Should Christians be less tolerant of heresy and blasphemy and all that satanic stuff nowadays?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
el caballero
Just remember what St. Bonifacius did, he cut off the holy tree of the pagans, and he showed them they are powerless and they became Christians. Maybe Christians need new radicalism, new zeal? To go out and preach radical.
Just remember what St. Bonifacius did, he cut off the holy tree of the pagans, and he showed them they are powerless and they became Christians. Maybe Christians need new radicalism, new zeal? To go out and preach radical.
And so what, exactly? Here in the free democratic West, we do not have a state religion, nor does any religion have the right or power to push itself forcefully on anyone.

Christianity spread mostly by violence and force, which is why so many of us are very certain that those days are OVER. Keep your religion in your church and out of my face!
Christianity has put down the sword in favor of peaceful persuasion.

The Muslims could learn by our example.
Mortimer wants to prove to us that he is a better Christian than Jesus.
Jesus had a mission on earth but he will come a second time then he will reveal the full wrath we are called to seek the kingdom of God Jesus will the second time establish the kingdom of God Jesus was not a hippie because he is the same God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

Jesus came on earth and he dinned with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes etc. not to be tolerant but to call them to repentance, his whole message is that we are called to repentance and to follow him. He will come a second time, then he will reveal the full wrath to those who didnt accepted the Son of God.

Jesus came on earth and he dinned with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes etc. not to be tolerant but to call them to repentance, his whole message is that we are called to repentance and to follow him. He will come a second time, then he will reveal the full wrath to those who didnt accepted the Son of God.

Interesting. Do you repent being an attention seeking snowflake? Are we too tolerant in accepting you as such?

Jesus came on earth and he dinned with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes etc. not to be tolerant but to call them to repentance, his whole message is that we are called to repentance and to follow him. He will come a second time, then he will reveal the full wrath to those who didnt accepted the Son of God.

Interesting. Do you repent being an attention seeking snowflake? Are we too tolerant in accepting you as such?

Who are we you don't speak for anyone else
We are suppose to not get involved with the things of this world. But put the words from God as the real truth.

I'm not a Christian, but I communicate with many believers ... And yes, it would be healthy if they became a little more tolerant of those who differ from their own opinions.

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