Should Any Politician Suspected of Suffering Cognitive Problems Be Allowed To By-Pass Congress & Rule By Personal Edict?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The increased use of executive orders and other presidential directives is a fundamental problem in modern-day America. The Constitution does not give one individual an "executive pen" enabling that individual to single-handedly write his preferred policy into law. Despite this lack of constitutional authority, presidential directives have been increasingly used-both by Republicans and Democrats3 o promulgate laws and to support public policy initiatives in a manner that circumvents the proper lawmaking body, the United States Congress. It would be foolhardy to ignore the danger inherent in this situation, simply because one might like the individual currently holding the presidential pen. 4 It would be hypocritical, as well as dangerous, to seek change when a president from the opposing political party is in power, but to ignore the problem once a president from one's own party has been elected.5

No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value, or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty .... The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

The Founding Fathers created the 'Separation of Powers' as a Checks-and-Balances to prevent WILLFUL TYRANNY or UNINTENDED damage to the nation caused by 1 individual attempting to rule by edict...especially when tha t1 person might be 'compromised' physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Also, at what point should a politician demonstrating growing mental incompetence / struggle be allowed to hold chairmanships of Committees / positions of great power or even be allowed to remain in office?

Diane Feinstein comes to immediate mind. Before the Democrats' 2nd Impeachment attempt against President Trump fellow Democrats questioned Feinstein's mental competence and talked publicly about asking her to step down form her Chairmanship.

What, if any, laws / regs / rules cover the question of at what point a politicians' ability to continue serving in office? Should it be left up to them?

Despite this lack of constitutional authority, presidential directives have been increasingly used-both by Republicans and Democrats3 o promulgate laws and to support public policy initiatives in a manner that circumvents the proper lawmaking body, the United States Congress.

Increasingly polarized, Congress spends most of it's time locked in partisan stalemate because of the 60 vote cloture rule. Without the ability to legislate or the gumption to override and EO from their own parties president, EO's are the only way to get anything done.
The increased use of executive orders and other presidential directives is a fundamental problem in modern-day America. The Constitution does not give one individual an "executive pen" enabling that individual to single-handedly write his preferred policy into law. Despite this lack of constitutional authority, presidential directives have been increasingly used-both by Republicans and Democrats3 o promulgate laws and to support public policy initiatives in a manner that circumvents the proper lawmaking body, the United States Congress. It would be foolhardy to ignore the danger inherent in this situation, simply because one might like the individual currently holding the presidential pen. 4 It would be hypocritical, as well as dangerous, to seek change when a president from the opposing political party is in power, but to ignore the problem once a president from one's own party has been elected.5

No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value, or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty .... The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

The Founding Fathers created the 'Separation of Powers' as a Checks-and-Balances to prevent WILLFUL TYRANNY or UNINTENDED damage to the nation caused by 1 individual attempting to rule by edict...especially when tha t1 person might be 'compromised' physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Also, at what point should a politician demonstrating growing mental incompetence / struggle be allowed to hold chairmanships of Committees / positions of great power or even be allowed to remain in office?

Diane Feinstein comes to immediate mind. Before the Democrats' 2nd Impeachment attempt against President Trump fellow Democrats questioned Feinstein's mental competence and talked publicly about asking her to step down form her Chairmanship.

What, if any, laws / regs / rules cover the question of at what point a politicians' ability to continue serving in office? Should it be left up to them?

The thread premise is a lie.

No one is ‘ruling’ by ‘edict.’
The pieces of shit who demanded Trump be removed via 25th ammendent in 2017 had better be singing the same tune with Biden.

UNLESS..........Liberals are hypocrites? Is that possible?
The pieces of shit who demanded Trump be removed via 25th ammendent in 2017 had better be singing the same tune with Biden.

UNLESS..........Liberals are hypocrites? Is that possible?

The #1 responsibility of even having a Gov't is to provide National Security.
Installed Bi-Dung and our illegitimate executive branch has already dropped the ball on this by perpetuating an open border policy on our Southern flank!!!
Despite this lack of constitutional authority, presidential directives have been increasingly used-both by Republicans and Democrats3 o promulgate laws and to support public policy initiatives in a manner that circumvents the proper lawmaking body, the United States Congress.

Increasingly polarized, Congress spends most of it's time locked in partisan stalemate because of the 60 vote cloture rule. Without the ability to legislate or the gumption to override and EO from their own parties president, EO's are the only way to get anything done.
The tough decisions they do not do. The spending decisions is what they are about today. Laws passed during FDR to just a decade ago for example affect us today. The costs increasing more and more and we have 2% growth or so. Biden. has kicked off inflation as the prices are starting to rise a bit faster now. Biden was installed as President by the power elites and the criminal political class.
The pieces of shit who demanded Trump be removed via 25th ammendent in 2017 had better be singing the same tune with Biden.

UNLESS..........Liberals are hypocrites? Is that possible?

The #1 responsibility of even having a Gov't is to provide National Security.
Installed Bi-Dung and our illegitimate executive branch has already dropped the ball on this by perpetuating an open border policy on our Southern flank!!!

Releasing hundreds if not thousands of COVID positive illegals into gen pop.

Where is the liberal outrage?
The increased use of executive orders and other presidential directives is a fundamental problem in modern-day America. The Constitution does not give one individual an "executive pen" enabling that individual to single-handedly write his preferred policy into law. Despite this lack of constitutional authority, presidential directives have been increasingly used-both by Republicans and Democrats3 o promulgate laws and to support public policy initiatives in a manner that circumvents the proper lawmaking body, the United States Congress. It would be foolhardy to ignore the danger inherent in this situation, simply because one might like the individual currently holding the presidential pen. 4 It would be hypocritical, as well as dangerous, to seek change when a president from the opposing political party is in power, but to ignore the problem once a president from one's own party has been elected.5

No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value, or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty .... The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

The Founding Fathers created the 'Separation of Powers' as a Checks-and-Balances to prevent WILLFUL TYRANNY or UNINTENDED damage to the nation caused by 1 individual attempting to rule by edict...especially when tha t1 person might be 'compromised' physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Also, at what point should a politician demonstrating growing mental incompetence / struggle be allowed to hold chairmanships of Committees / positions of great power or even be allowed to remain in office?

Diane Feinstein comes to immediate mind. Before the Democrats' 2nd Impeachment attempt against President Trump fellow Democrats questioned Feinstein's mental competence and talked publicly about asking her to step down form her Chairmanship.

What, if any, laws / regs / rules cover the question of at what point a politicians' ability to continue serving in office? Should it be left up to them?

Let us not forget Trump, yes? He either suffers from cognitive issues or is a total moron.
The pieces of shit who demanded Trump be removed via 25th ammendent in 2017 had better be singing the same tune with Biden.

UNLESS..........Liberals are hypocrites? Is that possible?

The #1 responsibility of even having a Gov't is to provide National Security.
Installed Bi-Dung and our illegitimate executive branch has already dropped the ball on this by perpetuating an open border policy on our Southern flank!!!

Releasing hundreds if not thousands of COVID positive illegals into gen pop.

Where is the liberal outrage?

Future voters in combination with passing H.R. 1 in order to obtain perpetual political power IS THE DESIGN! The phrase 'party over Country' never held so true as now for the Dimms!!!
The Founding Fathers created the 'Separation of Powers' as a Checks-and-Balances to prevent WILLFUL TYRANNY or UNINTENDED damage to the nation caused by 1 individual attempting to rule by edict...especially when tha t1 person might be 'compromised' physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Your quote about the "Founding Fathers" is a perfect description of Trump during his 4 year tenure. Fortunately, he is no longer on his throne.
The Founding Fathers created the 'Separation of Powers' as a Checks-and-Balances to prevent WILLFUL TYRANNY or UNINTENDED damage to the nation caused by 1 individual attempting to rule by edict...especially when tha t1 person might be 'compromised' physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Your quote about the "Founding Fathers" is a perfect description of Trump during his 4 year tenure. Fortunately, he is no longer on his throne.
It was recently said to me that snowflakes' belief Trump suffered from mental issues stems from their irrational hatred of him.

If Trump was mentally unstable, how do snowflakes explain a mentally unstable Presisent kicking the Democrats' asses for 4 years, defeating their every treasonous attempted coups, exposing Barry's criminal collusion with our foreign enemies, exposing Barry's criminal agency directors as having violated both Constitution and Laws, having illegally spied on everyone for decades, and defeating Hillary in 2016?

The only explanation is that Democrats are less intelligent and more incompetent than a mentally incompetent President Trump...a real bunch of retards...

...meanwhile Biden doesn't know where he us half the time or the name of his own Cabinet members.

The Founding Fathers created the 'Separation of Powers' as a Checks-and-Balances to prevent WILLFUL TYRANNY or UNINTENDED damage to the nation caused by 1 individual attempting to rule by edict...especially when tha t1 person might be 'compromised' physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Your quote about the "Founding Fathers" is a perfect description of Trump during his 4 year tenure. Fortunately, he is no longer on his throne.
It was recently said to me that snowflakes' belief Trump suffered from mental issues stems from their irrational hatred of him.

If Trump was mentally unstable, how do snowflakes explain a mentally unstable Presisent kicking the Democrats' asses for 4 years, defeating their every treasonous attempted coups, exposing Barry's criminal collusion with our foreign enemies, exposing Barry's criminal agency directors as having violated both Constitution and Laws, having illegally spied on everyone for decades, and defeating Hillary in 2016?

The only explanation is that Democrats are less intelligent and more incompetent than a mentally incompetent President Trump...a real bunch of retards...

...meanwhile Biden doesn't know where he us half the time or the name of his own Cabinet members.


I'm coming to the conclusion that American muppets deserve the ass-raping that Bi-Dung and the Dimm's are delivering! :ssex:

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