is to join the R or D party and negotiate a policy modification or two. At least that would be a net policy gain, as opposed to always getting nothing. Always losing and losing and losing.........

how has that worked out? Would you say the country is in better or worse shape since Perot made his run?
How about instead of tariffs, why not programs that make it economical for American business to make it over here, instead of buying it from China.
Its worth considering

But we have a much higher standard of living here and that means higher wages

So other than that what do you have in mind?
How about instead of tariffs, why not programs that make it economical for American business to make it over here, instead of buying it from China.
If the government estimated a 3.5% growth for a year, tariffs to try to get real manufacturing to come home would take a few tenths of one percent of that growth. So perhaps its 3.2% or so. It took decades for us to pack up our manufacturing and give it away. It will take time to get it back home. We are growing government. We are growing government employees. We are growing government social programs. Manufacturing out of all types of employment produces the most other employment that services it. We used to be Pax Americana. We kept everything we could. Then we were sold on globalist partnerships. Someone has to lose from that. And since we were at the top, we had the most to lose.
1. True.

2. It's NOT circular thinking, it's called REALITY. Voters know that there are NEVER 3rd party candidates that can get enough votes to win an election. Ross Perot gained a lot of votes but didn't win even one state. 3rd party candidates are ALWAYS doomed to fail. A much better option is to join the R or D party and negotiate a policy modification or two. At least that would be a net policy gain, as opposed to always getting nothing. Always losing and losing and losing.........

You want us to go 8 trillion in debt as opposed to 9 trillion in debt. A difference of no real significance.
Anyone can win if people will vote for them.

You are stuck in an endless loop of circular thinking.....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....third parties cannot win because nobody will vote for them, nobody will vote for them because they cannot win....
Libs like you love 3rd party candidate because you know they cant win

If they did win you would have to answer for their mistakes

As long as its biden or trump you can freely bitch and moan till the next election and say “I told you so”
Libs like you love 3rd party candidate because you know they cant win

If they did win you would have to answer for their mistakes

You answer to their mistakes by not re-electing them.
Anyone can win if people will vote for them.

Third parties need to build from the ground up. Put their efforts into local races in all 50 states, and get a permanent seat on the ballot like the democrats and republicans.

Then work their way up to the state level, take seats in the legislature and work it as a coalition. Then go for congress, and again work it as a coalition.

Only then, run somebody for president. Then they would have a chance of winning.

Today they jump in, and can't even get their names on the ballot in all 50 states.
Which has nothing to do with the fact FPOTUS#45 is a hypocrite.

Maybe you never owned a business but a businessman has to make a profit

Which he cant do if the competition is way underpriced

Trump would have produce here just like everyone else

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