Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?

If not, why?

If so, why?

Absolutely not. Not even a hint. For the same reason cars should not have televisions.

If we were a theocracy it could be justified. But we're not.
Absolutely not. Not even a hint. For the same reason cars should not have televisions.

If we were a theocracy it could be justified. But we're not.

Your post was weird, "For the same reason cars should not have televisions." didn't make sense to me.

Most cars today have TV's, but they are only allowed behind the front 2 seats so it won't distract the driver.

Theocracy was a solid term though, just didn't make sense with ^.
Absolutely not. Not even a hint. For the same reason cars should not have televisions.

If we were a theocracy it could be justified. But we're not.

Your post was weird, "For the same reason cars should not have televisions." didn't make sense to me.

Most cars today have TV's, but they are only allowed behind the front 2 seats so it won't distract the driver.

Theocracy was a solid term though, just didn't make sense with ^.

Well think about it. What would happen with a driver watching TV?
Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?

If not, why?

If so, why?


And where are the facts in your post? Why has this non factual post not been moved to the rhomperroom?

Questions don't need "facts". That's why we call them "questions".
Not according to the sacred "zone 2 rules"

The point of this thread doesn't seem to be a personal butthurt about what kind of threads the OP is forced to read.
Just an observation.
Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?

If not, why?

If so, why?


And where are the facts in your post? Why has this non factual post not been moved to the rhomperroom?

Questions don't need "facts". That's why we call them "questions".
Not according to the sacred "zone 2 rules"

The point of this thread doesn't seem to be a personal butthurt about what kind of threads the OP is forced to read.
Just an observation.
Get a grip & STAY ON TOPIC damnit.

And don't forget your facts. Speculation about my level of butthurtness does not qualify as facts.

Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?

If not, why?

If so, why?


And where are the facts in your post? Why has this non factual post not been moved to the rhomperroom?

Questions don't need "facts". That's why we call them "questions".
Not according to the sacred "zone 2 rules"

The point of this thread doesn't seem to be a personal butthurt about what kind of threads the OP is forced to read.
Just an observation.
Get a grip & STAY ON TOPIC damnit.

And don't forget your facts. Speculation about my level of butthurtness does not qualify as facts.


Then maybe you should stay on topic --- because that's what I responded to.

And where are the facts in your post? Why has this non factual post not been moved to the rhomperroom?

Questions don't need "facts". That's why we call them "questions".
Not according to the sacred "zone 2 rules"

The point of this thread doesn't seem to be a personal butthurt about what kind of threads the OP is forced to read.
Just an observation.
Get a grip & STAY ON TOPIC damnit.

And don't forget your facts. Speculation about my level of butthurtness does not qualify as facts.


Then maybe you should stay on topic --- because that's what I responded to.
Fuck you are dull. Go drink a beer, smoke a bowl or get laid. ANYTHING, you desperately need some personality
Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?

If not, why?

If so, why?


And where are the facts in your post? Why has this non factual post not been moved to the rhomperroom?

Perhaps because the Republican and Democratic party have "Christianity" in their party platform"

You should really study politics before discussing them...........

and.........P.S...............(It was all questions...."why wasn't this nonfactual post got bumped somewhere where I don't have to THINK!)
Should A Specific Religion Be In Any Party Platforms?

If not, why?

If so, why?


And where are the facts in your post? Why has this non factual post not been moved to the rhomperroom?

Perhaps because the Republican and Democratic party have "Christianity" in their party platform"

You should really study politics before discussing them...........
Because agreeing with everything a prospective party espouses is required?

Don't be such a robot
Questions don't need "facts". That's why we call them "questions".
Not according to the sacred "zone 2 rules"

The point of this thread doesn't seem to be a personal butthurt about what kind of threads the OP is forced to read.
Just an observation.
Get a grip & STAY ON TOPIC damnit.

And don't forget your facts. Speculation about my level of butthurtness does not qualify as facts.


Then maybe you should stay on topic --- because that's what I responded to.
Fuck you are dull. Go drink a beer, smoke a bowl or get laid. ANYTHING, you desperately need some personality

You might want to come back and review your uh, work tonight once you sober the fuck up.
Actually you might not want to...

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