Should Angela Paxton Recuse Herself Or Fight For Her Husband, I Mean Texas


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"On Saturday, the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach Ken Paxton on a range of charges, at least one of which involved his wife, and at least one of which related to an alleged extramarital affair. Ken Paxton is suspended while the Senate decides whether he should be removed from office. As Ken Paxton’s scandals have mounted, Angela Paxton has stood by his side, and over two terms in the Senate seat he once held, she has done little to disentangle her political legacy from her husband’s. On the campaign trail, she’s known for performing a version of an Al Dexter song, singing, “I’m a pistol-packin’ mama, and my husband sues Obama, I’m a pistol-packin’ mama, yes I am.”

Now that pistol-packin’ mama is one of 31 senators who hold her husband’s fate in their hands. It’s unclear what her role should or would be in the trial; while the Texas Constitution says legislators should recuse themselves from matters in which they have a personal stake, it also says all senators shall be present for an impeachment trial."

Why should Angela have to recuse herself? The Constitution says a Senator "should" recuse themselves but it doesn't say they "MUST" recuse themselves. What if the communist controlled Texas House brings forth bogus charges in order to remove one of the greatest State Attorney Generals in US history, isn't it her duty to fight back? Who cares about the optics of it all?

To give you an idea of how bogus this impeachment of the charges of corruption is about how Ken cheated on his wife and had his donor give the woman he had an affair with a job in exchange for favors as Attorney you really think his wife wouldn't have said anything if this were true?? Why would anyone who cheated on their wife want their wife to sit in judgement of them? Of course he never cheated..and even if he did, how is that corruption? Are you saying it's corruption to help a broad out who is sucking your dick more efficiently than your wife? We should impeach all of the Soros-paid state reps who voted to impeach..this is a clear cut case of cultural Marxism taking over the Texas State House.

"On Saturday, the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach Ken Paxton on a range of charges, at least one of which involved his wife, and at least one of which related to an alleged extramarital affair. Ken Paxton is suspended while the Senate decides whether he should be removed from office. As Ken Paxton’s scandals have mounted, Angela Paxton has stood by his side, and over two terms in the Senate seat he once held, she has done little to disentangle her political legacy from her husband’s. On the campaign trail, she’s known for performing a version of an Al Dexter song, singing, “I’m a pistol-packin’ mama, and my husband sues Obama, I’m a pistol-packin’ mama, yes I am.”

Now that pistol-packin’ mama is one of 31 senators who hold her husband’s fate in their hands. It’s unclear what her role should or would be in the trial; while the Texas Constitution says legislators should recuse themselves from matters in which they have a personal stake, it also says all senators shall be present for an impeachment trial."

Why should Angela have to recuse herself? The Constitution says a Senator "should" recuse themselves but it doesn't say they "MUST" recuse themselves. What if the communist controlled Texas House brings forth bogus charges in order to remove one of the greatest State Attorney Generals in US history, isn't it her duty to fight back? Who cares about the optics of it all?

To give you an idea of how bogus this impeachment of the charges of corruption is about how Ken cheated on his wife and had his donor give the woman he had an affair with a job in exchange for favors as Attorney you really think his wife wouldn't have said anything if this were true?? Why would anyone who cheated on their wife want their wife to sit in judgement of them? Of course he never cheated..and even if he did, how is that corruption? Are you saying it's corruption to help a broad out who is sucking your dick more efficiently than your wife? We should impeach all of the Soros-paid state reps who voted to impeach..this is a clear cut case of cultural Marxism taking over the Texas State House.
Her husband is a Texan right? So if she fights for him, she's fighting for Texas.
The Deep State doesn't like good men. The RINOs and the Dems and Soros money will find a way to remove Paxton no matter what.

"On Saturday, the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach Ken Paxton on a range of charges, at least one of which involved his wife, and at least one of which related to an alleged extramarital affair. Ken Paxton is suspended while the Senate decides whether he should be removed from office. As Ken Paxton’s scandals have mounted, Angela Paxton has stood by his side, and over two terms in the Senate seat he once held, she has done little to disentangle her political legacy from her husband’s. On the campaign trail, she’s known for performing a version of an Al Dexter song, singing, “I’m a pistol-packin’ mama, and my husband sues Obama, I’m a pistol-packin’ mama, yes I am.”

Now that pistol-packin’ mama is one of 31 senators who hold her husband’s fate in their hands. It’s unclear what her role should or would be in the trial; while the Texas Constitution says legislators should recuse themselves from matters in which they have a personal stake, it also says all senators shall be present for an impeachment trial."

Why should Angela have to recuse herself? The Constitution says a Senator "should" recuse themselves but it doesn't say they "MUST" recuse themselves. What if the communist controlled Texas House brings forth bogus charges in order to remove one of the greatest State Attorney Generals in US history, isn't it her duty to fight back? Who cares about the optics of it all?

To give you an idea of how bogus this impeachment of the charges of corruption is about how Ken cheated on his wife and had his donor give the woman he had an affair with a job in exchange for favors as Attorney you really think his wife wouldn't have said anything if this were true?? Why would anyone who cheated on their wife want their wife to sit in judgement of them? Of course he never cheated..and even if he did, how is that corruption? Are you saying it's corruption to help a broad out who is sucking your dick more efficiently than your wife? We should impeach all of the Soros-paid state reps who voted to impeach..this is a clear cut case of cultural Marxism taking over the Texas State House.

Looking forward to how many of your fellow DemoKKKrats this one is going to take in!

You're the Pied Piper of retards here on USMB!
Looking forward to how many of your fellow DemoKKKrats this one is going to take in!

You're the Pied Piper of retards here on USMB!

The Deep State doesn't like good men. The RINOs and the Dems and Soros money will find a way to remove Paxton no matter what.

Why do you keep avoiding the comments from your circle jerk team mates??
Impeachment is just a political exercise. Most Americans don't really care for it.
Let's get something clear. Ken Paxton is a piece of shit. The fact that his articles of impeachment came from fellow Republicans should give his supporters pause to think. He has been indicted for securities fraud but has managed to avoid trial for years. Wonder how that happened. The investigation for his impeachment charges began when several of his employees were fired for reporting him to the FBI. They sued under the whistleblower law and WON millions, paid for by the people of Texas.

But my biggest problem with Paxton, he spends most his time suing federal and local governments. He is a dictator wannabe. But before another fool wants to defend this asshat I would suggest they spend a few moments going over the articles of impeachment.


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